Marlins super saturday questions!
Do you think there will be a lot of fans there tonight? Or is it one of those nights where you can go to the stadium buy fish tanks seats and sit in the infield box?
Marlins super saturday questions!
Today's concet is Willy Chirino....Nelly and Kevin Rudolf were opening weekend FML. Thanks man.
Marlins super saturday questions!
Hey guys, I'm in town from college and planned on taking a couple of my cousins to the game tonight. My cousins are big rap fans and really like Nelly and Kevin Rudolf. In the past I remember a booth where you can get free passes to get on the field for the concert. Does anybody know where to get these passes and how early you need to get to the stadium to get some? Thank you. Thomas
- So I was on myspace.
Where would you rather go?
Vegas is Vegas. Disney gets boring.
Sheffield's ESPN report
Was watching his report this morning and all I have to say is I love how he mentions all the clubs he played for except for Florida. ohh well.
Let's go Marlins
i had to stay for the concert saturday. i had a headache. it was a slice of hell. such terrible music. I agree it was horrible. They all sounded so bad. Then again rap concerts usually sucks live because they have no talent.
Let's go Marlins
During the home stand I kept hearing a song by pitbull "lets go marlins, lets go marlins" which was a freestyle of one of his songs. Has anyone found this song?
woot woot!!
No hitter's the year
That's a question you shouldn't even ask. If it happens it happens. any given night.
Kevin Gregg Traded to Cubs
Why are we rushing all these trades? I feel we are dumping the team to sign who?
Ugueth Urbina on E:60
didn't get to watch the full video because I have class, but how long is his sentence and when does he get out?
What are Mutts fans saying
this is awesome. Man what a good day this w and completed my weekend besides the Gators losing yesterday but it was priceless seeing Jose Jose Jose Joseeeeee's face at the end of the game.
What are Mutts fans saying
Just curious to know what all there thoughts are about what went down today. They must all be so pissed off posting on there forum boards LOL. Can't wait to see the papers tomorrow coming out of new york
Bring back Sheffield?
Pitching should be this organizations priority
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