Where can you buy Christmas lights in May?
I work for the City of Hialeah, A Christmas Palace has been demoslished and out of business, Leon Medical Clinic is going up in the space. Im not sure where you can get some at this time
Uploading music to cell phone.....
Need help guys, I know my wifes brother used to download music to his computer then transfer them to his cell phone sing a data cable for his cell. How is that done? Can anyone help me?
Real Haunted House
FortLauderdale - Art Institute - Sunrise Hall Dormitory - A long time ago the dorms used to be a house of ill repute. There were said to be lots of murders in that house. Later it burned down to nothing. Time passed and a hotel was built there and it eventually became the A.I. dorms. There have been numerous reports from the second floor that the sound of moans come from the third floor around 1am. The sound of metal pipes being dropped and rolling across the floor can be heard in the ceiling. And the sound of high heels walking around the second floor hallway, if you wait 10 minutes the noise comes back again but it sounds more like running. Fort Lauderdale - Las Olas - Riverwalk - Oldest hotel in Ft. Lauderdale, supposedly been there since the early 1900(s) and was recently made in the last thirty years a Museum. Been known to be the most active around the hours of late, between 11:00pm and 3:00am. Countless spirits haunt the establishment, as most popular apparitions making appearances seem to be; a man seemingly in his mid-40's wearing a duster pacing the downstairs area. A younger man, whom is in no terms of the word 'shy' as he will in static motion creepily advance to the front door, press palm and face against the glass and scare the passerby if they're caught staring and a little girl with shoulder-length curly hair, wearing a ruffled dress around the ages of 5-7, looking sullenly out the window. Several more can be seen upstairs as well as looming in the hallways, nevertheless, their presence is very clear and realistic like. Some cold spots and overwhelming energies, though experiences vary with the person. Hialeah - Hialeah High School - The bathroom near the auditorium: A couple of years ago, a freshmen had gone to the bathroom during her 3rd period class. A couple of boys raped her and banged her up so bad that she bled to death in the bath room and no one found out until after school hours when a janitor was went to clean the bathroom. Now, she haunts that bathroom and can not leave until the five boys who raped her die. Students have seen her sitting in the corner of the bathroom, on top of her own blood, rocking front and back chanting "when will they die...". Hialeah - Hialeah-Miami Lakes Senior High - fourth floor - There has been told that a few years ago a group of students were in the planetarium on the fourth floor of the main building. One of the girls that were in that group of student fell through a big skylight and was killed instantly, they then shut the 4th floor down. Nobody is allowed up there, you rarely see any janitor up there either but it is to be said that the janitors that do go up there have heard many noises from the 4th floor and believe it is the girl who died there many years ago. Hialeah - Hialeah-Miami Lakes High School - In Hialeah Miami lakes High school's little theater (place were drama students have class) their has been sightings of a ghost nick named Fred, some times music can be heard, and light tend to turn on and off. Hollywood - Hollybrook Golf and Tennis Condominiums - Hollybrook is a retirement community. LATE at night on certain nights, as you're leaving this community, if you're driving over the speed limit (15mph), as you are approaching a stop sign, an old lady, almost glowing, appears on the left hand side of the road wearing a flowing pink night gown and motions you to slow down. As you pass her, she stares at you in disgust. You can watch her disappear in your rear view mirror. Hollywood - Hollywood Beach Resort Hotel - Many orbs have been photographed on the 7th floor, noises of voices and more. This hotel opened in 1926 and was a favorite place to Al Capone. The hotel became a hospital, a bible college and now a hotel again. Homestead - South Dade High School - In the auditorium, only if there are just a couple people lights will start to go on and off. You will also see a figure of a boy and girl on stage. There is also a faint sound of music. Miami - Coconut Grove - Field adjacent to LaSalle High School & Mercy Hospital - LaSalle High School is located at 3601 So Miami Ave in Coconut Grove. LaSalle High School and Mercy Hospital are adjacent to one another, the grounds are on the water's edge and you can view Biscayne Bay from there. The story originates from the 70's or 80's when supposedly a young girl attending the school (which is an all female Catholic high school), either committed suicide over a broken heart or took an accidental drug overdose in this field. In the suicide version, she was a student athlete, which is why she haunts the field, and has been seen occasionally during daylight hours at sporting events and has been mistaken for a participant. However she is usually seen at night, and even police officers patrolling the grounds have seen her shape and mistaken her for a security guard when none are hired to work there. Upon further inspection, no one is there. Most students who have attended this school are familiar with the stories about this ghost. Miami - Deer Run-"Curtis Mansion"- There are reports of lights going on and off, door opening, and sightings of ghosts of visitors, children, and a man. Miami - Hammocks Middle School - It is said that the auditorium of Hammocks is haunted by 2 ghosts... It is said people have seen 2 shadows around and the curtains opening and closing and flickering lights. Miami - Hirschfield Theater - footsteps and other unexplained events are common here. Miami - The Jockey Club - People who work and live there complain about lights turning on and off, hearing