FA's this offseason..
there is a very large group of quality FA pitchers: Odalis Perez, Russ Ortiz, Matt Morris, Brad Radke, Carl Pavano and some others i cant remember. those other guys are big names, but Pav's is the only one going up...the other arms here are aging....rapidly!OK i found the list and i will list the current ages: Pedro Martinez 32 Derek Lowe 30 Odalis Perez 26 Matt Morris 29 Brad Radke 31 Kris Benson 29 Kevin Millwood 29 Russ Ortiz 29 Eric Milton 28 Carl Pavano 28 I will counter your list with a list of my own: Pedro= clubhouse cancer + he hasn't done squat this year. Derek Lowe= 1 good year, last year was ok, and not doing so well now. Odalis Perez= decent, but not a #1 anywhere Matt Morris=when he ain't hurt he is good, but that's when he aint hurt. Brad Radke=haven't heard much about him this year. Kris Benson=Pittsuburg's Ryan Dempster Kevin Millwood=good sometimes horrible others. no consistancy! Russ Ortiz= Braves will resign before season out eric Milton-don't know Carl Pavano= found his groove, and his best FA on the market! could be #1 for 8 out of 10 teams. Luckily we are blessed we are 2 out of those 10 teams
a lil about bigfish
This may a lil off topic, but it is very important for me. Just a little bit of my thoughts about this site and the fish. I know that alot of people here have no idea of who I am. Well I am the BigFishFan. I started with this page about 4 or 5 years ago. I heard about it from DasTexan I believe when I was on the "official" MLB.com marlins' site. Couldn't believe what was going on here. Instead of flames there was actually discussions...kinda like you needed an adult card to get in. A little while later I went to OPSU (Oklahoma Panhandle State Univeristy) to play ball. Then in about a year I had to change my username cause I forgot my PW and wanted to argue with Ramp so bad so I made fishfan2...then 3. Then I came home after an arguement with my coach and checked in at the begining of last year and there was an uber update! This site has taken shape from a small fan only website to THE PLACE TO BE if you are a Marlins fan. A few Whitesox fans jumped in during the playoffs lastyear, and being from Illinois myself I totally understand I absolutly despise the Cubs. Not just the Cubs, but their fans who think every win is the 7th game of the World Series (I see you Ohhheeeohhh Maglio.) There are some old faces Admin who is like the GOD of all website creators, to Ramp the one man who I have agreed with 1 time. I don't know what it was but I remember typing "I can't believe I agree with Ramp." Anway I know this has been way to much info about me, I am in a very nastalgic mood right now. I have been boozing it up a little, and having just joined the greatest army in the world I alas I will be leaving again. I am due to ship out July 22 for training and then go wherever God (or the president) bids. I know it is a few months away, but with my rate of actually replying is very slow I will bid you all farewell. I will miss very informitive and entertaining remarks by Uberubi ohhheeeooo Maglio (what where you thinking with that name I can't remember it,) Juanpy even though we got in a lil fight you are very baseball smart, and many more. I would like to give special mention to Hotcorner I remember last year in the playoffs when I was following the game thread against the Cubs and Prior (when we got our tails kicked in) and I was keeping a pitchcount against for Prior at home, and someone started busting my balls because the fish where down a thousand runs and you put them in their place. I know you don't, but it was really great to witness. Then Admin booted them out. Plus 99% of the time I have agreed with you and your thoughts. And Ramp you prolly don't even know who I am, but I simply love argueing with you. You are the only one I really remember from when I first started out, and the way you can have arguements without flaming someone is alot like me, and I love that. I wish I had more time to argue with you more, or I may even agree with you on a few things. I hope I get some time to give you all my thoughts later, but if not...farewell, and congrats Admin!
FA's this offseason..
there is a very large group of quality FA pitchers: Odalis Perez, Russ Ortiz, Matt Morris, Brad Radke, Carl Pavano and some others i cant remember. those other guys are big names, but Pav's is the only one going up...the other arms here are aging....rapidly!
FA's this offseason..
Ok not sure if Penny and Burnett are FA's, but assuming they where...IMO Pav's unfortantly would be gone. He is a top quality starter with consistancy up the yingyang, but with the way Penny has been throwing (greatest early fantasy ball pickup---ever!) It would be like signing at least 2 aces. Burnett's elbow may cause him to miss out on alot of $. Assume he comes back and throws decent he may not get the uber big bucks. IMO we could afford to sign either Penny and Burnett, or Pav's and Burnett. This really breaks down into who would you rather have? Penny or Pavano. Lets just say I wouldn't be disapointed which ever one we chose I've always liked Penny even when he was just a hard thrower (went to school in Oklahoma, and just a soft place in my heart for my Oklahomies!) Both have a huge upside...just whichever you wanna choose. Although here are my thoughts. Though I love Pavano I really love to have guys that made their ML debut stay with your team...don't know just my prefernce. So I go with Penny. I know this isn't my topic nor is this on really on topic, but who and why would you choose penny or pav?
