Posted October 6, 200519 yr Yeah, so I have to submit 2 of 3 essays, which are an important part of FSU's crappy application. 1. Describe an activity, interest, experience or achievement in your life (this could be a book, movie or an activity or experience at work, home or school) that has been particularly meaningful to you. 2. How has your family history, culture or environment influenced who you are? 3. What qualities or unique characteristics do you possess that would allow you to contribute to the University community. Two questions: -Anyone have any ideas for writing on these silly essays? -Why again am I applying to FSU?
October 6, 200519 yr If you have your mindset on UF and are positive you're getting in, why are you wasting money on application fees?
October 6, 200519 yr Author If you have your mindset on UF and are positive you're getting in, why are you wasting money on application fees? Unlikely hypothetical situation: For some reason, I do not get into Florida. If that were to happen, I'd have nothing to fall back on except out of state schools, which cost too much money. The way I see it, I have a 100% chance of getting admitted to FSU as long as I don't make a joke of the essays. I'd put my chances of Florida at 95%. I might as well as an extreme safety school.
October 6, 200519 yr If you have your mindset on UF and are positive you're getting in, why are you wasting money on application fees? Unlikely hypothetical situation: For some reason, I do not get into Florida. If that were to happen, I'd have nothing to fall back on except out of state schools, which cost too much money. Yeah, but c'mon, aren't you a genius? :mischief
October 6, 200519 yr Yeah, so I have to submit 2 of 3 essays, which are an important part of FSU's crappy application. 1. Describe an activity, interest, experience or achievement in your life (this could be a book, movie or an activity or experience at work, home or school) that has been particularly meaningful to you. 2. How has your family history, culture or environment influenced who you are? 3. What qualities or unique characteristics do you possess that would allow you to contribute to the University community. Two questions: -Anyone have any ideas for writing on these silly essays? -Why again am I applying to FSU? i encountered a similar situation back in the day while doing an application for one of my safety schools. i figured i was hot stuff and my time was too valuable to waste writing new essays, so i just ignored their annoying-ass essay prompts and instead cut and pasted a generic essay of mine. f***ers wait listed me. oh, and btw, prompts #1 and #3 are amazingly generic. you might as well write essays for them; you should be able to put them to use later.
October 6, 200519 yr you have my pity...I hated the essay parts of applications with a passion and thats probably why I didnt get into UF, which at the time I didnt want to and in retrospect Im glad I didn't. One of my essays was on mediocrity (dont do that). I got into UCF in about 2 weeks, 2 weeks after that they sent me sh*t about the honors college. I dont even remember writing essays, and I know I didn't need a recommendation. Do as the previous person said and go with the generic prompts because chances are you'll be able to use them again...I applied to 4 schools (UT, Texas Tech, UCF, UF) and I think I wrote 3 or 4 different essays when most schools wanted 2 each.
October 6, 200519 yr Author you have my pity...I hated the essay parts of applications with a passion and thats probably why I didnt get into UF, which at the time I didnt want to and in retrospect Im glad I didn't. One of my essays was on mediocrity (dont do that). I got into UCF in about 2 weeks, 2 weeks after that they sent me sh*t about the honors college. I dont even remember writing essays, and I know I didn't need a recommendation. Do as the previous person said and go with the generic prompts because chances are you'll be able to use them again...I applied to 4 schools (UT, Texas Tech, UCF, UF) and I think I wrote 3 or 4 different essays when most schools wanted 2 each. I did those for UCF. Is it 250 maximum per essay there, too? My UCF ones exceeded that limit a tad. They're extremely BS and I loathed writing them. I did 1 and 2, 1 I did about music because it's basically my entire life and 2 I wrote about my family being Cuban affecting my life. They were stupid. My suggestion? I wouldn't stress too much. Sound natural, don't write for the reader, and embellish if you have to (but not extreme). All of that good stuff. While they want you to be yourself, for the most part I think they want those for you to prove you're literate and to prove you can express yourself. Don't stress TOO much over the content, just stay on topic :thumbup That's pretty helpful. For UF, I stressed a lot over the essay and wrote two essays which I believe where brilliant. We had to write essays for a college for an English assignment. My teacher said mine was the best and gave me 100, but I stressed a lot over them. I am applying to UCF as well because it turns out all 3 of FSU's topics are options for UCF, and UCF has rolling admissions, so I'll probably get an acceptance letter by the end of October. BTW Shaq-Man, what "saftey-school" wait-listed you with a perfect SAT score?
