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Begin nominations for any movie you think are necessary for someone to watch before they die. Feel free to nominate as many as you want within this specific genre. You may also repeat names that have already been mentioned. Discussion is also permitted.


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

To Kill a Mockingbird

Mr. Smith Goes To Washington

Schindler's List

The Godfather

The Pianist

Citizen Kane

Shawshank Redemption

Requiem For A Dream

A Beautiful Mind

The Godfather Part II

Mystic River

Rain Man

Road To Perdition

American Beauty

American History X

The Graduate

Cool Hand Luke

Taxi Driver

Donnie Darko


Fight Club

The Devil's Advocate


The Passion of the Christ

American History X

The Godfather

The Godfather II

American Beauty

Citizen Kane


Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

Wall Street

The Boondock Saints

V for Vendetta


Boogie Nights


Forrest Gum



Punch Drunk Love (what no Romance genre!? DAMN YOU JUANKY! DAMN YOU!!!!)

Yeah, the Romance genre is coming, actually

Schindler's List

A Beautiful Mind

Cinderella Man


As Good As It Gets

Forrest Gump

Edward Scissorhands

"Stand By Me"



'nuff said.

Shawshank Redemption

Lost In Translation

The Truman Show

That's it for nominations. Stage 2 of this process will begin sometime shortly.

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