Posted October 31, 200519 yr 10) 28 Days Later - The Eye Gouge The closest thing to a slasher movie on the was between this and Robocop for the scene where the doctor from ER falls in toxic waste and get liquified by a speeding car...but I digress. Toward the end of this movie, you're sure you've seen just about every way for a zombie to kill a person, or vice versa, and to be honest, you knew the evil army sargeant was gonna get it hard, but when the hero grabs his head and sticks his thumbs all the way through the guys eye sockets...whoa...didn't see that coming (no pun intended). 9) American Psycho - The Hatchet No, I never did read the book, and I heard it was much more graphic than the movie, but I still thought the flick had some pretty freaky death scenes, most notably...Jared Leto getting the axe to the face in Christian Bale's spotless apartment. This is one of the off-camera death scenes on the list, but I gave it style points for having Hip to be Square playing in the background. Also, bonus points are given to any perpetrator that appears to be having a really good time during the act. 8) The Hitcher - The Girlfriend Splits I've always liked Rutger Hauer, ever since Blade Runner he's been great as the really intense evil dude, and in Hitcher, he was at his all-time nastiest. If youve never seen it, Mr. Hauer is a hitchhiker who does everything possible to screw with C. Thomas Howell, including kidnapping Jennifer Jason Leigh, tieing her to two separate eighteen wheelers, and putting one in drive. Another off-camera act, so you're left to wonder if all four appendages popped, or was it a clean break at the waist. (Don't feel bad, she takes her revenge on men with a stilleto in Single White Female) 7) Bonnie & Clyde - The Showdown I've included Bonnie and Clyde for a few reasons. It's the only movie listed here that came out before the 70's, it's one of only two true stories, and it was an awesome scene. Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway get completely riddled with bullets. (apparently just like they did in real life) in one of the most classic death scenes in movie history. Here's another interesting fact. Bonnie and Clyde came out in 1967, was made for $2.5 million, and grossed over $50 million...violence sells. 6) Scarface - The Shower Scene It was the opening shot, so you knew I was gonna put it on the list. But I'm not including Scarface for the final death scene. That was cool, but I remember it more for being kinda comical, not intense. (How many shots was it gonna take, anyway?) The scene I'm including is when they hack up Tony's friend, Angel in the shower with a chainsaw...and they make Tony watch. Once again, you only see spray, but watching Angel's face start shaking violently...whoa. 5) The Godfather - Sonny at the Tollbooth It's's's The Godfather. Sonny at the tollbooth is classic. Something like 200 squibs were put all over James Caan's body, that's dedication to the craft. I saw this when I was like 12 or something, kind of intense for a kid. 4) Silence of the Lambs - The Cage The greatest villain in movie history, Hannibal Lector gave new meaning to the phrase "serial-killer", and he did it with such style. Anthony Hopkins was amazing as the carniverous doctor, and the scene in the cage that included a) beating someone to death with a night stick, b) disembowling same person and c) slicing off and wearing another person's face...that's some serious violence. Oscar-worthy violence, you might say. He continues the nastiness in two more flicks (slicing the top of Ray Liotta's head off was a nice touch) but the first will always be the best. 3) Natural Born Killers - Rodney in the Fishtank Here's where we start getting into the "man, did I really need to see that?" movies. They say you either love Natural Born Killers, or you hate it. I still don't know which category I fall into. I actually am an Oliver Stone fan, but the killing in this flick...Jesus. I get the point, we're a society that craves violence. We slow down when we see an accident, we love watching Cops, we make lists of the most violent...never mind. Anyway, the scene where Woody Harrelson drowns Rodney Dangerfield in a fishtank, and then burns his wife in her bed...that was pretty insane. 2) Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer - TV Salesman I saw this movie about ten years ago, with a bunch of friends. I had never heard of it before, and had no idea what to expect. And after it was over, I was like "why the f*** did you rent that?". I had a sick feeling in my stomach all night. And the crazy thing is, it's based on a real person. There are about a dozen really sick death scenes in Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, but the only one I haven't blocked out is when he stabs a tv salesman repeatedly with a soldering iron for charging too much, then smashes a TV over his head. (Henry had a keen sense of the ironic.) 1) American History X - The Curb Nothing...absolutely nothing...will ever come close to the curb scene in American History X. It's the most violent thing I've ever witnessed on film, and I couldn't get it out of my head for days. I will never watch the flick again because of it. If you've never seen the movie, I won't describe the scene, I'll just say it involves a curb, a mouth, and a boot. jaw hurts typing this. It's number one on the list, for sure. Source, with pictures: I found this list pretty interesting. I've seen 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7 and definitely agree with no. 1. Like the author said, the sound and imagery of that scene is still in my head as vividly as when I saw it.
October 31, 200519 yr Too mainstream. I've seen worse in some independent films. Agreed. For starters, I'd say the opening (final?) sequence of the film "Irreversible" beats out most of those listed, if not all of them.
October 31, 200519 yr 8) The Hitcher - The Girlfriend Splits I saw this as a kid and haven't been the same since.
October 31, 200519 yr I'll add a personal favorite more for its comedic value more than anything... In Clockwork orange when he breaks into a lady's home and smashes the sculpture of a penis into her face.
October 31, 200519 yr The author is a p***y, the curb scene in American History X is not bad at all, how this is #1 over scenes like the shower from Scarface is beyond me.
October 31, 200519 yr Author The author is a p***y, the curb scene in American History X is not bad at all, how this is #1 over scenes like the shower from Scarface is beyond me. You're kidding right?
October 31, 200519 yr The curb scene gave me nightmares for days...I agree with his assessment. I've only seen about half of the scenes described, but they are all worthy in my opinion.. I think another scary scene would be from Leprochauns 2 (?), when the Leprochaun makes the guy hallucinate and think that a spinning propellor (sp?) is a naked woman. The guy goes toward the boobies, and is summarily chopped up.
October 31, 200519 yr I think another scary scene would be from Leprochauns 2 (?), when the Leprochaun makes the guy hallucinate and think that a spinning propellor (sp?) is a naked woman. The guy goes toward the boobies, and is summarily chopped up. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :lol :lol :lol :notworthy :notworthy :lol :lol :lol
October 31, 200519 yr If I had to chose a way to die, I think getting my head smashed into the curb would be less painful and quicker than slowly getting hacked by a chainsaw. But I think the concept alone is badass enough to merit the #1 spot.
November 1, 200519 yr I completely agree with the # 1 Spot. I've only seen a couple of these and American History X is definitely the worst.
November 1, 200519 yr Technically not a death scene, but the final scene from Audition sticks in my head more than the American History X scene. I also nominate the scene from the first Alien movie. Anyone who's seen the movie knows the scene I'm talking about, and back in '79 it shocked and scared the hell out of people. It certainly belongs higher on the list than some of these candyass scenes.
November 1, 200519 yr I also nominate the scene from the first Alien movie. Anyone who's seen the movie knows the scene I'm talking about, and back in '79 it shocked and scared the hell out of people. It certainly belongs higher on the list than some of these candyass scenes. I think that scene is twofold scary (and since the movie's been out for 20 years I'LL give it away, tough titty if you haven't seen it) because A) the guy is giving birth, scary thought alone there and B) it's just so damn gruesome when it comes out of his stomach and the way he convulses. Although those androids in the Alien series with their white blood or whatever gives me the creeps. And they always find the wierdest guys to play them.
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