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I used to believe that TNA was destined to go out of buisness and fizzle out. I recognized that they had a better in ring product but were unable to translate that into strong storylines and sensical matches.


However since their debut of Impact, the booking of Scott D"amore has amazed me, he has made a small outfit like TNA far and away a better product all around than the wwe.


They used to be terrible at writing segments or non wrestling pieces but anyone who saw The funeral of The Dudley's skit or the Canadian world title screw job would know that, that problem was corrected. They also are putting on amazing matches on Impact that you would never get the chance to see on RAW. They are showing better matches and more matches in just a one hour slot each and every week. It's just like Nitro was during their prime in 96. Bringing in the best wrestling talent in the world and letting them go at it, no storylines neccesary and just amazing the crowd and they would throw match after match at you without 30 minutes of unneeded build up.


As mentioned, they have far and away a better wrestling talent pool than the wwe but many of their guys have future star branded all over them. The main example is Samoa Joe, most people predicted he would be headlinging wreslemania in the near future, however he chose not to sell out and appears to be the future of TNA. If any of you were not fortunate enough to see a samoa joe match, I suggest you dl one right now. You will be amazed at this guy's work rate and charisma. Not to mention, the likes of Abyss, Monty Brown, AJ Styles, Petey Williams, Christopher Daniels, and many more, who are all destined to be former stars.


Long story, short. TNA is the brand of wrestling for you if you like wrestling, with some stories thrown in to blend it all together(almost like WCW 95 to 97. If you want storylines and a few matches here and there, WWE is still your product.


Either way, TNA isn't going away and for all the haters who still brand it Jeff Jarrett's puppet, you need to start watching. I have a feeling Jarrett won't be around for much longer as his father is being pushed further and further away from power.

It really doesn't help your mainstream image much when your world champion is known to the casual wrestling fan as some jobber from WWE.


And I'm not saying that's what I think of Rhino, but that's the common perception among a fanbase they need to draw in at some point. 0.9 ratings aren't something to throw parties over and the fact that Spike is already considering moving them to Mondays is the biggest mistake of all-time.


There's no way they maintain vs. Raw and all it will do is give McMahon something to compete with. And say what you will about him, that's a mistake. I don't know the contract situations of a lot of those guys, but if they move to Mondays and they have any kind of talent they're using a lot that isn't locked up, they can kiss them goodbye.


TNA is viable, but it's NOT viable as competition to WWE, at least not now. Maybe one day, but certainly not now. And as has been said by McMahon in the past, whether he truly means it or not, why would you even do that? Why not put it on Tuesday's or something so wrestling fans can watch both. Putting it on at the same time is just stupid. The ratings will probably climb from 0.9 solely because it's not at 11 PM on a Saturday, but come on. You can't tell me that 9 PM on a Tuesday night wouldn't get a higher rating than 9 PM on a Monday night. I always thought it was stupid that Raw and Nitro were on at the same time when you could put them on 2 different times and a majority of the fanbase would watch both.


And, at some point, they have to stop losing 8 figures a year.


And in my final note of the post, I must point out that if he hadn't have had a heart problem, Kevin Nash would have been headlining their last PPV. TNA is not much different than any other product in wrestling history. The wrestling is in the mid-card and not the top. AJ Styles would be an exception, but I don't get off on spotfests, so I'm not a fan of his anyway. Tell me a story AJ.

Tell me a story AJ.



Preferable something in a Berenstain Bear type of format. Hugg likes them bears.

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