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Marlins Now ThisClose To New Stadium


Deal reached between team, Miami & Miami-Dade


Plan still needs state money to work


Apr 29, 2004 4:44 pm US/Eastern

TALLAHASSEE (CBS4 News) The Florida Marlins have struck a deal with the city of Miami and Miami-Dade County for a new stadium. However, the parties are counting on state money to make the plan work.


There's apparently no change in Tallahassee. A spokesperson for House Speaker Johnnie Byrd says both the House and Senate remain against giving money to the team. This comes as the legislative session ends Friday and a new one won't start until the fall.


The Miami Herald reports Governor Jeb Bush was asked if the team struck out at the Capitol. Bush responded, "How do you know? There's still hope. They keep winning. There's a chance." The governor also said he's concerned the team could choose to leave Florida.


Despite the difficulties, the parties say the Marlins can still proceed without the state money and try again in the future. Team president Dave Samson is up in Tallahassee to lobby. The stadium would be built at the site of the Orange Bowl.

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Guest Moneyball

Despite the difficulties, the parties say the Marlins can still proceed without the state money and try again in the future. Team president Dave Samson is up in Tallahassee to lobby. The stadium would be built at the site of the Orange Bowl.





very good news. so shovels could start digging in nov or oct. unless hank sopher has a change of mind.

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The land the city either owns or will acquire is west of the OB to NW 17th Ave from NW3rd St to NW7th St.


Doesn't look like there is enough land e-w to fit a stadium.....unless they plan to knock down the west end of the OB. I will be very interested to see the site plan.

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Guest Moneyball

on channel ten i saw what looked like a picture of a stadium over the site. the stadium does not face the ob and the outfield seats are like at wrigley. the roof will be like at safeco but instead of opening and sitting in the outfield, when the roof opens it will be on the third base side of the stadium. i say it vaguely, it will have an awesome view of downtown from what i saw but it was vaguely. they didn't show what it looked like a just saw like a overhead view.

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Guest Moneyball

let me say that wsvn 7 has done some real crappy reporting on the stadium. they said that the marlins still need 60MILLION instead of the 30mil and said that the MARLINS CANNOT under any circumstances start on october 1 and will need to wait another year.

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I believe they can still start without the state part of it this year. I believe the state will eventually give it to them anyways next year. The problem was that the Marlins came to tallahassee very late. Next year he better be on time to get the rebate. Like someone else said, Samson better camp out front for next year.


Btw, it is special news because it seems like all parties have finally come to an agreement about where, who, and how the ballpark will be built. Before no such thing existed. Now they will have to make sure the Arena is sold and get state funding next year.

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on channel ten i saw what looked like a picture of a stadium over the site. the stadium does not face the ob and the outfield seats are like at wrigley. the roof will be like at safeco but instead of opening and sitting in the outfield, when the roof opens it will be on the third base side of the stadium. i say it vaguely, it will have an awesome view of downtown from what i saw but it was vaguely. they didn't show what it looked like a just saw like a overhead view.


I saw the same pic you saw on channel 10. I think having it on third base would be awesome. By having it on third base I think the ballpark can feel even more like an open air ballpark when it is open than other retractable roof ballparks in the league. At least that is only an opinion, I could be very wrong. But it is my hope.

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Guest Moneyball

how close are they to selling the miami arena?


by the way: this stadium if built will by far have the best view in baseball, better than PNC because the building around PNC aren't lit up like the downtown skyline of MIAMI.


*wets pants with anxiety*


Will the stadium have a retro look? what if they try to cut cost so much the stadium looks like PPS!!!


*scared as hell*

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Guest Moneyball

I saw the same pic you saw on channel 10. I think having it on third base would be awesome. By having it on third base I think the ballpark can feel even more like an open air ballpark when it is open than other retractable roof ballparks in the league. At least that is only an opinion, I could be very wrong. But it is my hope


i agree because thats one ting i don't like about safeco, when you look to RF you see that roof.

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how close are they to selling the miami arena?

I read that Sopher may be signing the contract in the next few weeks or so.


They also have to do an appraisal. If the appraisal comes back as the Arena being worth more than 25, Sopher will have to raise his bid to the average of the appraisal or there will be an auction. At least that is my understanding.


by the way: this stadium if built will by far have the best view in baseball, better than PNC because the building around PNC aren't lit up like the downtown skyline of MIAMI.


umm...as much as I would love that to be true, I highly doubt that. PNC park has the best view in baseball IMHO. But I would be happy if it ranked in the top 10.


Will the stadium have a retro look? what if they try to cut cost so much the stadium looks like PPS!!!

Have no idea what kind of look it will have. But you have just written a big concern I have had all this time over the 325 tag. Some people question that it will cost that at all. They say it will cost maybe 100 million more. But my concern is that it actually will cost 325 million because they will cut corners and build some cheap, ugly, obsolete ballpark. I just hope that doesn't happen.



*scared as hell*


Me too!!!! I just hope they build a beautiful, awesome ballpark we can all be proud of.

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Guest Moneyball

does anybody if the phillies ballpark price tag included the land. because since we will get land for basically nothing the price tag might be just alittle higher than the 367 mil.

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But you have just written a big concern I have had all this time over the 325 tag. Some people question that it will cost that at all. They say it will cost maybe 100 million more. But my concern is that it actually will cost 325 million because they will cut corners and build some cheap, ugly, obsolete ballpark I just hope that doesn't happen.

The cost estimate was raised to $367M today.

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Guest Moneyball

Have no idea what kind of look it will have. But you have just written a big concern I have had all this time over the 325 tag. Some people question that it will cost that at all. They say it will cost maybe 100 million more. But my concern is that it actually will cost 325 million because they will cut corners and build some cheap, ugly, obsolete ballpark I just hope that doesn't happen.




look at it this way loria went all out last year to win this year with the rings. he is an art dealer and i'm hopefully sure that he wouldn't build a crappy stadium. he wouldn't want to be known as the art dealer owner with a crappy lookin stadium. i'm sure he didn't like the first ob site site because it looked crappy



*crosses fingers*

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If you look in the bottom left corner of the image on the link attached you'll see a city block of multi-family structures. That entire block is being purchased.


Then going north of the multi-family area is a ballfield owned by the city and above that is some vacant land and additional structures. (The vacant land outlined in red is the ballfield.)


All of that already not owned by the city that can be seen left of the OB (above and below the red box) will be acquired and be part of the baseball facility.

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look at it this way loria went all out last year to win this year with the rings. he is an art dealer and i'm hopefully sure that he wouldn't build a crappy stadium. he wouldn't want to be known as the art dealer owner with a crappy lookin stadium. i'm sure he didn't like the first ob site site because it looked crappy


I can only hope so!!! One other thing I guess us fans can do is e-mail Samson, Diaz, and Arriola and let them know we don't need another Miami Arena situation in our hands. This ballpark must be truly beautiful with all the bells and whistles. We as fans should e-mail them suggestions on what you think the ballpark should have and mistakes you think other ballparks have made that should be ommited from that Marlins new ballpark.


[email protected]


[email protected]


[email protected]

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Guest Moneyball

somebody needs to post the picture i saw on channel 10. you would think by now it would be online. maybe somebody should call channel 10 and ask them to post the pic???

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