- Spider-Man 3
Spider-Man 3
definately gonna be the best of the 3 by the looks of it, and the most dark
Something Fishy is going on in South Florida
nice article.
If We Are in Contention....
Conine said he wanted to play on a winning team and left us for Baltimore....No thank you. he really said that?! after already winning 2 WS rings w/ us, youd think he would be humble enough and wanna stick it out here. wtf jeff? wtf?
hey hey wheres the love to our beloved panthers now? llahsrams' post made me think if someone had asked me somethin similar. panthers to win a stanley cup or another marlins WS. now THAT to me would be incredibly difficult. on one hand the stanley cup is one of the oldest and most coveted titles in all of sports IMO. and then theres the marlins who would be goin for a 3rd title in their short life span compared to other teams who never even sniffed a WS. in the end tho, i love my cats and would probably pic the panthers to finally win it. then the marlins of course :-)
- Could it happen?
Thanks for the Memories, Jack
i dunno. jack makes some questionable moves, but for some reason i dont think this is is fault. not all of it anyways.
How much longer for Mckeon....
does it matter at all? this team has no momentum goin for them. w/e changes are made well make the clubhouse possibly uneasy and uncomfortable and of course depressing. they might lose lowell a fan fav lose burnett one of our best pitchers and mckeon the guy who won us a WS. changes are needed i admit, but w/e they may be wont help this team at this point. they should build for next year if the FO even wants to put a winning product on the field
Thank God for this ASG Break
hopeffully the hockey season restarts and cant wait for the heat next season
I want to get a general opinion from the board
ive sene a pattern w/ this team as im sure everyone else has. Its like lose 2 (low offense), then win 1 w/ huge outburst of offense. its so inconsistant its sick to watch. i shake my head cause you look at this team up and down, and yuou ask yourself how is this happening? my guess would have to be robinson. im sorry, hes not just the scapegoat hes the REASON. since last season ive said get rid of this guy. is another dissapointing season worth it till somethi is done? bullpen help and a more consistant lead off hitter would help. or a better hitting coach would wake up JP and well just have to worry about the bullpen.
Could Leiter's starting job be in jeapordy?
peronally i thik leiter would be best suited as some sort of mentor/bullpen coach or somehting along those lines. he seems to seriously lost his touch, but he has alot of wisdom to spread throughout this team
Sun Sentinel: Graves wants to be a Marlin
why would the marlins want him then?
Can the Marlins win it all this year
honestly wait a few more games. the hitting hasnt convinced me. being hot one game and cold the next isnt consistant. pitching can only go so far w/o support.
E-------R-------A !!!!!
Difference this year is the pitching can relax a little more because the bats can score for them on command. 737119[/snapback] really now?!
Something's Gotta Give
Fire Bill Robinson anyone? 733536[/snapback] best thing anyones said on this board
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