Pujols to Angels
There is only one micro brewery to own them all .....DOGFISH HEAD . After that Lagunitas , harpoon , Averey .
Want to be a Marlins Manatee?!?!
Thought you guys might like this, fits perfect in this thread http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/blog/mlb_exper...a?urn=mlb,67475
Marlins' money deal no surprise
I have been on this board for about 5 years now . Im on here everyday at least 4 times a day. I hardly post on here , but this weeks trade has brought me out of the woodwork. Im so disgusted with Loria and that megalomaniac Samson . I don't care who you are and how much you love Loria and company , there is no way you can defend this group or this recent trade. Rferry , I unfortunately have wasted my time reading most of your post over the years and have come to the conclusion you are here for 1 reason only and that is to stir up the masses. Marlins2003 , you side with Loria and company alot but do it in a very professional and educated way , so I actually enjoy reading your posts. For the ones on here wishing death or threatening the lives of Loria and Samson , you few are completely out of your minds . I dont care if you are a diehard Marlins fan or a casual Marlins fan this trade is a kick in the face. This trade has effected the Marlins on so many levels. There is no way in hell the city , county or state officials are going to allow their tax payers money to be spent on a team who's ownership isn't commited to putting a quaility product on the field. This trade has proven to me that The current ownership is in no way , shape or form looking out for the best interest of the team.
Renyel Pinto
The only situation Pinto should be allowed to pitch for us is if were winning 15 to 1 and we want our closer to get the save in the 9th. :nono
Phils Fan here
Im not understanding why there is so much hate for Philly TEAMS , I can understand hating Philly Fans in general , but not the actual teams. How can you hate on them ? Like Philfan said they havent won a championship in any major pro sport in 20 years. hating the Phils to me is kinda like hating the Pirates , you want the fish to kill them in a series but you still feel bad for them because they cant get their sh*t together. I actually think Philsfan has been pretty nice after all these bad answers given by our forum , and yet no one has answered his initial question? Why does Olsen hate the phils so much? I honestly cant answer that but i will give my best guestimation, Olsen hates everyone!!! especially when he doesnt get his way. He is a fierce competitor (sp?) and his mouth consistantly gets him into trouble , I for one love this about that guy for one reason , Its entertaining.
Julio gotta go
Theres always a janitorial position at Dolphin stadium for this bum . but then again im sure he would find a way to screw that up somehow
William & Mary Falls Victim to the Politically Correct Movement
I can only imagine how many fans WWF lost when Chief Jay Strongbow came on to the wrestling scene . Also who can forget the ridicule that the Iron shiek faced when he stepped into the ring . Down right wrong, I say . Last but not least the loveable wild samoans Afa and Sika. Their Names alone Stand for nothing more than flat out racism . Again I will tell you good people...... The WWF is a hot bed of hatred and racism. Please stop watching it.
Is it safe to say we are done for?
Wow talk about Negative ! :thumbdown People like salami scare me . That was the first rule my Mom and Pop taught me, and the first rule I taught my Boys . NEVER QUIT . second was wipe from front to back :lol sorry bad joke
Scott O. vs. Joe G.
I cant believe I just wasted 3 minutes of my life reading anything redsox fan wrote after his first post on this thread ! :banghead
Listened to Mike and Mike this morning
I love that our boys are underdogs , It reminds me of a certain team in 2003 . :whistle
Second Guessing...
I was watching the game on mlb.tv just now and came on this site to comment on that missed opp. to bunt . You guys are much too fast for me . I didnt get to see the game last night , so im watching now . GOD I LOVE MLB.TV
Question from a newbie
Spikes comments on this thread could very well possibly be the worst spent 5 minutes of my life. :banghead
- Anyone going to Shea on 4/8?
Willingham Catching Praise
Thought this was interesting , and hopefully no one has stated this already. I picked up 2006 Major league Baseball fantasy guide and Yearbook , and was pleasantly suprised to see Willy as a top 5 catcher for fantasy league . If this has already been said sorry .
Contenders in 2006!?
Lucaze , I think your optimism is great and I hope your right . If I were you, I would take some baby steps first and shoot for the Marlins to field a .500 team first, Then worry about the Marlins making the post season . I truly hope your correct , but as for now im just hoping we have a winning season .