Marlins considering games at U.S. Cellular Field
For the service you provided us White Sox fans last fall in knocking the Evil Empire out of the playoffs, we are forever in your debt. We certainly wish it were under better circumstances, but you would be more than welcome to play Montreal/San Juan at the Cell. If you play on the great South Side of Chicago on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of next week, I hope to make the Tuesday and Wednesday games. Trust me, the White Sox fans who show up will support you 100%. One potential thing I am afraid of, however, is fans of the Evil Empire showing up to root for Montreal/San Juan. That could spark fisticuffs between White Sox fans and fans of the Evil Empire.
Ivan Watch Thread
Isn't it way, way, way too early to tell if Ivan will hit South Florida, the cone notwithstanding?
Billy Koch Debates
I stayed out of the Billy Koch debates because I do not want the White Sox-Marlins anti-Cubs Alliance undone. Despite all the consternation over the impact of Koch on the Marlins, we must stay focused on the real enemy, Cubbiedom. By knocking off the Evil Empire in 2003, you have done us a great service and we do not forget our friends.
Good Luck in 2004!
Greetings to you, our friends in South Florida. On behalf of all of us at White Sox Interactive, I would like to wish you and the Marlins the best of luck in 2004. Unfortunately, I personally will not be in South Florida when the White Sox come to visit you. However, I am sure many of us will be there not only to see the White Sox but to thank you very much for the great service you did for us last October. Good luck!
Ditka's Baseball Bashing Outrage
I found it ironic that the whole theme of the commercial was that football guys are real "men" yet he needs help getting an erection :whistle It was obviously a shot at viagra because Palmeiro is their spokesman... I am well aware of that as well as the fact that Viagra is an MLB sponsor (while Levitra is an NFL sponsor). Yet, I have a problem with the message that football players are "real men" while baseball players are "something inferior." I'm from Chicago, and this ad only further confirms my belief that Ditka is a dope.
Ditka's Baseball Bashing Outrage
Did you see the spot Mike Ditka did for Levitra? Well, I did. It enraged me. Here is the rant I posted on White Sox Interactive. Do you feel the same way I do?
What is with WQAM?
Have significant changes taken place at WQAM recently? I am here in Chicago and don't hear 'QAM very often. For starters, I noticed that their website has not been updated for quite some time because a Florida Panthers-Washington Capitals preview still on the home page (unless my PC is having cookie problems with the 'QAM site). Also, I noticed that the station is airing Sporting News Radio instead of ESPN Radio, but it's not mentioned on their schedule. Finally, did they get rid of Scott Ferrall too?
Spring Training in Ft. Lauderdale
I found this article on a spring training magazine's website. I see that the site of Ft. Lauderdale Stadium and Lockhart Stadium is a possible site for a future Marlins home. Is there anything to this? I remember Ft. Lauderdale Stadium when the Yankees used to train there. My family owns a place in the Ft. Lauderdale are, and we would go to a Yankees spring training game or a Fort Lauderdale Yankees game (Yankee A team in Florida State League then) each year. I even remember when we used to go to Ft. Lauderdale during the summer when the Ft. Lauderdale Strikers used to pack them in at Lockhart Stadium. I know the current occupants of Ft. Lauderdale Stadium, the Orioles, are itchy to leave. Does anyone know what the future for that facility holds?
Greetings from White Sox Country
Greetings, friends! I know we White Sox fans have not hung around here too much since the Marlins beat the Cubs and Yankees, doing us White Sox fans a huge favor. However, I just wanted to let you know that you are still very much in our minds. On our own message board this week, we continued to add posts to the official NLCS game threads for Game 6 and Game 7 when you provided us great joy. Obviously, we have had our own problems to deal with in the offseason as you have. While the Cubs' Jim Hendry has done a ton of work to upgrade his team (giving credit where credit is due), our team hasn't done crap. As a result, a lot of White Sox fans (myself included) have become generally demoralized. I know you have lost some key players as well, and I am sure is has been very frustrating. However, we are all in this together. I am looking forward to our meeting in June during interleague play. I would like very much to travel to South Florida for the series, but I am afraid real life logistics will not make that possible. Hopefully, the White Sox fans who do come to South Florida for the series will express their great appreciation to you for putting smiles on our faces in October. Good luck in 2004!
Breaking News! Ugie Arrested
The way things are in Venezuela these days, firing a gun in the air is not all that uncommon. The country is becoming increasingly tense.
Little Havana residents talk about Marlins in OB
The article implies that the Orange Bowl would be "revamped." I do not know what they mean by "revamped," but I cannot imagine how they could make the Orange Bowl revamped for baseball without demolishing the present stadium first. I attended the 1991 Orange Bowl game (Notre Dame vs. Colorado), and I thought it was ready for the wrecking ball then.
Downtown Stadium Backlash?
Since my family's South Florida home is in Ft. Lauderdale, I can see where the Sun-Sentinel is coming from. When the late Joe Robbie built the stadium that used to bear his name, I thought he was very smart building it where he did. He centrally located it making it equidistant from Dade and Broward residents. Is there any way the new baseball stadium could be built next to PPS (a la Kaufman Stadium and Aarowhead Stadium in Kansas City), or is there a lack of space?
White Sox Call Press Conference
The White Sox have called a press conference for 3:00 CST (4:00 EST) today to presumably announce that Ozzie Guillen will be named the new manager. In case it was not posted earlier, the Sun-Times reported that all signs point to Guillen.
Isn't the Miami Arena site too small for a baseball stadium? I would prefer the new baseball stadium to be built in a location convenient for both Miami and Fort Lauderdale residents. I like the concept of a stadium on Biscayne Bay, but wouldn't that be somewhat travel-unfriendly for fans in Lauderdale and Pompano Beach?
Monday Night's Dolphins Game May Be Moved
With the Dolphins in a potentially tight playoff race, wouldn't cancelling the game be out of the question?
?Viva M?gglio!
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