Beer is my friend.
This is a cool thread. I just moved to North Carolina (first time out of Florida in my life) and discovered a gem of a beer I guess they only sell here called Red Oak. mmmmm. I think I'm hooked and Jetsmania makes me thirsty! Where in NC? Foothills and Olde Hickory are great local brands. Funny, I made my post without even noticing you were in NC. I just moved to Cary. Ill check those beers out, thanks for heads up! Red Oak has such a simple, clean taste though, really like it.
Beer is my friend.
This is a cool thread. I just moved to North Carolina (first time out of Florida in my life) and discovered a gem of a beer I guess they only sell here called Red Oak. mmmmm. I think I'm hooked and Jetsmania makes me thirsty!
Rome is falling again.
Why does this sound so familiar? Because it was written in 1965 in Taylor Caldwell's fictional novel Pillar of Iron featuring Cicero as a character, and not in 55 BC. -Have the rich pay their share Leave this out please and you're A-Ok! Let the rich keep there own damn money, and spend it however they please. They pay enough taxes already for our government to waste on those entitlement programs, a military that is going to crumble this country, and general waste. Why do I want successful Americans who know how to make money give up more money to people who DON'T know how to make money or SPEND money? It's such an asshat backwards idea, not sure why it gets hive minded among so many people today. Haven't seen you in these parts for awhile. It's nice to see you back. I watched the debates yesterday and was wondering about you actually. Glad to see you're still here. I've become pretty jaded with politics, don't really understand it and truly believe it's just all about marketing and a popularity contest and that no matter what we do it really won't matter. Too much money involved in the military complex and those people aren't going to let someone like Ron Paul ever be commander in chief. I am encouraged though by Rand Paul getting a senate seat.
Rome is falling again.
Why does this sound so familiar? Because it was written in 1965 in Taylor Caldwell's fictional novel Pillar of Iron featuring Cicero as a character, and not in 55 BC. -Have the rich pay their share Leave this out please and you're A-Ok! Let the rich keep there own damn money, and spend it however they please. They pay enough taxes already for our government to waste on those entitlement programs, a military that is going to crumble this country, and general waste. Why do I want successful Americans who know how to make money give up more money to people who DON'T know how to make money or SPEND money? It's such an asshat backwards idea, not sure why it gets hive minded among so many people today.
Name my Boat!
I need pictures to be able to sufficiently give it a name...
Favorite TV Shows of All-Time
-Breaking Bad -Deadwood -It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia -South Park -King of the Hill -Curb your Enthusiasm -Joan of Arcadia -Seinfeld -Frasier -The Office
Marlin's Notes From 1st Day of GM Meetings
I just don't see much risk here. Concur, but if I have to bet on it I still say we offer neither one arbitration.
Signing into Aol.com not working?
People still use AOL?
So, what's your costume?
hahaha this is so awesome. Creative and different from every other costume you see out there. +1000 for that, hope people got it.
Marlin's Notes From 1st Day of GM Meetings
Also, Kiko is a Type B. So we have two compensatory 2nd round picks (N. Johnson the other). That'll help the lower depth a little. Isn't this only assuming that we offer them arbitration? Which I doubt we will...
So, what's your costume?
I just want my kids back. (Arrested Development reference, anyone?) This pic made me LOL. Iowa, post some pics of King of the Hill, awesome idea!
Beer is my friend.
I'll be here at 1pm today http://www.loreleynyc.com/ :| *jealous* I'll be painting... BUT I *DO* have a Spaten Oktoberfest to raise up later! :thumbup BTW, this is the beer St. Sebestiaan I was asking you about, yankeefan. I didn't try it since you didn't know it, but maybe next time... I've never tried it. I looked it up and two of the guys with most similar tastes to mine gave it 3's. Clearly, there are better Belgian Strong Ales to be had, my friend! *cough* *CHIMAY* *cough* Yea I didn't get it, my night consisted of a grimbergen blonde ale (first time I tried it, pretty tasty but just too many great beers that I wouldn't order it again), St. Bernarndus apt 12 (my stand by fav), three philosophers (my other favorite) a Holy Mackeral ale draft, (which was kinda meh) and a really cute chick that was cute enough that I didn't mind the multiple tattoos ( I hate tats on a girl). HA, just did a search in this thread to see if I mentioned the beer before..had it over two years ago (damn time flies, I remember this night!) and I guess I wasn't too keen on it then, but trust me...it's good!
Beer is my friend.
I'm dying for a good pumpkin beer. I brought a few people to my favorite beer place just because I was sure they would have some pumpkin beer but alas...none. So disappointed. I posted this in another thread but kind of a cool story..growing up my dad used to brew beer, did it for about maybe a year but then stopped because as he says he was getting to fat. Sold all his equipment (about $300-400 worth) to a good family friend of ours for 50 bucks, taught him a few things and the guy got really into it. Well fast forward nearly 15 years and my dad says oh I ran into Bob Gordash the other day, remember him? He quit his business and is now only brewing beer full time. The beer is Holy Mackerel which I love and is actually getting really popular down here. So if you ever see that beer pick some up, could be part of my dad's original recipe!
New kid alert!
This thread is useless without pics...
June Hitters Report
I know Skipworth is young and he has plenty of time to develop and blah blah blah, but I wonder how many examples there are of a player struggling this badno matter what age and actually having a productive major league career? Might be a question for John Sickels over at his blog... It's just hard for me to fathom an elite hitting prospect being this over matched for this long, no matter the age/level.
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