footsteps when they know they are alone, hearing voices, doors locking by themselves. On one occasion security was called when people heard a fight going on in the garage. When security got there they could hear the yelling but could not find anyone there and then suddenly the voices stopped. It is not certain how many spirits are there but at times they do make themselves known. Miami - Miami Beach - Colony Theater - Footsteps and ghost has been seen back stage and other unexplained events. Miami�- Miami River Inn�- This is a beautiful hotel on the edge of Miami River in the oldest part of town. Henry Flagler and many U.S. Presidents stayed there during their visits to the city. It has been around since the early 1900's and has been restored a few times. In one of the cabins, there are many noises heard by the concierge and security guards. Many guests who check into the cabin complain about the noises and request a room change the next day. The noises that are heard are part of a series, almost like a night repeating itself at 11 PM every day. If you stay in the first front room, you can hear a door opening and shutting very loudly, feet wiping on the welcome matt and then a brief silence followed by running towards your room and a fierce shaking of the door knob, which you can even see move. The shaking gives up and is followed by the crashing and breaking of antique ornaments right outside of your room, then running up the front stairs followed by the opening of a door in the room above yours. The worst is what commences after a minute of silence in the room upstairs. For an hour, furniture can be heard moving, scraping and the room can be felt vibrating. Finally, the sound ceases and there is silence once again, try going to sleep after that. Miami - Miami Senior High School - Miami Senior High School is a school made since the 1800's and many people have been killed by gangs or by other things, and now the spirits of that people are haunting the place. One time there was a girl of about 15 years old, she went to the girl's bathroom. When she entered she saw another girl with blood in his face and a knife between her right shoulder and her arm. She was so scared that she had to go to a doctor for attendance. Another day a security camera captured a men with a graduation dress walking on the auditorium at 10:43 PM, when the security went to see if there was somebody there he hear a scream and he found a black spot on the floor. There are too many things that makes this place haunted that I would take hours to explain. Miami - Miami Springs - Curtis Mansion - When Miami was a growing city this man- Glenn H. Curtis build his mansion on Deer Run. He loved kids so much, he turned half of the mansion into a daycare, but when he found out his wife had an abortion he got mad and his wife -as for revenge- burned the house down with Glenn Curtis inside. There have been reports of lights going on and off also of ghosts playing tennis and some screaming at night. Miami - Southwest Miami High School - Auditorium - Sometimes the TV's turn on by themselves, music can be heard, a guy and a girl whispering. Supposedly a janitor died in there, and an old drama club president while fixing lights on the catwalk died also and were never found until the next day. Miami - Southwest Miami High School - Library - According to the librarians many who have worked there for several years books are constantly rearranged after organized and lights flicker. These are cool, but I have been working for the Hialeah Police dept for 8 1/2 years and I have never heard of the incident at HIealeah High about the rape and bleeding to death There's the old jail on Chrome Avenue, don't know if it's haunted but it is deserted. The only jail i know about on Krome is the Krome Detention Center and thats active, unless im missing one that I dont know about also, The BIltmore Hotel in Coral Gables is supposedly haunted as well. During World War 1 or 2 it was used as a medical hospital. I also think it was something else before it became a hotel. I went there when I was younger and the hotel was closed and got chased out by security and Gables PD
I need your help...
Im hispanic Listen to: Industrial, New Wave, Gothic music
DID YOU KNOW: Some MB.com Celebs might be legit!?
Hello children. I am also legit. she died a while back
High School Question
what an intellectual thread
Helpful cheap gas locator...
www.gasbuddy.com Im sure some of you know about this but not all. Hope this helps out some of you locate cheaper gas in your areas.
Greatest Decade Ever
I am so ashamed to see the 90's in the lead. 881518[/snapback] Agree
- back to civilization
Wannado City...
I've never heard of this place until a few weeks ago. It's our next Field Trip at my job. Is it any fun? And where is it? I figured I can go look on Google for all the answers but I feel like asking MB.com. 849071[/snapback] Its fun if you are a kid and also very overpriced
Question for everybody here
Who is Mike Jones? 847554[/snapback] He also rapped with a Mexican rapper called Chingo Bling - really sucked
iPod song help!
Ghost Mice Xiu Xiu Metric The Unicorns The Thermals Defiance, Ohio Pinback Division of Laura Lee Troubled Hubble The Bravery Interpol just some ideas off the top of head of music I listen to that would appeal to most people (I listen to a lot of hardcore and metal, which most people dont like, so I wont bother posting those bands.) 845210[/snapback] These groups are too much New wave for the majority of people who like posting on this board in my opinion.
When you get Stress.......
How old are you Fish? I used to suffer from anxiety but never had chest and arm pains. Panic Attacks are a more severe case of anxienty and has symptoms identical to a heart attack. If you are 25+ and worried, just go see a cardiologist and get a stress test done.
Petra Nemcova VS. Mandy Moore
how do i nominate someone?
Cat Born With Two Faces
wow an embryo that didnt split completely
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