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Tolerate Everyone Celebrate No One


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Tolerate Everyone Celebrate No One



I hate the intolerant leftism that runs the average college campus. I was walking around campus and all over the place is "Gay Pride" messages. Messages like "Do not tolerate...CELEBRATE!" are all around. And here's the worse part: the messages were done illegally with sidewalk chart, pretty much it was vandalism. However, because their message is leftist, they will get away with it.


I hate inequality and this is just another example of it. Messages like "Bush 2004", "Abortion Is Murder", "Free Trade", or "Affirmative Action is Racism" would get the people behind them arrested. In fact, I concocted the perfect rubuttal to all the pro-gay pride messages: Tolerate Everyone Celebrate No One.


My brother and I were seriously considering to do it, but it is not worth being arrested. It is vandalism, but here's the problem: why should one group of people be allowed to vandalize and further their political agenda but not another? That's DISCRIMINATION. However, leftists are not really against discrimination, they are just against what they do no agree with. This should not be new to anyone, look at programs like Affirmative Action.


Anyway, what makes me angry about "Don't Tolerate...CELEBRATE"? It is an extension of discrimination. I do not celebrate straight love so why should I celebrate gay love? Why should one group be tolerated over another? Simply, it is discrimination. That's why the perfect message is "Tolerate Everyone Celebrate No One", because it is not discriminatory and it does not push one person's belief over another. However, I WOULD BE ARRESTED for preaching tolerance and others get away with discrimination. What a messed up society we live in.


So I had it with Gay pride. I do not have pride in being straight, I do not celebrate being straight, and I consider homosexuals and bisexuals as full equals to myself. Unless you celebrate straight love as actively as gay love, you are a discriminatory hypocrite. We should tolerate everyone as long as they do not harm others. We should celebrate charitable and good qualities, not sexual preference.




Today I went to a College Republicans meeting and my friend Jarrod said, "Does anyone know a black conservative? If we have a black guy, we will look better." Are black people animals? Are they novelties? Are they museum exhibits to observe? No, they are people, and I am dead tired of people who treat blacks like some how they are not human.


What Jarrod wants is racist and unless you beleive in racism one should not stoop to that level for any reason. And no, it is not just conservatives, liberals do it all the time too. If someone is black, people patronize her or him and it is terrible. If I were black, I bet professors would think I am so smart, articulate, and special (see blackpeopleloveus.com). However, I would still be just me. The problem is that people PATRONIZE blacks. The reason this is on my mind because on campus televison there was a news show...


On it there was a black guy and a white girl. When the black guy said something, the white girl would smile just a BIT too much, laugh just a BIT too much, and exaggerate her actions just a BIT too much. She was patronizing someone, because of their skin tone. I saw Regis do it on his show, the guys on Baseball Tonight on their's (to Tony Gwynn), John Stewart (to Chirs Rock) on the daily show, you can see it almost everywhere.




Howard Stern must be one of the least racist people on Earth. He speaks his mind to everyone, speaks the same to everyone, and usually makes sense. Why can't we just see all people as people? Speak our mind to everyone without thinking twice? Judge people for their merit and their opinion's from their content?


We have a long way to go...a very long way. Discrimination is a terrible problem in this society.



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