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  1. 63-99 5 game winning streak to end the season with less than 100 losses
  2. Or download a full roster update from www.mvpmods.com .
  3. IMO SEGA has always made the best consoles. The support just wasn't always there, and ofcourse the marketing. But Megadrive/Genesis > SNES and DC > GC, PS2, Xbox
  4. Get on top during sex Carress me down during sex Do the evolution during sex
  5. http://mlb.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/team/player....layer_id=431159 7 K's in 15 AB...really?
  6. No, I don't even live in the USA so it's not like it's my hometown team or whatever, but I love Florida and been to Miami a few times. If they stay in Florida or somewhere on the east coast I will probably still support them but if they move somewhere else, like Portland, I would probably root for the Red Sox (east coast teams are easier to follow, less time diference ).
  7. wow i never looked at it this way before, we actually might be able to win around 70 games with that line-up!!one
  8. "But in the end, he just went out there and had a lot of fingers." :lol :lol
  9. japa

    OMG a Quiz

    Whats your favorite food? Italian What kind of radio station(s) do you listen to? Never listen to the radio What time did you get up this morning? 9 AM Whats your favorite season? Baseball/summer What time will you go to bed? usually around 1 AM but when i wanna watch a night game or in weekends at 5 AM What's the saddest thing you remember? Dunno What do you do when you get mad? Not much.. Have you ever not liked someone who everyone else seems to just adore? yes The mountains or the beach? beach If you had to change your username today, what would you change it to? ei Who would you like to meet from MB.com? noone how old are you/birthday? 17 - 14 september what is your favourite candy? Almost never eat candy, but i like liquorice How would you describe your looks? Around 6,7/6,8, what is your favourite store to buy clothes? When was the last time.......: Car ride: don't have a license Movie seen: The Devil's Advocate beverage consumed: cherry coke Person you called: friend that called you: mom TV show watched: Oz Shoes worn: Skechers Item bought: coffee at school Person you were thinking of: a b*tch from school
  10. In Amsterdam and Toronto it is legal to own, smoke and sell weed.? If that ain't legal I don't know what is.? 951605[/snapback] From an Amsterdam tourism site, not as credible as a high times report but then again nothing is. Marijuana, cannabis, pot and hashish is not really legal in Holland or The Netherlands. Again, it's a myth that it's legal in both places, they are not as harshly enforced but it is not legal. 951763[/snapback] In Amsterdam there's regulations, but it's legal. If you could walk into a cafe', buy it, and smoke it, how is it illegal? 951925[/snapback] you can't just smoke it in any cafe, only in "coffee shops" (must be 18 to enter, you can buy it and smoke it there or at home) and yes, according to law it is indeed illegal, but we have this "gedoogbeleid", it's accepted as long as you smoke it in a coffee shop or at home and as long as you don't grow it yourself, sell it on the street and it doesn't get out of hand there may be a lot of criminality in Amsterdam, that's mostly just the underworld, Amsterdam is pretty safe for normal people (been there a dozen of times) that said i don't know if it would be a good idea for the US and if it would actually decrease criminality..I think if the US wants to decrease it they better start with some other basic things (ban guns)
  11. no, then we would have s***ty defense (how long has he not played there?), and lowell would have to go to third, i would rather keep cabrera at third and give wilson or andino a shot over lowell
  12. HAHAHA this guy is hilarious funny how he calls everybody tyrone
  13. Damn..we're losing atm in the semi-final to South-Korea..ah well, it's been good
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