How tall are you?
6' - with the afro 6'4"
Most Anticipated Movie
Willy Wanka :plain Can't wait to see the midgets 574182[/snapback] Actually they aren't using "little people" at all. They will be using people of average height standing really far away...
Have you ever dyed or highlighted your hair?
yes. this color: and over the years, black, blonde, pink, blue, purple..... 583758[/snapback] Wasn't there a Dr. Suess book - something about One Fishywishy Two Fishywishy Red Fishywishy Blue Fishywishy :whistle
- Any Classical Fans?
Need help thinkin of some good songs
In my day we listened to the 2 Live Crew
Captured really is one of the best live albums of all time. :thumbup
NFL Pick 'Em, week 3
Atlanta Baltimore Chicago Giants KC Tennessee New Orleans Philly Miami San Diego Green Bay San Francisco Oakland Dallas 7-7
I am changing my name!
How about HollIberry
Beckett being a baby...again
If we trade him, can I keep Leann :shifty
Hired By The Colorado Rockies
Well done. Go Gators!!! Any interest in scouting me...I've got a wicked 30 mph fastball. On alternate Wednesdays I can almost throw it over the plate even.
Britney Spears Ties The Knot.
Britney Spears is a Train Wreck.
Happy Birthday, FishyWishy!
Glad you like it. I bought it from some guy in a Trenchcoat downtown. :cool
Happy Birthday MiRi!!!!
Happy Birthday Miri! You may be a dork, but you're OUR dork!!
Happy Birthday, FishyWishy!
Happy Birthday! Did you get the flowers I sent you for your birthday?!? :balloons :balloons :balloons :balloons :balloons :balloons :balloons :balloons :balloons :balloons :balloons :balloons :balloons :balloons :balloons :balloons
Happy Birthday Freshy & AJBurnett34
Happy Birthday!
Pray 4 Rain
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