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JBL & HHH vs. Batista & Cena is the main headlining dark match for TV tapings for the next several weeks.


The RAW and SmackDown! crews will do house shows this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday in Korea. Akebono will do a stint with Big Show on the second night in Saitama.


The ECW One Night Stand DVD features edited versions of Sandman and the Dudley's intro's. All the swearing has also been kept off the DVD.






Source: PWInsider.com


In addition to the rather interesting JBL commentary, there were a number of changes to the ECW: One Night Stand DVD. The out of context promo with Roadkill and Danny Doring has been removed completely, while ads for The Rise and Fall Of ECW and WWE 24/7 replace the Devil's Rejects and Vengeance advertisements.


Due to a TV-14 listing, most of the expletives are edited out of the show. The only glaring case of the production crew making an error is during the final celebration; Sandman clearly says "E-C-f*cking-W."


One of the biggest changes was replacing the Metallica version of "Enter Sandman" with generic WWE music. The crowd noise is also muted, so the hot scene with the crowd singing along is not a part of the DVD.

That ECW editing thing sucks. They paid for it for the show, why couldn't the shell out the dough for the DVD?


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well screw that.

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