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Interesting Statistic


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I saw a couple comments about an extremely large strikezone for last night's game, so I decided to do a little detective work. I found a website that listed statistics for all of the MLB umpires. What I found was quite interesting. The homeplate umpire for our game last night was Doug Eddings. It seems that for the past 7 seasons, Mr. Eddings has been quite fond of the strikeout. As it turns out, his SO/BB ratio for last season, was highest among MLB umps....by quite a ways.


There are 65 umpires that ump homeplate. Last season, the majority (all but about 7) had SO/BB ratios between 1.7 and 2.3. There were two or three who had ratios in the 1.6's which was pretty low compared to the rest of the umpires. On the other end of the spectrum were a couple in the 2.4's, one in the 2.5's, and one at 2.69 SO/BB. However, none of those were Mr. Eddings.


Last season, Mr. Eddings rang up an astonishing 3.10 batters, for every 1 walk that he issued. That means that he had almost twice as many strikeouts as the umpires with the lowest SO/BB ratios, and about 50% more strikeouts than the league average umpire (about 2.0 SO/BB)


To help put this in perspective, in last night's game, he called 21 SO's. The league average umpire would only have called 14 in that game.


Here's the site:


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