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He's sent numerous emails but I figured I would post this one since it has much more detailed info and gives us a soliders perspective. Plus Ill post the pictures he sent too:


Friends and Family,


How are you? I hope life is treating you well. Things here in Samarra have been pretty busy for me lately. Me and a few others have had the unique experience of having the opportunity to work with the Iraqis. From things relating to security, training, providing intel support, as well as participating in raids and other operations. I have enjoyed it. I must say at first I was a little skeptical about their performance and motive. My attitude has definitely changed. These guys proudly show me their wounds from insurgents (or Ali Baba's as they like to say) during previous missions. A lot of these guys served in Saddams former army but are serving now with us for love of country. I can honestly say that these guys care about their future, their kids future, and the future of this country. They are also very brave, many dont have armor and they ride around in toyota pickups with most of their bodies exposed. They despise the insurgents and even more hate the foreign fighters. They believe the Iraqis who attack are sellouts and have no love of country, and many are attacking Us and Iraqis for money. Dont get much lower than that... I dont think the media is portraying "the Iraqi Soldier" properly. As you can imagine, problems still exist in Samarra and elsewhere. Since our Brigade Combat Team of the 3rd Infantry Division has arrived along with Iraqi forces Samarra and the rest of our area of operations north of Baghdad have improved and continues to improve. I hope this upward trend continues.


Enclosed in this email is three pictures from the past week or so. The first is me on top of an abandoned library with Samarra's Golden Mosque in the background. The second is me near the Mayors office ( I even met the mayor!) with some Iraqi Armored Vehicles (BTRs) in the background. The third and last is one of my buddies in town. Muhamed or "Little Muhamed" as I like to call him. He is 8 years old and makes me laugh and smile. Dont get a lot of that out here so I welcome seeing the little fella. I gave him a few stuffed animals my mom sent me in that pic.


Well thats it for now. I will continue to update you more in the future, with I hope good news for you. Take care. Look forward to seeing you all again upon my return.



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nevermind, cant post pictures that he emailed to me huh?


I would guess you would have to host them via photobucket or one of those sites.


Anyway thanks for posting that. Great read.

Thanks a ton, F_M. I love hearing from our soldiers. I think it's really cool what he says about the Iraqis who used to serve Saddam that are now working to start things off right in Iraq. Thumbs up! :thumbup

Thank You for posting that F_M. Im glad that he is alright. I am also glad to hear about the Iraqi soldiers and their love of country. When you email your friend, tell him how much respect I have for him and his fellow soldiers.


Ask Admin or someone else to help post those pics, that would be awesome.

Damn, your friend has a big gun.


That little joker is a brave kid. If I were in Baghdad I'd never leave the house. Those kids are so damn brave.










F_M I'm curious to know what your friend Justin thinks about whether or not we need more people to join up.

Hey F_M do you know what your friend think about the war as a whole? From this I would gather that he supports it as do a majority of soldiers but I could be wrong. Also has his opinion changed about the war since he has been over there?

F_M I'm curious to know what your friend Justin thinks about whether or not we need more people to join up.


You know Im not sure. This is the first email he has sent telling us his opinion of how things are going military wise. From what I can tell, he seems to think the Iraqis can take over soon enough with the right equipment.



Hey F_M do you know what your friend think about the war as a whole? From this I would gather that he supports it as do a majority of soldiers but I could be wrong. Also has his opinion changed about the war since he has been over there?


J was a pretty staunch supporter of the war. He is definately the kind of guy who is really happy to be helping people who have had a rough time before. I also doubt his opinion has changed because he is a trooper. Im sure some thing frustrate him but I dont think he would ever let things get to him. But I could be wrong.


Plus he is a pretty big Bush backer. :mischief

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