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  1. Keyswayne posted a post in a topic in Miami Marlins
    UGH! Conine hasn't been able to even get the bat on the ball and make solid contact with runners in scoring position. So you would promote him. Obviously a disciple of the Peter Principle. He is stuggling. It isn't because of the pitches he's seeing. It's happening with every kind of pitch he's seeing. I'd love to see the guy hit his way out of it, but not by heeping even more pressure on him. If he can't hit in the 5 hole, and then the 6 hole, I don't see him doing any better in the 3rd spot. But now you have someone killing the top of the order. How do you bump Lowell out of the 3 hole anyway? He's doing a great job there. He's hitting for avg, power, and driving in runs, except for this minor slump. (so far) There is no problem in the three or four spots, it's the 5th that's causing the problems. Someone needs to step up there.
  2. The solution is obvious Jason Kendall here we go...someone making sense Where are we hurting most? 1) Catcher 2) Relief Pitching 3) Getting Runs In this order IMO How are hurting most at catcher? Red is hitting .287 and Treanor is hitting in the high.300s. Neither will get many all star votes, but that's solid. In case you haven't noticed yet, Red has bulked up a little this year and is driving the ball better. Not great, but better. He is an excellent hitter in the lower part of the order. Relieft pitching is the number one problem, and another bat would be nice. Kendall is not the answer however. Not at those prices, with no pop. Kendall's slugging pct is only .052 higher than his batting avg. He has a lower slugging pct than Juan Pierre.
  3. Keyswayne posted a post in a topic in Miami Marlins
    May I also add that Wilkerson only makes $375,000 and is still a young guy.? The Expos really have no reason to trade him. He is cheap - for now. There is no reason to believe he will stay that way though. And with Tomo Ohka going down, the Expos need pitching. Hell, I agree that K Olsen and T Hutch would be cheap - but a very good starting point. Throw in Abe Nunez...maybe even Damian Easely... Man, I should be GM... And Wilkerson would play. I would put him in LF as a platoon with Conine and use Conine to spell Choi at 1B, and even Cabs in RF. Wilkerson could even play some CF to spell JP. You're going to give up two pitching prospects, an alledged five tool bench player, and throw in one of the best hitting middle infielder bench players in the league, for Wilkerson? I'm glad you're not the GM. That's quite a package you put together. No, that would be either Damion 'The Omen' Easely or Abe Nunez. And dont BS me. You know, in fact have been a big propenent yourself, that Abe is not a five tool player. Sure, he has speed and power, but beyond that, it is hard to say. The other thing is if we get Brad Wilkerson, we would have to find something for Conine AND Easely to do. If you include Easely, you should pick up someone else too from the Spos. The fact is, Wilkerson would be a better fit than Beltran at this point. And we wouldnt have to give up much - I think K Olsen and T Hutch is good enough, but if the Expos want a bat to replace him, they can have Nunez - who would be expendable after acquiring Wilkerson. Of course you wouldnt want me as GM. But then again, you miss the old days of losing 100 games too... The fact that I think Abe Nunez is not a ML player doesn't discount the fact that he has some value in a deal. I'm not BSing anybody. If you give up two pitching prospects and Nunez, and then throw in Easley, who is probably one of the most consistent players so far this season, you are giving up an awful lot, and not getting all that much in return. I have no idea what you mean by "you miss the old days of losing 100 games too". Why would I miss that? Because I'm trying to discuss your statement? BTW how is a guy who is hitting .230 going to help this offense? Because he's hit some HRs? He only has 26 RBI with 10 HRs. Trading for Wilkerson would be an act of incompetence.
  4. Keyswayne posted a post in a topic in Miami Marlins
    Sometimes denial can be mistaken for having a positive attitude. If anybody has been keeping an eye on the winning pct it has looked a lot like my stock portfolio in the last few years. It continues to wither away. It is currently under .540 and heading down. The few hitters that have been carrying the team are coming back to earth, and nobody appears to be stepping up to help them out. There has been some problems with the starting rotation, and the bullpen is in turmoil. This isn't negative, it's reality. So far the Phillies haven't taken advantage of the situation. But I wouldn't expect that to continue all season. They haven't made a run yet. If they do, I don't know how the fish will hold them off. This team is leaking serious oil, and nobody seems to be able to do anything about it. The swagger is gone. It's time to make some serious moves. One that I think is overdue is to go back to one lead off hitter. The two slap hitters at the top have worn thin. Especially with no one stealing any bases. There just isn't enough pop there to carry it off. I have no idea what is to be done with the bullpen. It doesn't look like anybody IN the organization is going to get it done, and I don't know how you pry a good RP away from anybody outside of it without giving up some real value. Whistling in the dark is not condusive to problem solving. The first step is to accept that there is a problem.
