Marlin's Beinfest/Loria Worst Move Ever?
My husband played for years in the minors (he is Canadian). He knows Delgado's history well from the Jays. It takes him to critiques the value of Delgado to a team. Winning games is not so much about BA, HRs or even RBIs. It is about situational play. It is about not choking when the game is on the line. That is what I would ask for in a player.
Marlin's Beinfest/Loria Worst Move Ever?
How much has he helped the team?? Protection to the lineup, oh my!! Since your knowledge of baseball is greater than mine I guess you can see this. I sure can't. I like him ok; he is intelligent and studious of every pitch with his notepad. But so far he has not been clutch, he has not won games for us. He has not proved to be worth what he cost. :thumbdown
Marlin's Beinfest/Loria Worst Move Ever?
Delgado was not going to be what they hoped for. LIFETIME b.a. is .262, not a good defensive 1st baseman, slow runner, lot's of strikeouts, not consistent. He is a slugger and he won't play small ball with RISP. He loves to chat with the runners on 1st base though...gotta love it. Pudge he sure ain't.... :mad
World Series lineup vs. Now
I don't know if Jack started the big slump...but I don't see him as the type who can end it. I don't like the hitting coach and the 3rd base coach either, but it is up to the players to play like they can even in spite of lackluster management and bad coaching. :plain
Marlin's Beinfest/Loria Worst Move Ever?
signing Carlos Delgado :plain 850012[/snapback] I feel the same way. Everyone on the mlb board has been on my case because I said Carlos is inconsistent, can't play 1st base, is slow, has a lifetime batting avergae of .282 and is not proven to be a clutch hitter. I like the man for what he can do, but talk abvout overrated from the git go! So what if he hits dingers and RBIs when we are already 4 runs ahead in late innings? He Ks a lot and chokes with RISP more often than I'd like. He is not the godsend folks expected, but few will take an objective look at him. To me it is truly funny.
We don't need a trade.
:confused Some fans support Jack because he was the skip in 03, he "did" the turn around. Maybe so, and maybe his job is long done. I see a guy who is making muddled pitching choices, holding back runners, not pumping up the team, and who sometimes seems to just diss players without motivating them to do as well as they can do...in short I do not see a manager who is leading a talented crew to play aggressive ball. ( a la Ozzie) The ONLY TRADES I can support are the manager, the hitting coach and the 3rd base coach. If you keep these 3 guys and start playing musical chairs with the players the Marlins may as well hang it all up. If you do nothing at all, the Marlins will have a hard time overcoming these 3 obstacles. :mischief2
We don't need a trade.
Make no changes in the players... maybe some management changes? 850993[/snapback] :blink: :cool It makes me crazy seeing so many posts about TRADES. Look at the mess DePodesta made of the Dodgers. It's like slave owners...get rid of this ole slave, get rid of this lazy one, and dump this bad actor...and get us some fresh meat and everything will be just hunky dorey peachy creamy fine. I don't blame ball players for getting depressed...and let's get one thing right, the Marlins all look like they need to be infused with happyzac...fans are all chomping for the trading block and not doing what I though fans did which is supporting the TEAM. :banghead :confused 851069[/snapback] we are supporting the TEAM, and singling out PLAYERS 851072[/snapback] To me the TEAM equals the PLAYERS equals the TEAM. I admit I don't like seeing Leiter or the bullpen give away runs and I don't like seeing the limp offese either. But how on earth do you start dismantling a team and claim to be a fan?? I sure don't get it at all.. I kinda hope everyone who is trade happy get's their wish and then let's see if the TEAM makes a turnaround!! :thumbdown
We don't need a trade.
Make no changes in the players... maybe some management changes? 850993[/snapback] :blink: :cool It makes me crazy seeing so many posts about TRADES. Look at the mess DePodesta made of the Dodgers. It's like slave owners...get rid of this ole slave, get rid of this lazy one, and dump this bad actor...and get us some fresh meat and everything will be just hunky dorey peachy creamy fine. I don't blame ball players for getting depressed...and let's get one thing right, the Marlins all look like they need to be infused with happyzac...fans are all chomping for the trading block and not doing what I though fans did which is supporting the TEAM. :banghead :confused
We don't need a trade.
Hi I'm new here and wanted to introduce myself to everyone. I've been looking around these boards for a few weeks now and can't believe how many people are so positive that we need a trade. Look at our team, go down the batting order and tell me one player (besides Lowell-whom is slowly rising- and Pierre-whom is quickly rising-) that doesn't have good numbers. What we are is inconsistent. We should be scoring 4-5 runs per game with our offense (and I mean actually scoring them, not 0 one night and then 9 the next.) The moral in our clubhouse is gone. Last night I couldn't sleep and I was awake at 4 AM so I decided to watch the Marlins' World Series DVD, man its a completely different team. We're depressing to watch, back then, we we're having fun. I miss it how every single player would jump out of their seats whenever we even got a hit, and everyone jumping out of the clubhouse to congratulate the guy who just scored. That was a team. In my opinion, we can blame it on McKeon, a manager who didn't even remember Matt Perisho's name when he told him he was being sent down. If the front office seriously wants to contend, don't trade players, just get a new manager. 850404[/snapback] :o I hope the Marlins don't trade anyone. I suppose they could get lucky and trade for someone who has a lot of attitude and who will rouse the team to play well. But trades are often useless when morale is so low!! I don't understand why so many on this board are so much in denial they think trade is some kind of magic potion to revive the Marlins!!
I love Encarnacion
:banghead I can't see why some people want to hate him. I love him and hope he stays, but if he goes the Marlins mgmt are digging their own graves.
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