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What is in the ocean when you swim?


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Photo Gallery: Rare "Prehistoric" Shark Photographed Alive

Prehistoric frilled shark photo




* Sharks Photo Gallery

* Photo: New Shark Species Discovered in Mexico (March 13, 2006)

* Photo: New Hammerhead Shark Species Found in U.S. (June 12, 2006)


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Flaring the gills that give the species its name, a frilled shark swims at Japan's Awashima Marine Park on Sunday, January 21, 2007. Sightings of living frilled sharks are rare, because the fish generally remain thousands of feet beneath the water's surface.


Spotted by a fisher on January 21, this 5.3-foot (160-centimeter) shark was transferred to the marine park, where it was placed in a seawater pool.


"We think it may have come to the surface because it was sick, or else it was weakened because it was in shallow waters," a park official told the Reuters news service. But the truth may never be known, since the "living fossil" died hours after it was caught.


?Ted Chamberlain




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When I was a kid and we used to go to the beach, we'd swim as far out as possible, past the sand banks to where the water got really cold and we could no longer see land.


I could not even IMAGINE doing that today. I think about it and all the crap out there and it freaks the sh*t out of me. Back then, I was just pretending to be Namor the Submariner or Aquaman.

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Honestly, it surprises me that it lived after coming up from those depths. Usually that isn't the case with these creatures.


A far uglier specimen is the aptly named "Goblin shark":




Ya they said that it only live a few hours because of the water pressure. I am suprised it was that long. This is really wierd timing because last night I was flipping through the channels and they had a show about the really deep ocean. They were saying how the mariana trench goes down 7 miles! Only 5 vessels in the entire world can make it down there, and have only explored about 1% of the area. I am sure there are 1,000 of animals we havent seen yet.



The megamouth shark was always a deep sea shark that I liked.



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