Monday and Tuesday vs Expos moved
The Crowd should be interesting -- Cubs play sold out games at the same time -- There should be plenty of Cub fans there. I'll be going to at least one of the games to cheer on the Fish, but It should be an entertaining experience. 550581[/snapback] Unfortunately, I have a feeling there will be more Cub fans there on Monday and Tuesday since it's during the day. If there's a game on Wednesday night, I think there will be plenty of Sox fans there cheering on the Marlins, myself included.
Marlins considering games at U.S. Cellular Field
personally, i dont think the flubs fans would make the trip. they'd either be at wrigley watching their own team play or they'd be at home watching their team on TV...i couldnt imagine very many of them at all turning out to root for the expos when their own team is in town. 550244[/snapback] You don't know Cub fans. They came out in bunches to Sox games this year to start trouble, especially during the half-price nights. There were numerous fights, mostly caused by drunken frat boy type Cub fans wearing their Cubby blue, acting like obnoxious jerks and talking trash about the Sox.
Marlins considering games at U.S. Cellular Field
Heh.. what happens when Billy Koch comes into pitch? I would hope Sox fans would greet him warmly. 550133[/snapback] I don't think we'd boo him ... he was extremely frustrating to watch pitch, but he was a standup guy. He never skirted the blame, and I think most Sox fans respected him for that. Still, we were quite happy to have him off the team. 550186[/snapback] I met him in Seattle. He was really cool. Never made any excuses and bought beer for all the Sox fans at the bar.
Marlins considering games at U.S. Cellular Field
Trust me, the White Sox fans who show up will support you 100%. One potential thing I am afraid of, however, is fans of the Evil Empire showing up to root for Montreal/San Juan. That could spark fisticuffs between White Sox fans and fans of the Evil Empire. 550060[/snapback] Especially Wednesday since the Cubs are playing during the day. I'm sure the drunken fratboys would make a "double-header" out of it. :mad :
Marlins considering games at U.S. Cellular Field
Playing at the Cell might as well be a home game.....something tells me the White Sox fans would greet us warmly? 549775[/snapback] Absolutely. Us Sox fans would love so see a meaningful game at the Cell to cheer on the Marlins.
- "Friendly" Confines
Sosa-"Believe me, we are going to close the deal."
the entire city of Chicago would be devasted if they lose. Not on the southside.
Don't let the Cubs fans push you around...
Um...I said it once and I'll say it again. Fans down here in Miami DON'T mess around. The Cubs fans coming down here are asking for it. That's like a freaking death wish. LOL I don't know. Here's what you'll have to deal with Cubby Fan Picks
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