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Everything posted by futureslugger

  1. A similar deal is already dead so why talk about it? 870076[/snapback] maybe this would get one of the teams to budge
  2. what would you think about this deal Marlins get Rivas Rincon Mays Arroyo Red Sox get: Romero Lowell Burnett Twins: Bill Mueller Kevin Millar John Halama Alan Embree pitching propect (Marlins)
  3. I like the deal.. could move Vargas and Olsen back down to the minors and wouldn't allow for Valdez to return to the rotation, thank god. Could even keep one of the kids up for LH bullpen help if need be. Hopefully this would allow Hermida to be called up. 869001[/snapback] Why do we need to send Vargas and Olsen back to the minors? They've pitched well so far. 869020[/snapback] when valdes comes back we don't send olsen and vargas down we send valdes and riedling down :thumbup
  4. How were were buyers last year when we gave up a good starter and productive firstbaseman for a starting catcher, reliever and defensive specialist; and now this year we're sellers because we're trading a good starter for a platoon player and relievers? 869793[/snapback] Defensive specialist? Enc? Ha! :lol 869858[/snapback] encarnacion only had 1 or none errors in '03, not sure about '04, and '05 i certainly agree with you. but of course his bat is really helping
  5. hmm... well lets hope the marlins dont see it, and it doesnt make a difference! Seriously though, it is something that ESPN talked on in aprilmay, the pitching declining in fla would happen, i still dont believe it, im hoping that we will remain strong for the months too come, we will hjave to wait and see, willies starts tonight if you want a preview.. hes due for a big game... 869983[/snapback] i dont see it either. but then again i am full of so much optimism its coming outta my arse. i refuse to lose!! the don has never been more due for a huge win then tonight. im still crying over that 9-0 lead he gave up last year against the giants. 869991[/snapback] i still feel bad for him about that...and after Dallimore's grandslam was ushered into the stands by Wil Cordero....that' when i began to really dislike Cordero. And also when he struck out with two outs in the ninth inning,when the marlins needed only one more hit to get doughnuts
  6. Another enlightening subject. a) are they really needed b) do we need one lay it out there. again spam this topic with idiocy and i will delete your crap and possibly suspend you for being an idiot, cause well thats me. :hat 870009[/snapback] i don't think so cause a lot of teams will put batters in there order right lefty right etc. if our lefty specialist has to be perisho i say no
  7. I'm not bashing AJ but... - he is 6-6 this season with a 3.68 ERA. - he was 7-6 last season with a 3.68 ERA. - he is 43-44 lifetime with an ERA of 3.80. - the last three seasons he is 6-13 4.38 ERA on the road. - 2004 he was 1-6 5.09 ERA on the road. - this season 0-3 4.00 ERA vs Braves - this season he is 2-4 4.17 ERA vs Nats, Phillies and Braves combined(games in September) AJ is a fine pitcher but has never won a big game(September games in 2003 and playoffs) and never pitched in one for that matter. He has been a .500 pitcher his entire career. He has not been a rock solid pitcher on the road and he does not have stellar results against three of the teams we will play most in the final month of the season. Some people act like we are trading away Pedro, Clemens, Halladay, Oswalt or Carpenter. Naaah, we're trading away a cross between Kris Benson and Carlos Zambrano. He is a # 2-3 starter on most teams. Among the teams rumored to be interested in acquiring him...he is a #4 starter on the WSox, # 3 on the Jays with Halladay, # 3 on the NYY and a # 2 on the Tigers, RSox and O's strictly from a statistics level. I'm not bashing AJ, just trying to be realistic. A # 2-3 starter coming off major surgery, been on the DL 4 times and will be a FA at seasons end. 869713[/snapback] true. but AJ's best years are still ahead of him
  8. i'm kinda of worried about this. dontrelle has never pitched well in san fran. probably cause of the pressure of knowing so many people there. and he has never had a good second half. hopefully he pitches well
  9. I'm saying this half in jest, maybe he should give up being a power pitcher and learn to throw a knuckleball. Knuckeballer's who are any good usually have long and successful careers. 868828[/snapback] OK here's kind of a stupid question, but it's something I've thought about for awhile. Why is it that power pitchers never learn knuckleballs? Could you imagine, say, Josh with a 96 mph fastball, sick curve, and then maybe 3-4 times a game float in a knuckleball to completely throw off the hitters' timing? Just curious. 868991[/snapback] arm speed/arm angle just lo at how slow tim wakefields arm come in through the zone
  10. OFFENSE during the month of july in 14 games the marlins have averaged 6.78 runs per game...this hasn't directly translated into wins but thats because the pitching staff has had an era of 7.14. thats yankee bad... but certainly good news to see the marlins start to play their type of baseball, especially with jp wreaking havoc on the bases again. 868768[/snapback] before the pitching was real good and the offense was inconsistent and now it's just visa versa
  11. Willis, Beckett, Burnett, Moehler... I like out chances in the next 4 games. 869470[/snapback] of course that's assuming that Burnett is traded
  12. Here is the link to the site: http://msn.foxsports.com/name/HD 868923[/snapback]
  13. Send down Santos and put Olsen in the pen. If Vargas does poorly in his next start, put Olsen back in the rotation. Who knows how Valdez will pitch, so don't count on anything. Vargas or Olsen could very well be better, so don't automatically give it to him. 869196[/snapback] or we could keep santos olsen and vargas in the pen just send down one of our bench players. cause we don't need 5 more like 3. cause willis can certainly hit and so far so can vargas. but seriously if we had to send a pitcher down it would be : give me an r give me an i give me an e give me a d give me a l give me an i give me an n give me a g and what's that spell RIEDLING!!!!! santos is a helluva lot better than riedling trust me. i'm probably better than him and i only throw 60 MPH.
