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  1. bulls***. 900232[/snapback] he went .. but ump should have asked for help
  2. GO STEVE!!!!!! 900229[/snapback] omg jinx :thumbdown
  3. Foladar posted a post in a topic in Sports
    yeah Punk'd has a history going after NBA players. in one episode they got A.I. and Jermaine O'Neal back to back 899774[/snapback] uh they go after just about anyone, not mainly nba players
  4. Foladar posted a post in a topic in Off-Topic
    It ended up at 21.48 for those curious
  5. It takes a certain amount of time for steroids to leave someone's system. The more potent the steroid, the longer it says in one's body, making the user still test positive even if he hadn't used the substance recently. With the new steroid policy's announcement almost exactly coinciding with Lowell's decline, it's beyond suspicious. No one said anything last year because Lowell usually struggles after the All-Star Break, but looking at the whole picture, it now actually seems to make a whole lot more sense... 898739[/snapback] .................../`` /:::::::::::``~, ................../:::,/`'''''''''''``-- ,:::\ ..................|::/ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? -|::::|YOU'RE FIRED!!!!!!! ...................\| ? ????_ - -_??? ?|::/....................... .....................................___ ...................-|? ? ??-`|: :| -?? ?|:/|....................... ................................_-~`` ? ? ? \.. ...................|;| ? ? ? / ? \ ? ? ? | ;/....... ......................................, ---~`` ? ` ? ? ? ? , / ...................`-| ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?|`............. ................................./` ? ? ? ? ? ?_?,?-```` ......................\ ? ?`????` ?,,- |,................ ................. ........./ ? ? ? ? ? ? /_,,__,, ........................`\ ? ? ?? ? /-` / ``~-,.............___... ...... ....../ ? ?'~,,,_? `? ? ? ?`|? ?\ .........................| ?-??? ? /::::::::::::`/``?/?::::::::\... ... .../? ? ? ?? ? ? ?\ /? ? ? |? ? | \ .....................,` :| ?/??\`~,/::::::::::::::/::::/::::/????`-,_,| ? ? ? ? ? ? ? |? ? ? ?/???| ? / ................-~`:: :| ? /::::::\?/::::::::::::::/::/``::::::::::::::::::/ `-_??``~`? /`? ? / / / ....._..-~`/::::::: :| ? /:::::::/::::::::::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::::/:\ ? ?`-,,--,__/,__/,_, / .../::::::::/:::::::: :| /::::::::/:::::::::::::/:::::::::\::::::::::::: :| ::::\? ?? ?``~-~--~ ..|:::::::: :| :::::::::: |:::::::/:::::::::::::/::::::::::::\:::::::::::: :| ::::::\ ? ? ? ? ? / ./:\::::::: :| :::::::::: |::::::/::::::::::::/:::::::::::::::\:::::::::::::\::::::??~~?| /:::\:::::::\:::::::::: |::::/:::::::::::/:::::::::::::::::::``~-,_,,_______,__,-' ::::\::::::::\::::::::: |:::/::::::::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/ :::::\:::::::::\::::::: |::/:::::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/ :::::::\:::::::::\::::: |:/:::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/ :::::::::\:::::::::\::: |::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/ ::::::::: :| ::::::::::\: |::::/:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :| ::::::::: :| :::::::::::: |:/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\ ::::::::: :| :::::::::::: |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\ ::::::::: :| :::::::::::: |::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\ ::::::::: :| :::::::::::: |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\
  6. Foladar posted a post in a topic in Off-Topic
    Shouldn't this be in the Babes section? Not too sure some people are old enough for that :plain I'll add a Wowza to your Yowza.
  7. Enjoy.
  8. Oh. 898572[/snapback] W. T. F. Lowell showed signs of coming out of it last month, had another mini slump the beginning of this month, and yesterday/today he's looked pretty good.
  9. Foladar posted a post in a topic in Off-Topic
    Madden 06 isn't as bad as some made it sound. It's actually a good upgrade to 2005, I like the presentation feel, looks more "up to date" .. and SS mode is pretty cool. Haven't tried much else.
  10. Foladar posted a post in a topic in Miami Marlins
  11. I had never seen that before other than the movie "Rookie of the Year" That was great, I can't believe it. 898214[/snapback] Mike did it last season and also Derrek Lee pulled it off in 2003. I was there tonight, when Lowell was walking back to the dugout he tipped his hat with this really funny smirk on his face and everyone was laughing, it was great :lol . 898459[/snapback] Hmm, are you sure D-Lee did? According to that website, the last hidden ball trick besides Lowell's recent two, was 1999 by JT Snow :plain
  12. Three posts, one definitely meaningless. "omgs he pwned you" - really, nobody cares. If you want to call "pwn" .. look at your teams record. A man is innocent until proven guilty. I bet if steroids wasn't the common talk this year, they wouldn't even be in the same question as a slump. Steroids wasn't that huge last year, that's when most of you say the slump started, so why did he "stop taking them" last year? I don't think it's steroids, people slump sometimes, steroids aren't always the answer to a slump.
  13. NUMBER 1!!!! 898433[/snapback]
  14. Carl's only expected to miss about 6 weeks says ESPN
  15. Foladar posted a post in a topic in Miami Marlins
    They did mention it. And it was a double switch, yes.