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Everything posted by mrchainsaw

  1. How will we find a way to blow this big lead today? Why do I still care about this stupid team?
  2. “Bend over!” -the Marlins FO to the fans
  3. Checked the MLB app and saw the score was 7-0, I thought “cool, they’ll blow this.” I was only sort of joking, or so I thought. Lmao nuke this team
  4. I can just go ask your mother, which, by the way, what was her maiden name again?
  5. I didn't even see he included Brantly as well. Lmao
  6. Yes, please, and your social security card. And while we're at it, I forget, what street did you live on as a child? (For science.)
  7. We are currently pining for the days of Jeff freaking Mathis. This is it, folks: rock bottom.
  8. Because he literally isn't a real human. He has to be a computer generated player in a video game. I refuse to believe Kyle Tyler actually exists.
  9. Just give everybody TJ at this point. Can we do Puk next?
  10. Nah, Loria did that about a decade ago.
  11. Would you wear the jeans or just bring them along with you?
  12. I'm OOTL, why do people call the braves cheaters? Also, as much as I hate to admit, the braves ballpark is really nice. Still miss turner though.
  13. Such a confusing title, the whole team is already in Illinois, no? Also what the f*** is a Roddery Munoz and a Kyle Tyler? No way these are actual real life human beings?
  14. DLC HR, neat! Only down by 6 now.
  15. Holy jeebus this team is #bad
  16. Of all the shit Marlins teams over the decades, THIS is the one that gave you this realization??
  17. Last night I had a whole large pizza for dinner and today I falafel. Does that count?
  18. I, too, will believe it when you both see it
  19. You said "you guess" it's an age old question. I was merely affirming this. Shut up, Das?
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