Gaby Sanchez to Pirates for Gorkys Hernandez
what good is it to get these draft picks or lose out and get the #1 draft pick..... if Beinfest/Hill cant draft for sh*t! JJ n Stanton the only good picks in how many years and picks?
So What's Next?
Squall, lmao! Sad but true
JJ Rumors
This team reminds of a university/college program. We have good young players for 4 yrs n then they are gone and we go after younger players. It's a cycle that has been going on for a while. I thought it would stop after getting the new ballpark and the way the free agency went this year. They didnt give this team a chance 1/2 season n they broke it up. If the marlins were running the Heat they wouldve broken up the big 3 last season when they started slow. Think about this y would a free agent or a player within the organization (stanton) want to sign a long term deal eith no trade clause when the team has a reputation of trading you at any point. Y would you want to set up your family here n then relocate to a place u might not want to be at. Couple of years ago i said I would've love to see what Miggy n Hanley could do together and that didn't happen b/c miggy was fat n lazy n bad for the clubhouse n look how good hes doing in Det. I said the same thing this year with hanley n reyes but we won't get to c it.
Mark Buehrle, Marlins agree to 4 year/$58 million contract
sign Prince and trade Gabby for another pitcher!
Pujols to Angels
If we get Pujols it would be great but honestly i would rather spend that money on Prince and Wilson and then trade Gaby for another Pitcher Wandy?,Gio? Shields? I think that would make our team a great team. Reyes Boni Hanley Prince Stanton LoMo Infante Buck JJ Wilson Nolasco Anibal and pitcher from Gaby trade
Pujols to Angels
what does that Heyman tweet mean??
Wandy Rodriguez
sign Pujols and trade Gaby for Wandy?
David Wright on trading block per Buster Olney
I would love to trade for either Wright or Reyes. Do you guys think we can make a move for Reyes? Can he play 2nd and Infante 3rd or Reyes at 3rd? Reyes Cogz Hanley Stanton Gaby Logan Buck Infante Cogz Gaby/Logan Hanley Wright Stanton Logan/Gaby Buck Infante
9/2 Post Game
I hope The Fight and this Walk-off Win lights a fire in their ASS!!! We need to get in a winning streak. Throw them the HEATER RICKY!!
Fredi Gonzalez won it for the Astros tonight
no other way to put it around hit and run with the worst contact hitter in this team bases loaded and pinch hit a guy that he never plays bullpen well rested and bring in the less reliable lefty and pitcher off the pen ....did you just bitch about Fredi pinch hitting Helms? what? He means Gaby earlier in the game
August 16 - Post Game
Good Job by the Marlins. Took the series and are now down 2 in the Wildcard. Let's take 2 from Houston JJ n Ricky Pitch
July 31st Trade Deadline
who are the Marlins Top pitching prospects? Who would teams want if we were to trade them for a bat or another SP?
Tim Wood optioned to AAA
Cause at one point Anibal will be back and he has to go somewhere. I wouldn't replace any of our starters for Anibal right now.
Tim Wood optioned to AAA
Our Bullpen is starting to look good and it can look even better when some guys come back. Anibal (LR) replace Badenhop Donnelly or Ayala Calero (replaces wood) Meyer Nunez BJ Ryan (I hope) replaces Pinto Lindsrtom (replaces Sanches) looks good to me
BJ Ryan
You have to go after Ryan! He will come cheap and the guy has great stuff and he's a lefty. If you brought in Ayala a guy who was released too and Donnelly and Williamson guys who haven't pitched in like a year, then you have to go after him. BJ Ryan has better stuff then all 3. Please Beinfest go after him
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