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  1. Hi Lehgo Mahleens
  2. CoastieMike posted a post in a topic in Miami Marlins
    anyone noticed they took away the Player Picks for each game?
  3. CoastieMike posted a post in a topic in Miami Marlins
    6/15 BALLY465
  4. CoastieMike posted a post in a topic in Sports
    So is Blake Snell offended to? He's worn du rags on his gaming channel a few times.
  5. CoastieMike posted a post in a topic in Miami Marlins
    6/4 BALLY689
  6. CoastieMike posted a post in a topic in Miami Marlins
    6/1 BALLY874
  7. He’s playing in the Olympics, I’m guessing he wants to play (won’t be eligible if with MLB)
  8. CoastieMike posted a post in a topic in Miami Marlins
    Did they stop doing this? Last year it was each game. It’s been about 2 series now.
  9. CoastieMike posted a post in a topic in Game Threads
    I like this idea.
  10. CoastieMike posted a post in a topic in Game Threads
    LEHGO MAHLENS Sandy got this today.
  11. Just give us a break baseball gods!
  12. As much as it shouldn’t happen, do people really expect to to not happen? It’s social media, it’s people hiding behind phones and computer. If you can’t handle the criticism, threats, etc, don’t post on social media. It is 100% wrong, but it’ll never not happen.
  14. CoastieMike posted a post in a topic in Miami Marlins
    Any codes tonight?
  15. CoastieMike posted a post in a topic in Game Threads
    Yordan Vestibulo?