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  1. MrWhite posted a post in a topic in Off-Topic
    I'm seriously lagging, only at 30 stars or so.
  2. This made me chuckle, especially given the username.
  3. MrWhite posted a post in a topic in Off-Topic
    So, is the 9.90 extra per month that I've been paying Comcast for "3-5 Additional IP's" a valid charge? I have the router with 3 lines running to 3 different computers Technically it's valid, but from the sounds of it you really don't need 3 Public IP addresses. I would cancel that and tell them "you only have one computer now". Then use the router like you normally would. ^ That is inaccurate. You still only have 1 IP to the outside (ie. to Comcast), the other IP's are internal. Look again. The modem is the only device on the 100 subnet [it could be totally different like - doesn't matter]. Everything from the router back is on subnet 0 [a different network]. The rest of the IP's are just bogus representations of real IP's. Since the router is likely to be set up with DHCP anyway? He won't have to worry about that. The router will feed him his IP's just like Comcast feeds the IP to his modem. Was this directed at my statement? I was basically saying the same thing, just without the jargon. Also, the diagrams just popped up when I googled "home internet diagram", so I realize a more accurate representation of the clients would've been to specify that they were getting their addresses through DHCP. Though maybe I need to start speaking in more technical terms if I plan on passing the CCNA
  4. MrWhite posted a post in a topic in Off-Topic
    ^ That is inaccurate. You still only have 1 IP to the outside (ie. to Comcast), the other IP's are internal.
  5. MrWhite posted a post in a topic in Off-Topic
    Fact: Bears eat beets
  6. MrWhite posted a post in a topic in Off-Topic
    This is what you have now (minus the telephone line): This is what your need to get:
  7. MrWhite posted a post in a topic in Off-Topic
    Grizzly False, Black bear.
  8. MrWhite posted a post in a topic in Off-Topic
  9. MrWhite posted a post in a topic in Off-Topic
    I've been following it today as well. The current price doesn't reflect all this stuff just yet. But I can guarantee you in the coming days their stock will soar. Not to go OT here, but most information has been "priced in" before today's announcement. ..... Also, no user-replaceable battery with this. Huge turnoff there I would think to a majority of users.
  10. MrWhite posted a post in a topic in Off-Topic
    I really wish I had bought Apple stock two weeks ago like I planned. Also, never put your eggs in one basket.
  11. MrWhite posted a post in a topic in Off-Topic
    More pics of the MacBook Air: Nifty.
  12. Thanks for the heads up. This is a fantastic program and I'm glad they're keeping it.
  13. MrWhite posted a post in a topic in Sports
    The fact that Georgia got hosed while LSU rose only further proves that point. Maybe they should've won their division?
  14. MrWhite posted a post in a topic in Sports
    Here is the visual Georgia included with their presentation of what this year's tournament would have looked like:
  15. A solid outing