How about this; if you're going to use your laptop at the ballpark save yourself $20 by sitting home at your computer and watching the game on television. If you aren't going to the ballpark to pay attention to the game then don't go.
Good News!
D-train just isn't that consistent of a pitcher (just like the rest of the Marlins 05 rotation). He had outtings just like this in 03 and 04. 05 was an incredible year and he still had outtings like this right around the All Star break. I was hoping this year would lead to less wins (because the lack of offense) but a 2.something ERA. The defensive errors don't help. I think its 25% the team and 75% when you have to point blame at his bad string of performances. He is just looking horrible out there lately.
are tickets v Red Sox gone?
yeah the Marlins are sold out for the season. All 50+k seats are taken. Sorry buddy.
Cabrera's errors
Then why is there no lapse at the plate? Because the kid is a natrual talent. He doesn't have to try all that hard to do what he does at the plate. I know he's going to get better at 3rd, and errors will happen. But there really is no excuse for lazy errors like the one he had Friday. That was seriously disgusting.
What's the real scoop on Boog Sciambi's departure?
Yeah his show on 790 is great and probably the only talk radio show I can stomach. To the best of my knowledge its the only place to hear informative baseball talk. Amen! Boog has to be one of the better baseball guys around.
Cabrera's errors
I'm not going to doubt that Cabrera either A) Is having outside issues B) is out of shape or C) is getting comfortable at 3rd base. HOWEVER, that slow grounder he charged Friday night that basically rolled right by him only showed a blatant lack of effort. It litterally looked like he didn't care to hussle. I don't see how you could argue any different for that grounder. Playing the sharp line drives to the side and missing them I can live with. That comes when his comfort level at 3rd base comes back. But that lack of effort on that grounder was just unbelieveable.
If you're going to the game tonight
For those of you coming home w/ your domino sets and want to get rid of them PM me! :]
Cardinals at Marlins
i'm watching the cardinals boardcast up here in illinois and they are giving these rookies some props, for those of you who care. but they did get on hanram and cabs for not catching those balls. even though i think hanram's would have been a hell of a catch.
Cardinals at Marlins
nice play Hanley... good recovery come on Cabs... that was a fairly easy play E-6 Are you testing us? Otherwise...nevermind huh? E-5 thats what he ment. The last I checked HanRam was playing SS, not Cabs
Cardinals at Marlins
wow, nice play cabrera. way to look like a bum @ 3rd
If you're going to the game tonight
If you're going to the game tonight and you get an extra domino set or just one you don't want please let me know. I would LOVE one of those sets. I'll pay a reasonable price. Just PM me tomorrow if you would want to barter.
What I Want In A Ballpark
free beer and naked chicks.
Ballpark Digest: MLB working on plan for downtown ballpark
Downtown: The Pluses Public Transportation...Metro Rail and Tri Rail access During weekday games traffic is flowing OUT of downtown Hundreds of thousands of working professionals 100,000 condos are being built within a 2 mile radius Exposure...potential to be the most picturesque ball park in all of MLB. Plenty of Broward residents go to Heat games and went to Panther games in the Miami Arena. (If youre a fan youll go)...if Ft. Lauderdale was building a stadium I would go. After a game you actually have the option of going somewhere for entertainment. Hitting home runs in the Bay! South Beach, Brickell minutes from bicentenial park and Coconut Grove and Coral Gables no more than 10 minutes away. The richest areas of Miami Dade County are with in a 20 minute ride. Little Havana is just 20 blocks away allowing a huge segment of the baseball loving population who are unable to attend DS or Hialeah. I look at it like this. Hialeah Heights is no better than the current location. Infact its practically the same location in terms of how it services Dade County. Nothing around it, in the middle of nowhere. Plan Jane boring atmosphere. Building a stadium in Downtown Miami, especially on Bicentenial Park, is once in a lifetime. If Hialeah is the ONLY place that can get a stadium done, than Ill be happy, but if it can get done in Miami, it should be a no brainer. Wow, now I agree with something more than your sig. :thumbup
Sampson on Boog
Nothing...he talked movies his whole segment....he sucks He talked a little about SA. He was VERY vauge on the dealing w/ dade county. Although the Marlins will get $$ from revenue sharing, said that Loria isn't going to make a dime this season and the goal is just to break-even. That was the meat of it.
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