Arizona Diamondbacks
mark my words Cab's will one day lead the majors in HR's. anyone who can get brushed back by Roger 'freakin' Clemens, and then in the same at bat take him yard the other way...in the World Series no less, is a true HR hitter. Just has to get back to the basics is all. In other words...it'll take a wake up call, he will get it when he stops looking at stats. Nothing wrong with that, I looked at the stats on my College team when I was leading in AVG 3 weeks into season. Then I went into biggest slump of my life, and quit baseball. stat watching = slump. the only thing that would kill cabbie is if Jack shows that he has lost faith in him. Please keep him in the first half of the lineup...please
Arizona Diamondbacks
oh and by the way uber your "Teh Suck Squad" pic is now my wallpaper.
Arizona Diamondbacks
ok Choi's eyes might be open, but he is groggy at best. I'm not saying that anything should change. In fact I would love to see Choi start everyday, and not ride so much pine. Even if he goes through struggles I would rather have him than Corderro. I think Cabrera's hot start has slowed him down a bit. I look for Cab's to pick things up once all the other power hitters are way ahead of him in HR's. Say what you will about my thoughts they may be wrong, but I think he was a tad bit spoiled at the begining of the year and won't start hitting again til he realizes he isn't God...yet. He will definatly help us down the stretch. Right now no matter how bad he is doing I say he hits in the top half of the lineup, if not just to make a statement that he is believed in. Then when he picks us up down the stretch.
Arizona Diamondbacks
two bad 2 of the heads on the three headed monster are asleep right now...though I still insist that Choi for Lee was a good trade for both parties involved.
The Perfect Trade!
Im thinking Eric Owens was his name
The Perfect Trade!
thats true, but giving up a great prospect like Nunez to get an 8 million dollar catcher who has only 4 extra base hits, and whose defense is questionable is alot. My dad is a pirate fan and when we watch baseball we watch the Pirates. Trust me Kendall would not be what everyone wants. Yeah he plays hard nosed which is good, but that isn't everything...He reminds me of another player...help me here I can't remember his name. We got him from SD when we got Clement and sent Kotsay over. He was all hard nose, but little else. Nobody seemed to like him. I would mark this up to be careful what you wish for because you might just get it
The Perfect Trade!
I don't see it very good for us to trade Nunez, Conine is there now but he is getting old. Nunez will be good for years to come. If he didn't make the big team this year nobody would be saying anything about trading him. Not all rookies are going to come up and have the effect that Dontrelle and Cabrera had last year. Frankly we where spoiled last year with rookies.
state of the confernce address
on a side note whoa I've been away for awhile and never realised I was in AAA. I'll be in the pros in no time.
state of the confernce address
For years in my eyes the NL East has been the toughest NL conference. A few years ago it was the Braves and Mets with the Phillies not sucking. Last year it was the Braves, Marlins, Phillies, with the Expos not sucking, The only team that sucked would be the Mets. This year it seems that the NL East may not be the toughest confernce. The Mets are still bad, the Expos are ok, the Braves are facing their first below .500 season sense the 80's. The Phillies made some moves, but look sub-par. The Marlins look great now, but needs the offense to score some more runs. I realize it has only been 1 week, but I felt this would be the case sense I saw the rosters. I don't think that the Braves are going to put any kind of run together. The Mets will be bad for a few more years, and with Admin Bowa as the head coach of the Phillies they ain't going anywhere. The only team I see that could give the Marlins a run is the Expos. Then again the unthinkable can quickly become reality. As a Marlins' fan I witnessed it last year. IMO this is how I see the conferences in the NL NL Central (my personal laughing stock for the past few years, these teams are good now) NL West (don't know much about them, but on paper they are a tough group of teams) NL East (whoa is me, I'm not complaining if the Fish get the conference. It's just I will have to eat some crow when I was saying things about the Central last year to all my Cub fan friends.)
things you would like to forget
I don't know if it is America or just me. It seems I am the only person here to get that looking at a car wreck feeling. (Don't want to look, just can't look away.)
things you would like to forget
to expand a little on my 2 reasons. Reason one (the giving up hope one) It's not that I gave up on the inside, but let it show here. I said that we didn't care, and that the look on our faces where that of a beaten team that just wanted the series to end. Not sure of the exact quote. The odd thing is I never gave up during the Cubs' series. (Being from Illinois I had a feeling that the Cubies would blow it) I hate them and their fans with a passion and am so happy that it was our fish that did it to them Reason two(Make-out time) I will say that I know those two wheren't gay(well I don't KNOW, but I don't think they are) with that being said it still made me feel uncomfortable. I know that it is very common for differnt cultures to kiss like that, but it just gave me an icky feeling all over. To put it in perspective: You guys say that when you saw that Aramis Rameriz GrandSlam....That is the same feeling that I felt after seeing that every time!!!!! I would also like to add getting beat by the Pirates. My dad's favorite team is the Pirates, and I made fun of them all year long. Sigh. It's my fault we lost. My Ying Yanged, and I had some major retrobution to pay!
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