Today's Miami Herald - Try and get a copy
Nice article... congrats!
3/23 - Mets at Marlins
If the games starts... how about someone giving a score update for those of us who can't listen/watch the game.
Wilson Delgado
Wilson Delgado - SS - FLA? Triple-A Albuquerque's Wilson Delgado was suspended for 30 games for violating the minor league drug policy. Delgado was suspended for 15 games in May under the steroids policy. If he hadn't already, he's probably now seriously jeopardized his chances of ever returning to the majors. Aug. 12 - 4:30 pm et perhaps this is the "young" player selig was talking about? 899972[/snapback] Can't get much dummer than that. :thumbdown some people never learn. :mischief2
Other Minor League Movements
hummm... this should be interesting. :call
Yeah, you're probably right seeings how he has not pitched in a while. Ouch, last night was not a good start for him... but I'm still pulling for him! :thumbup
no love for Lincoln Hodzkom? How about Josh Wilson or Ronald Belizario or Reggie Abercrombie 764195[/snapback] Holdzkom and Belizario are both injured. They have great potential but haven't showed it on the field yet. Reggie Abercrombie hasn't done anything yet. He has good size and is a good prospect but hasn't put together results yet. I think more people just like him for his last name. I like Josh Wilson and thought about including him but he's not off to a good start this season. Josh Wilson will never be a MLB starter. The best he will be is a utility/backup. Robert Andino has much more upside. 764201[/snapback] Holdzkom has pitched very well in his career so far, not sure why you say he hasnt shown it on the field yet. Then you have guys like Padgett who havent done anything in the minor league career except for this year and yet he is #13 on your list. What do you think of De Aza and Molina? How about Yourkin and Mobley? 764203[/snapback] Again man this is just my opinion. Padgett has hit decently at every level. Your right, this is his breakout season but he is tearing it up. Guys like De Aza, Molina, Youkin, and Mobley are not in the Top 20 yet. They need to progess to higher levels before we can rate how good they are. 764205[/snapback] I know it's your opinion, but Im still allowed to disagree with you. You also contradict yourself when you say guys like De Aza, Molina, Mobley and Yourkin arent on your list because they have to progress to higher levels, yet Jason Vargas, Jonathan Fulton, Ryan Bear, James Russ, and Allen Bazter are on your list(or HR). And just like you have your opinion, I gotta disagree with your little throery on prospects are anyone who hasnt had a year in the majors yet. 764213[/snapback] I know this is a typo, since the "z" is just left of the "x". Even the Jupiter Hammerheads website got his name wrong... Adam Baxter was shown on the Hammerheads site as entering the game as a reliever on July 13, while it actually was Allen Baxter (according to minorleaguebaseball's game log) who came in as a reliever... ummm, Baxter is a RH starter... what's up with that? :whistle lhp20jup
I have "two free tickets" that are good until the end of the season. We went down to see the Grasshopper's play against the Crawdads in April but the game was rained out. We do not plan on going back down there, so I am offering the tickets to anyone who is interested. Besides that the player we went to see play has been moved up to Jupiter! Ticket Infomation: These are box seats on the first base line. Section: C Row/Box 3 Seats: 3 and 4 I hate to just throw them away. Please post in this topic if you would like to have them. Thanks, lhp20jup
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