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And since I have no love for the Yanks or the Sox. Go Fish!!!


(But Go Sox tonight ;) )

Thanks. :)

Thanks Joe!

Congrats on an impressive comeback. I never thought you would have beaten Prior or Wood at all, much less Prior and Wood on consecutive days. Do me a favor, if you play the Yanks, beat the crap out of them. If White Sox fans think it would be hard living with the Cubs winning a WS they should try living in NY with the Yanks buying championships left and right.

I second that motion. If you guys draw the Yanks, please oh please beat the holy hell out of them!

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I implied it at the top, but I will tell you it now. If the Skanks win tonight, please beat the living crap out of them.


For those of you not in the NY area, to see what is going on in this series and how the media is making the Yankees out to be the good guys is disgusting.


It will be the same for you.

oh my dear god a mets fan! lol i doubt we will make such an aliance with them as the white sox since the mets are in our division, therefore, the enemy, but seeing as how i understand the rivalry between the NY teams i think we can have a very temporary one. welcome aboard Mets_bs and if we have to play the evil Yanks i promise you the Marlins will overcome all odds. I think that even after what we just did the Yanks still dont take us seriously. We are some little league team that is temporarily in their way to the top. advantage ours.

No disrespect meant, but I highly doubt the Yanks are thinking about you guys at all right now - their minds are fixated squarely on the Boston Red Sox right now. Tomorrow, it may be a different story, but right now I don't imagine the Fish are real high on their list of things to think about.

yea the yanks are thinking about beating the red sox-and its not gonna be easy for them the way this series has been going.the yanks should be very worried about the red sox-but i think that the yanks will pull it out at the end.

Go Marlins!

Thanks! We appreciate the support

If we draw the Sox it will be the same media circus for them as for the Cubs. They will talk of the curse and how the Marlins should lay down and die for histories sake. f*** that lets kick a**. If we get the Yanks we will be the good guys trying to beat down the Evil Empire. Either way its going to be incredible.

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