Congrats Marlins!
3 more to go!!!!! GO MARLINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From A White Sox fan
Lmao @ Jay Mariotti.
Well Cubkilla, ya beat me to it! I also wanted to say that attendance doesn't win championships, but that seems to be the typical cub fan ace in the hand. As if White Sox, Marlins, Minnesota, etc. etc. fans give a rat's butt how many tourists show up at wrigley field. So get it through your thick skulls cub fans, ATTENDANCE DOESN'T WIN CHAMPIONSHIPS. We're tired of your constant never-ending drivel about attendance. NO ONE CARES. And NO ONE (but your sorry selves) believes that you somehow "deserve" to win the world series just because you draw more "fans".
Marlins make to World Series,
As a White Sox fan, I know how the Marlin fans feel. ChiSox fans are dissed just as badly by our own city. We were expected to root for the Lovable Losers just because they are a Chicago team. Because we didn't and chose instead to root for the Marlins, the Chicago papers call us poor losers, jealous, and terrible fans. And what's funny is every paper outside Chicago exposed cub fans for what they really are (and you Marlin fans know exactly what I'm talking about). I hope the Marlins beat the h*ll out of the Yankees in the WS. The Marlins DESERVE to win it all. Stay proud and don't let the media get to you. GO MARLINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
White Sox Fans
CONGRATULATIONS MARLINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This White Sox fan (and now Marlins fan too!) couldn't be happier! You have saved the city of Chicago from eternal cubbie hell.... The Marlins fans have a lot of class--something missing on the north side of Chicago. The Marlins truly deserved to win. Now it's on to the World Series--and White Sox fans are behind the Marlins all the way!!! GO MARLINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fun quotes from the Herald
The 03 Marlins are similar (except that they're a better team)to what the White Sox were in 2000....nobody gave the ChiSox any credit for what they accomplished over that season--they were a young inexperienced team that Higgy of the Tigers said (that season)"The White Sox are going nowhere"...it was amazing that they got to the playoffs, but unfortunately, Sox ownership didn't provide the pitching they needed in the post season. So now Marlins fans are experiencing what ChiSox fans have had to put up with year after year, (no respect), except that this year the Sox may as well roll over and die--the media in Chicago, when they DO mention the Sox these days, it's all negative stuff. The Marlins deserve much better press than they have been getting. I believe they are better than the scrubs, and truly epitomize "America's Team". I look forward to buying a 2003 World Champion Marlins shirt!! GO MARLINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Major Bulletin Board Material
I heard that Kohl's (a department store with lots of stores in the Chicago area and elsewhere) has been selling Cubs world series shirts since like Sunday. Bad Karma. I LOVE IT!! GO MARLINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A Little Prayer Before the Game
I went to bed last night with the scrubs winning. Just before I fell asleep, I said a prayer. I said, God if you exist, you will NOT let a cheater get to the World series and you will let the Marlins win. I have been questioning my faith since the scrubs got into the playoffs. Even my hubby who attends church every week, said he may quit going to church if the scrubs make the WS. The playoffs have been nothing but a media-driven circus, and saying the scrubs are "America's Team" just makes me sick. Does anyone in America really want a team like the scrubs with their long losing history and who idolize a cheater and liar to represent American baseball? :angry I will ask God again tonight to answer my prayers.
One things Marlins fans must NOT do..
What happened to the scrubs last night is known as bad Karma. They've had their champagne chilling and their celebrations planned since Sunday. I've been keeping my mouth shut at work (my boss is a scrub fan) and letting the Marlins do the "talking". This morning my boss said to me, "The bad news is, the cubs lost. The good news is I have tickets for tonight's game". He's been real cocky since the scrubs got past the Braves, and I've been waiting for the day I can serve him up a big fat plate of CROW. GO MARLINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHITE SOX FANS LOVE THE MARLINS!!
Don't let the Cubs fans push you around...
I hope there are concession stands near the stadium selling the Cork shirts. They're the best, the ones that have the scrubby logo--the big "C" but with ORK instead of UBS in the middle. Also the sosa lumber company shirts. GO MARLINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't let the Cubs fans push you around...
Besides, the Sox had wood first (Wilbur Wood)
Sosa (and Chicago media) very na?ve!
Hangar is absolutely correct. And I truly believe that Corky did what he could to avoid being in the AllStar HR derby because it was at Sox park. Even at the AllStar game, when they announced Prior and wood at the beginning, we BOOED them loudly--it was amazing. GO MARLINS!!!!!!!
Sox Fan that Really does like your Marlin Team
I, too was impressed with the Marlins from what little I watched of the game. It was amazing how many times the Big Fish came back when it looked like it was over for them. The scrubs are somewhat complacent, they think the Marlins are easy to beat. It will be huge when they beat crybaby prior tonite. GO MARLINS!!!!
take Ramp to Unos.
Why take him to those overrated "tourist" pizza joints? How about Palermo's near 63rd & Pulaski, or Home Run Inn? Heck, there are tons of pizza joints all over with better pizza than Unos, Malnatis, Due, etc....even Giordano's and Nancy's are better, IMHO.
If you REALLY want to pi$$ off scrub fans, call their beloved cheater "Corky"--that's the chant we like best at White Sox park. :lol
White Sox Fans Back Marlins 110%
ChiSox only touched upon a few of the reasons why Sox fans hate their northside rivals. Cub fans are some of the worst you'll ever encounter. When they invade Florida for the playoffs, be ready for their obnoxious, self-righteous and moronic behavior. Remember that these idiots still idolize scammin' shammy sosa--a liar, steroid-laden wife-beater and cheater. Sox fans had a field day when Corky sosa came to White Sox park last June. Corky the Coward actually wore EARPLUGS so he wouldn't hear the "cheater" chants. Cub fans' fascination with, and adoration of, Corky is pathetic. -------------------- GO MARLINS!!!!!
Mrs Aloha
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