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Miggy for MVP

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About Miggy for MVP

  • Birthday 04/06/1986

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Sky Carp

Sky Carp (2/8)

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  1. Sweet, 7:05 game for me, I'm 6 hours ahead in Copenhagen, Denmark for the week
  2. better manager then our last one. yeah? how so? I agree, Fredi is definitely getting controlled by Beinfest. I mean, it ain't his fault, it just he ain't all the way black. hahahaha
  3. that stinks. I looked at the last word of the book, and when I saw what it was, I thought I knew what happened....I was devastated. I have a friend who reads the last page of every book before she starts from the begining. I could never do that. My sister does that and I think its retarded. The only problem I had with the epilogue is that it sounded like it was written by a 12 year old writing their ideal ending. The book in general was amazing and by far the best of the series.
  4. Ugh now im going crazy! Does Anyone Know if what Mlowell said was true? If it is then that guy is a total a**hole and should be banned
  5. How many of you are gonna use this when you go up to vote? Your naivety is humorous. Last election, I took an online quiz and it told me to vote for Ralph Nader so I did. Isn't that what everyone does? EDIT: 1. Ron Paul - nynnnnnynnyy - 8 2. Bill Richardson - nyynnyynnnny - 6 3. Dennis Kucinich - nyynnynyynyn - 4 4. John Edwards - nyynnyynynny - 4 5. Barack Obama - nyynyyynynny - 2 6. Hillary Clinton - nyynyyynynny - 2 7. Mike Huckabee - yynyynynnyny - 2 8. Mitt Romney - yynyynynnyny - 2 9. John McCain - yynyyyynnyny - 0 10. Rudy Giuliani - ynnnyyyynyny - -2 I'm voting for Ron Paul now, I guess I'll have to write him in Consider registered as a R so you can vote for him in the primary. I was joking.
  6. What kind of camera do you have?
  7. What kind of camera do you have?
  8. How many of you are gonna use this when you go up to vote? Your naivety is humorous. Last election, I took an online quiz and it told me to vote for Ralph Nader so I did. Isn't that what everyone does? EDIT: 1. Ron Paul - nynnnnnynnyy - 8 2. Bill Richardson - nyynnyynnnny - 6 3. Dennis Kucinich - nyynnynyynyn - 4 4. John Edwards - nyynnyynynny - 4 5. Barack Obama - nyynyyynynny - 2 6. Hillary Clinton - nyynyyynynny - 2 7. Mike Huckabee - yynyynynnyny - 2 8. Mitt Romney - yynyynynnyny - 2 9. John McCain - yynyyyynnyny - 0 10. Rudy Giuliani - ynnnyyyynyny - -2 I'm voting for Ron Paul now, I guess I'll have to write him in
  9. This a-hole screws up in the field multiple times a week and he continues to play. I really dont even fault him anymore because Fredi probably doesnt even say a word to him. How the hell do you know what goes on behind the scenes?
  10. why would you even say that? He'll have it done by then
  11. I got it to work too, my first picture I tried must not have been right
  12. http://www.simpsonizeme.com/index.php It won't work for me
  13. Actually you got it all wrong, my tactic is to say that no one is a hypocrite. But if one is so is the other. And in my personal nonpolitical opinion theres nothing wrong with prostitution. So the whole media sensationalist hypocrite nonsense is stupid. Actually, the hypocrite tag that the media has given Vitter is because he cheated on his wife after all of his moral outcries during the Clinton administration, not because he did it with with a prostitute. Let me ask you this, in your opinion, is there also nothing wrong with adultery? My opinion on the point is actually irrelevant. But the fact that he was adulterous strengthens my point. At least as a lawmaker who breaks the law, there is an element of hypocrisy. What my own moral opinion on adultery is, is irrelevant. Most laws against it have either been rescinded or not enforced. A private matter between a man and his wife (See Slick Willy) should not be made into a public matter. So logic dictates that the only problem was that Vitter broke the law, and even then its a law thats antiquated and a violation of civil liberties. You say that your opinion on adultery is irrelevant, but you have stated in this thread numerous times your opinion on prostitution and I really don't see how one could be relevant and the other not. Also, I'm not saying that Vitter should be in legal trouble for cheating on his wife, I am saying that it is that misdeed that is being focusing on because of his previous viewpoints, not prostitution.
  14. Why I find funny about this thread is that B4P, who is in no way a Bush supporter is defending Bush based solely on common sense, but he still gets bashed. Yeah for real, I'm a registered democrat but some of these guy saying that Bush is absolutely the worst president ever and that the war is illegal here because the UN thinks so are a bunch of assclowns
  15. Actually you got it all wrong, my tactic is to say that no one is a hypocrite. But if one is so is the other. And in my personal nonpolitical opinion theres nothing wrong with prostitution. So the whole media sensationalist hypocrite nonsense is stupid. Actually, the hypocrite tag that the media has given Vitter is because he cheated on his wife after all of his moral outcries during the Clinton administration, not because he did it with with a prostitute. Let me ask you this, in your opinion, is there also nothing wrong with adultery?
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