Yuta Tabuse
Good for him. I saw him several times in person during summer ball at the Rocky Mountain Revue and he completely sucked it up. I was shocked he made the team but it's good to see he has a shooting touch.
Rich and Crispy Nuggets
The Nuggets aren't even going to come close to getting K-Mart. They refuse to give up something to get something. This is KENYON MARTIN, a MAX OFFER type player, and they don't want to give up Nene. They think they can sign-and-trade with a couple draft picks and Nickolockokcozo Thhfsdifhsidfhlcldas whatever his name is, who averaged 2.7 POINT and 1.6 REBOUNDS. And if (when) the sign-and-trade doesn't go through, they'll offer all the money they have at Martin, only for it to be matched by NJ, and they'll have absolutely nothing except an overpriced Camby. Maybe Kiki should've taken some GM lessons from Utah? f*** Crymello.
carlos boozer
Name one other team who had a better offseason, or even as close to a successful offseason as we did? 448319[/snapback] whatever team gets shaq. :thumbup 450671[/snapback] You threw your nucleus into the dumpster for single guy who's way past his prime. Congratulations.
carlos boozer
The problem I have is with the media reaction. If you haven't yet, go read the SI column. It pulls the pity card by talking about how Gund is blind and diseased, and Paxson's wife is suffering from a terminal disease right now as this is happening. It even includes such graphic, terribly relevant details such as how Paxson is trying to console his dying wife between phone calls from Boozergate's snake agent. That's a shame, but what the f*** does that have to do with the game of basketball and Paxson's idiotic moves as a GM? And then it quotes an anonymous NBA agent giving a sermon on how disgusting this is and meaning of right and wrong. This is from an AGENT, the sleaziest position in the entire sports world, someone how takes large cuts away from players for essentially doing JACK s***, someone who screws players over all the time. People break verbal agreements all the time. The media is acting like this is the first time it's happened in the history of the world. Let's see, Ellis and Shannon Anderson both broke verbal agreements with the Jazz withing the past four years. Where's our SI cover story?!
carlos boozer
Yeah, we overpayed Okur and Boozer. So what? Everyone overpayed everyone. $46 mil to Okur and a front-loaded $68 mil to Boozer are excessive but necessary to get the job done. They're not ridiculous contracts. $42 mil for Foyle is an example of a ridiculous contract. We did what we had to do to get some solid size and we got the job done. Name one other team who had a better offseason, or even as close to a successful offseason as we did? DRAFT: 14 - Kris Humphries, solid PF which we needed badly, Big 10 player of year, Big 10 rebound/point leader 16 - Kirk Snyder. Did you watch the NCAA tourney? Try telling me this guy was not the steal of the draft at #16. 21 - Trade a worthless 7'5" stiff for a future first-round pick? Works for me. FREE AGENCY: $16 mil, 4 yr to get back Giricek. This guy doesn't miss shots, simple as that. $16 mil, 4 yr to get back Arroyo. Kid got a lot of offers from many teams but loves the Jazz so came back for next to nothing. $46 mil to Okur. Excessive, yes, but size is a valuable commodity this offseason. And it's $20 MIL under what he and his agent wanted, which was in the $60-65 mil range. And there's about a .00001% chance that Detroit will match. $68 mil to Boozer. STOLE HIM RIGHT FROM CLEVELAND'S POCKET. BRILLIANT. All we need to do now is resign Mo Williams, my favorite player in the league. Don't f*** with Utah.
sport? not a sport?
Here in Utah, channels 50-52 are ESPN2-FoxSportsRockyMountain-ESPN. Now occasionally, they'll have women's college ball on all three. That's pretty rough. But nothing's worse than when any of the three are showing CHEERLEADING. You crazy? Ain't no motherf***ing sport.
Western Conference Playoffs
Yet another reason why best-of-7 first round series are a waste of time. Of course, the Jazz would've taken Minny to 7 games, but since this is not the case best-of-7 series are a waste of time.
2004 NBA Awards Winners
Your secret 4th man... Yeah, not much of a starter. Before he got here it was this man: who could probably walk around the city for a whole day and sign about 3 autographs. And Tag doesn't start no more, it's the evil twin Collins, Jarron. They're both real dirty players though.
2004 NBA Awards Winners
Sloan got robbed of the COY. Memphis has 10 lottery picks playing for them; we had only one, Googs, and that was 3/4ths of the way into the season. But no one really gives a flying s*** around here. We just wanted to get into the playoffs.
Mr.Stren plz listen up......
NBC was the s***. Perfection, until it started going downhill. ABC/ESPN suck. Everyone's all trying to be in your face, attention-grabbing, yelling, etc. And the "analyses" go on for SOOOO long in that stupid Times Square studio. TNT is awesome. The commentators are charming but forgettable. The anchors say what they have to say and that's that. Perfect.
Young Phenoms
PISS POOR TEAM? You gotta be f***ing kiddin' me. - Andre - Camby - NENE - Lenard - Boykins Incredibly talented players. If any piece of s*** person from the Nugs organization should get a reward, it's gotta be Kiki for best GM.
Western Conference Playoffs
Memphis was just fooling around with SA, making them feel at ease. We'll win in 5 games.
Young Phenoms
Rookies of the Year don't normally find themselves crying, feeling sorry for themselves, sitting on the end of the bench refusing to go back into the game because some teammates told them they were shooting too much. There's no comparison between Lebron and Crymello.
Western Conference Playoffs
Heart of a champion? They were playing the Trailblazers. It's also very championlike, you know, throwing crucial games to send some kinda f***ed-up message.
Twolves better bring it.....
f*** Carmello and f*** the Nuggets. TWolves in 4.