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  • Birthday 04/03/1987

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  1. There's no way Redmond gained respect of the team with this. If you need to teach the player after he did something you feel was immature or unnecessary, do it in private. To the outside, you back your player until then end, right or wrong, you back your player. Look at Girardi. You just know Girardi does not like Alex Rodriguez one bit, yet when he got plunked by the Red Sox, Girardi was the first one to storm out and defend his player. That's what the manager is supposed to do. IMHO Redmond came out as a no balls, no personality type of manager. He needed to have Jose's back there. No spout that asinine line "Jose's actions ruined tonight for me" dafuq is that!?!
  2. MLB Network kinda ripping Redmond for his post game interview apologizing and saying that what Fernandez did "ruined the whole night for him" They're saying you don't do that. You go and defend your player. They're saying something like this can cause a manager to lose some respect from the players. I don't know about the losing respect part, but I agree with the rest. You talk to him privately if you have to, but you definitely go out and fight tooth and nail for your player against the outside. Specially in this case when it wasn't something uncalled for and out of the blue, but in fact an incident derived from provocation.
  3. Everyone on MLB Network's MLB Tonight just took Jose's side and said Braves overreacted and they actually started it. They were also upset at Jose apologizing. They felt it wasn't necessary.
  4. The Braves clearly thought Jose was showing them up on the Gattis HR. He wasn't but that's how they took it which they took exception to. None of that permits Jose to pimp a HR like he did though. You just can't do things like that and expect the other team to stand by and say nothing. Jose can't do it but Gattis can? Gattis who's been in the majors just as long as Fernandez? Jose can't but Johnson can? You say he can't do that and expect the other team to stand by, well they did it first, so that line applies to them.
  5. MLB Tonight just called it like it is. Called it like what happened. the Braves started it and Jose finished it and they didn't like how it ended. Bunch of punks.
  6. Redmond should have benched Fernandez's a** from the start, tbh. You can do that in baseball. I wouldn't exactly be shocked to see: a. the marlins get one in the ribs next time out. b. Fernandez to get one in the ribs next time against the Braves. Its kinda what happens. You cant just go around showing up other players in MLB. Perhaps its the Cuban background in him, as Puig does the same kind of stupid s***. Blame the Marlins to an extent for not telling/teaching him ahead of time what he should/shouldnt do. Zero problems with this or anything else. Braves have every right to be pissed. With all due respect, that's a lot of BS. With what moral ground can the Braves be upset at this when they did the same not once, but twice before Jose's HR. Gattis stare on his HR and Chris Johnson bitching while running to first base is just as much cause to be upset as what Jose did, if you are inclined to be upset in the first place. I saw only apologies coming from the Marlins side, and nothing but excuses and finger pointing high and mighty attitude coming from the Braves.
  7. He's managing a young team, part of his job is to teach them the right way to play the game. Sometimes the kid gloves have to come off. yeah, you teach them in private, but then you fight like a mother hen for them against those from outside. You saw tonight, Jose wasn't the only one doing stupid shit out there. And again, the Braves players are not 21 year old rookies. What's their excuse for being assholes?
  8. Redmond sapping the fire from the kid by making it all as if the kid was all in the wrong. That's some bulls***. Braves did their share of stupid crap tonight, and not only did they not apologize but make excuses, they don't have the excuse of being 21 year old rookies. I understand if you talk to him privately and call him off, but then you better come out and stand up for him in public and call out the bulls*** done by the other side. That is some lack of balls and personality by Redmond.
  9. Fredi full of s*** and making no sense. He's saying about Jose that "if you want to be playful on the mound, then don't be upset when we do it back to you" Well s*** Fredi, Jose wasn't the one who went apeshit out there buddy, talk to your boy Johnson who was the one who lost it and was the one who got "upset at the playfulness"
  10. Bullshit Redmond. How about calling out the braves for their share of shit tonight. They don't have the excuse of being 21 year old rookies.
  11. Chris Johnson being a little biatch running his mouth and then acting all tough hiding behind the ump. He started all the shit running his mouth on the fly ball and then charging home plate when McCann was just chatting with Jose. Little bitch punk.
  12. The damage this team has sustained far surpasses the actual acquisition or removal of talent. This team will only recuperate with time, and if/when Loria is no longer associated with this team in any capacity. Sad but true.
  13. Does Loria live in Miami? I cannot fathom him showing his two-timing face anywhere in Miami without getting bitch-slapped like the son of a bitch he truly is.
  14. Don't stop now!!!!! Come on! Beinfest next! Let the firing party continue!!!
  15. Ok, ok..... Can someone now also fire Loria and the clown show, please. PLEASE!!!
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