  5. Keyswayne posted a post in a topic in Miami Marlins
    May I also add that Wilkerson only makes $375,000 and is still a young guy. The Expos really have no reason to trade him. He is cheap - for now. There is no reason to believe he will stay that way though. And with Tomo Ohka going down, the Expos need pitching. Hell, I agree that K Olsen and T Hutch would be cheap - but a very good starting point. Throw in Abe Nunez...maybe even Damian Easely... Man, I should be GM... And Wilkerson would play. I would put him in LF as a platoon with Conine and use Conine to spell Choi at 1B, and even Cabs in RF. Wilkerson could even play some CF to spell JP. You're going to give up two pitching prospects, an alledged five tool bench player, and throw in one of the best hitting middle infielder bench players in the league, for Wilkerson? I'm glad you're not the GM. That's quite a package you put together.
  6. I say we shake the lineup tomorrow, take JP and bat him lower and stick Easley between Castillo who will leadoff and Choi. Then have Lowell hit after Choi. 1. Castillo 2B 2. Easley DH 3. Choi 1B 4. Lowell 3B 5. Cabrera RF 6. Pierre CF 7. Conine LF 8. Gonzalez SS 9. Redmond C I think it's too much pressure on Choi in the 3 hole, but it might be interesting to hit him in the two hole after Castillo. He takes a lot of pitches, walks a lot and can hit behind the runner. It gives the top of the order a little more pop. Then you can bat Pierre ninth, and still have the two rabbits hitting together. Pierre doesn't take enough pitches to be hitting lead off. He takes the pressure off the pitcher too many times by weakly grounding or popping out. And since his base stealing hasn't been much of a factor, it might be time to re think the two slap hitters at the top.
  7. Keyswayne posted a post in a topic in Miami Marlins
    if luis starts running again.....look out. Watch out is right. If he starts tryin to steal like he did a couple of years ago, he will almost certainly be visiting the DL. They'be been winning without the steals. As a matter of fact the steal attempts have been costly. It's a different day, and a different team. I would rather have Luis available to range and move on defense than a couple more stolen bases.
  8. Keyswayne posted a post in a topic in Miami Marlins
    I don't know why it's so hard for so many of you to accept what happened with Pudge. Due to the arrangement, the Marlins couldn't get into the bidding with other teams. They had to make an offer and then Pudge either accepted it or tested the market. Once he rejected the offer the Marlins were out of it. They were no longer eligible to bid. Even if they wanted to. To say he chose money over family is unfair, and naive. In his situation, there was almost no way he could take a pay cut, and a two year contract. He was the WS MVP. He was credited with leading the Marlins to winning the WS. Even tho many baseball people were saying he wasn't going to get much better of an offer, it was almost certain that he had to test the market. Who among you would turn down $25 mil? That's what you're talking about. The Marlins couldn't afford to tie up that much payroll in one player, especially a catcher at the twilight of his career. It just wasn't going to work. Not in the real world. Pudge was a hired gun, for one season. He was a bargain, and he performed well, (not great, BTW) for us. If everybody had a crystal ball and could see that Castro was going to tank, and that Pudge's only viable offer was going to come from Detroit, things may have been a little different. But they didn't, and he's doing well, and the fish are doing well. So let's move on.
  9. Keyswayne posted a post in a topic in Miami Marlins
    I saw the article from the Sun Sentinel posted on the home page of this site, and when I tried to go to the Sentinel site to see who wrote it I couldn't find it anywhere on their site. I wonder why that is? I found it funny that the same paper would publish a story so obvioulsy refuting Berardino's recent story about Luis being ready to sign. Once again, Berardino makes up stories, and attributes the info to his "sources", even though everybody knows that he certainly doesn't have any on the Marlins. How does this guy keep his job? At any rate, Iwanted to see who wrote that 2nd article so I could monitor him/her, and see how they compare to Berardino in the future. Does anybody know who wrote that story? If we're talking about the Cubs bidding for Castillo thing, Berardino wrote the 2nd article as well. For some reason, and I suspect it's probably tied to the fact this is Thanksgiving weekend and someone has it off, the Marlins Sun-Sent page hasn't been updated for a few days. The articles are there, listed on the front sports (web) page but for some reason didn't get linked to the Marlins page. I often check Google News (www.news.google.com) with the search "Sun Sentinel Marlins" because it will pick up pages that have been posted but not yet linked to the SS Marlins page. Hope that helps. Yeah, I thought maybe he wrote the 2nd article too, but it seemed silly that he would write one that said one thing and then refute it within a day or two. BTW nobody else anywhere that I saw wrote anything that confirmed his first article. He invented a "scoop" and then scooped himself. Isn't there a ethics question here?
  10. Keyswayne posted a post in a topic in Miami Marlins
    all this is obvious, of course, but i'll say it anyway: when you're in contract negotiations, you go and get a deal set with one team, THEN you go around and sell yourself to the other teams.? that way you push your own team to give you a better offer and you can get better offers from both teams. Gotcha. See, I never really understood the whole signing business until now. It looks complicated and I tend to separate myself from complicated business things. Yeah, well, if you understand it now, you're one up on me, and most of the people I know who follow this game. It's such a complicated process that I don't think anyone really understands it. There are a lot of rules that are hard to keep up with, but beyond that you have players egos, owners egos, and agents greed all thrown into the mix. Meanwhile, fans talk about things like loyalty, and home town discounts, which are largely concepts left over from high school sports associations, and have little or nothing to do with the business of Major League baseball. Not to worry, anybody who claims to undertand this process is whistling in the dark.