  14. Well the A's definetly wouldnt do Vargas for Zito so you dont have to worry 869323[/snapback] i know ...that' a good thing
  15. "i like the red sox trade personally" me 2
  16. A good 3 way deal would be: Red Sox get: AJ Burnett Jason Stokes Taylor Tankersly Reds get: 2 Red Sox pitching prospects Josh Johnson(FLA) FLA gets: Willy Mo Pena Wade Miller Bronson Arroyo This would include(and I dont want to do this) Lowell in a seperate deal, would set up our team in 2007 as: CF Juan Pierre 2B Luis Castillo 3B Miguel Cabrera 1B Carlos Delgado RF Willy Mo Pena C Paul Lo DUca LF Jeremy Hermida SS Alex Gonzalez and our rotation as: Dontrelle Willis Josh Beckett Bronson Arroyo Scott Olsen Wade Miller And all in all, a very cheap team: Olsen, Miggy, Willy Mo, Hermida will all be in the $300-500 K range, Arroyo and Miller will be around $1.5-2 million each, Beckett and D-Train between $2.5-4 million.? Its reasonable and a very good team. 869289[/snapback] that couldn't happen because the reds need major league ready parts. AND they are cold on selling willy mo, they are afraid he will go somewhere else and explode 869294[/snapback] Well, if the prospects we send them is Vargas instead, and the Red Sox give them at least one MLB ready pitcher, it works out good, all they are giving up is Pena. 869305[/snapback] and they would be getting a lefty too
  17. If the marlins dangled Vargas, a solid MLB ready pitcher and another prospect like Johnson they might bite. I dont know though really, it is all hearsay and guessing really. This is Curious, the beinfest riddle 868882[/snapback] NO i wouldn't trade Vargas straight up for Zito. Maybe johnson straight up and that is a MAYBE . zito did have a great start the other night. i would prefer rich harden but that ain't happenin
  18. Why would the Marlins want Mays? 868857[/snapback] hopefully to immeadiately trade him away for a bat
  19. why the f**k would you want Griffey? to make an excuse to why we are struggling by adding another guy to our disabled list? Mays/Vargas/Johnson/Stokes for Griffey and the Reds paying half of his remaining deal? you think the marlins should give up two major league ready starting pitchers and the face of our minor league system in Jason Stokes(although i don't like him much), and a veteran starter for KEN GRIFFEY aka Mr. Disabled List. and even if he wasn't injured which is about 5 games a season he still sucks. And ya while we're at it why don't we add in hermida, olsen, andino, willingham, reed, aguila and Willis and Cabrera.. ya that'd really make it a good deal. that would be fair. :thumbdown
  20. I dont think it will happen. Mays really wouldnt be much of a help to us either I fear. But, at the same time there needs to be a third team to ease in Mike Lowell's contract. What about the possibility Twins Lowell (cash) Prospects (Reed perhaps others) Perisho BoSox AJ Romero Fish Arroyo Hanely The red sox would get what they desire. We get a SS for next year and a pitcher also. The twins get theird 3B and a young player for next year that they need. Most likely the Sox wouldnt trade Hanely, but could perhaps be a consideration? 868719[/snapback] i doubt they are gonna be dying to have a center fielder they already have a guy be the name of Torii Hunter
  21. Better than O's deal but no thanks. 868688[/snapback] i think this is gonna be about as good as it gets
  22. That's a pretty good deal IF we were completely getting rid of Lowell's contract. With all that pitching, I wonder if we'd have a second deal in place to get a big bat. :mischief2 868645[/snapback] who do you think we could get for mays?
  23. How does this deal help Minnesota? What are the Twins thinking? :mischief2 868652[/snapback] the twins would get another bat which they need but they would be breaking up some of their strong bullpen. i don't know if all the guys mentioned in the trade will leave the twins
  24. Willis Beckett- is always injured Moehler- may be here by the trade deadllline Arroyo- Mays- i expect the marlins to immeadiately trade him cause of his contract Valdez-will find a home in the minors or maybe will be our #5 starter if beckett i injured or vargas and/or olsen struggle mightely Vargas or Olsen.- two rookies-enough said so yes we do have many options but barring any injuries. asssuming mays is traded: Willis Beckett/Vargas Moehler Arroyo Olsen/Vargas so if he had one of our starters injured Vargas would take his spot. If two were injured Valdes would take the other spot
  25. heard its not going to happen because the marlins don't like mays and his contract 868641[/snapback] where'd u hear that? do u know how much he's being paid?
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