  11. Keyswayne posted a post in a topic in Miami Marlins
    I saw the article from the Sun Sentinel posted on the home page of this site, and when I tried to go to the Sentinel site to see who wrote it I couldn't find it anywhere on their site. I wonder why that is? I found it funny that the same paper would publish a story so obvioulsy refuting Berardino's recent story about Luis being ready to sign. Once again, Berardino makes up stories, and attributes the info to his "sources", even though everybody knows that he certainly doesn't have any on the Marlins. How does this guy keep his job? At any rate, Iwanted to see who wrote that 2nd article so I could monitor him/her, and see how they compare to Berardino in the future. Does anybody know who wrote that story?
  12. Keyswayne posted a post in a topic in Miami Marlins
    Hooper deserves a shot, at least a ST invite - and if I remember correctly, he raised a lot of eyebrows last ST. Nunez, he had an unfortunate injury in ST last year, otherwise he would have made this team as a 5th OF - something I remember debating heavily with Keyswayne last year (he did not like Nunez). Again, I think Castillo's value is not what it used to be - he is about to demand way too much money for his abilities. We could spend that money elsewhere, and I am actually quite happy to hear that we may not sign him (and that he may land on a big market club). Lowell is the real deal. The most consistent hitter on this club, is not the best (anymore, that would be Cabs) but is among the top 3 3B in ALL of baseball (if not the top - and Cabs would be right there too). NO ONE IN BASEBALL AT HIS POSITION MATCHED HIS LEVEL OF PRODUCTION. I think the fish are giving Castillo a pre deadline ultimatum. They are pressuring him to sign or they're going to make a move. The other teams going after him are more or less copying the Marlins offer. So, ...why the game? Probably trying to squeeze as much as possible out of this situation. Who could blame them? But, if I read this situation correctly, Castillo's agents are close to shutting the door on the fish, only to eventually wind up signing the same deal with someone else, just to keep the options open. I doubt if that's what Luis wants, and I suspect that's what he's pondering on his DR trip. He wants to sign and his agents are telling him to wait, and the Marlins are saying if you wait much longer we'll have to pull the trigger on another deal, probably involving some other key players. Thanks for remembering about Nunez. I still think the same thing I did last year. He's not major league material, and never will be. He just doesn't have the head for the game, and isn't quite gifted enough to pull it off. BTW, I don't know if Hooper is the answer, but there are MANY viable alternatives at substantially cheaper rates. I think the Marlins brass are very well aware of this and are pretty much playing a PR game for us fans. They have to act like they're fighting to resign some of these fan favorites so the "D" word doesn't start popping up. (except in LeBatard articles)
  13. I'd like to see Nunez get a reserve OF spot this spring. I'm surprised to see he has more BB's thank K's, because I think the one knock on him was that he struck out too much. I know he WAS touted as a five-tool prospect when he came here. Unfortunately, I think this spring will be his last chance to make it on the Marlins roster. The main problem with Nunez is his 6th tool. His head. He's doesn't have ballplayer instincts. He's another stud athelete that gets a lot of attention while real balllplayers fall by the wayside. He gets chance after chance and other guys less gifted who know how to play, don't. I watched him on the spanish channel last year playing in the Caribbean, and then when I was on vacation in the DR I got to see him play. He is very raw. He doesn't know what a cut off man is, and didn't run the bases well. He just isn't a polished ballplayer, and he 's getting too old to be this rough. He is very very inconsistent with his ABs. I think he mostly guesses. That's where the streaks come from. Major league pitchers eat guys like him for breakfast. I don't think he will ever have what it takes to hit major league pitching. He isn't the answer for the 4th outfielder.
  14. Keyswayne posted a post in a topic in Off-Topic
    When did this become a chat room?
  15. Keyswayne posted a post in a topic in Miami Marlins
    This is just pure wilda** gossip, speculation, fantasy, whatever you want to call it but we all know Pudge is sailing his way through the Carribean right now and guess who is also there, albeit on a cruise ship. Admin Beinfest. That's right our esteemed GM has been taking a cruise there too. A coincidence? Who knows. But if you can't bring the mounain to Mohammed, you bring Mohammed to the mountain right? I've been wondering for days whether the two plan to meet. What beautiful poetry it would be if Beinfest has found a way to get to Pudge (and around the well-laid plans of Scott Boras) since Pudge is not scheduled back until Dec 10th, three days after the Marlins drop-dead deadline to re-sign him. We all know the stories about how Pudge has always found a way to get directly involved in his contract negotiations. Perhaps... Pure fantasy on my part? Maybe. Maybe not. Yes, and I heard Ralph Samson was somewhere on the continent of North America, and guess who else? Vlad!!! And Mike Piazza, and OF #25, so I think following your logic, we can expect all three of them to be Marlins next year. PS I didn't realize that you couldn't say OF #25 name on this site, wassup with that?