October 6, 200519 yr BTW Shaq-Man, what "saftey-school" wait-listed you with a perfect SAT score? NYU. it's a great school, no doubt, but it'd bother me when schools thought they were important enough to give you non-common app long essay prompts and expect you to write brand new essays.
October 6, 200519 yr Chewy, you have to be original. They don't like the same, boring topics discussed over and over. Think about how you can make each essay unique and interesting. Also, what is your: GPA (unweighted) SAT Extra-curricular?
October 6, 200519 yr Author Chewy, you have to be original. They don't like the same, boring topics discussed over and over. Think about how you can make each essay unique and interesting. I know I have to be original, that's why I need ideas. I think I could write something kewl for the first two, but the other two are kinda meh. As for your other questions (since it somehow concerns you) -1450 SAT's (on the two parts that people care about) -Don't know my unweighted GPA, I think it's about 3.5 with all honors except the 11 AP courses. Well over 4 adding the extra weight for AP and Honors. I got lots of B's because I don't work that much in course I don't care about. I'm a nerd, not someone who spends their life studying. -Extracurriculars: Math Team, Debate, Some honor societies, tutoring. I don't spend all my time out of school trying to get extracurriculars done just for the sake for putting them on an application. So Yeah, that's why I'm not exactly applying to MIT. I know damn well I should be able get in the schools I'm applying to though. FSU sent a frickin Christmas Card and called me every day for three days after they got my SAT scores (until I finally picked up the phone) Where you go to undergraduate isn't the most important thing in the world. That's why I hope to be able to do more awesome as an undergrad so I can go Graduate at an awesome school on the West Coast (preferably UC Berkely)
October 6, 200519 yr FIU is my safety school (already admitted), but I aspire higher to FSU and Georgia Tech. FSU and Georgia Tech both have my applications and should be getting responses soon.
October 6, 200519 yr Author FIU is my safety school (already admitted), but I aspire higher to FSU and Georgia Tech. Georgia Tech is too expensive and has a highway running through the middle of the campus. I only applied to one out of state, UPitt, because they kept sending me mail telling me I'd probably get a scholarship. (seriously I got at least two letters a week from them until I applied)
October 6, 200519 yr I thought the SAT score range changed this year? How is your still out of 1600?? Anyway, you could totally bomb your essay and still get into FSU. Average GPA is just over 3.0, and SAT I believe is under 1250. Either way, ya--the better schools generally look for what makes you different from the other thousands of applicants. For instance, my cousin had a 1560 on his SAT, a 3.9 (5.2 weighted) and couldn't get into Duke, Emory, Yale, MIT or UPenn. Anyway, good luck. And as for the reason you are applying to FSU: 60-40 Female to Male ratio. See you here next year!
October 6, 200519 yr Author I thought the SAT score range changed this year? How is your still out of 1600?? Colleges don't look at the essay score. They only care about reading(once verbal) and math, which I got 1450 on. 60-40 Female to Male ratio. See you here next year! :thumbup "See you here next year!" is kinda cursing for my UF early decision to go horribly. I essentially know I'm goint to UF, but in the small possibly I don't get in, FSU is my definatly my next option.
October 6, 200519 yr I thought the SAT score range changed this year? How is your still out of 1600?? Colleges don't look at the essay score. They only care about reading(once verbal) and math, which I got 1450 on. 60-40 Female to Male ratio. See you here next year! :thumbup "See you here next year!" is kinda cursing for my UF early decision to go horribly. I essentially know I'm goint to UF, but in the small possibly I don't get in, FSU is my definatly my next option. To be completely honest with you, UF is not that much better than FSU--depending on your major. Undergrad program at FSU is better. Grad school at UF is better. FSU has a better campus, more 'normal' people, and it's just a much nicer location. I don't mean to curse you, sorry. But first hand, I can tell you FSU is great.
October 6, 200519 yr For my major, FSU PWNS UF. :mischief Get this: My cousin came to FSU for Meterology and now he doesn't want to do that anymore. I gotta tell ya Cape...This kid is a f*cking genius and is a science prodigy. I hope you don't incur similar problems.
October 6, 200519 yr Author I thought the SAT score range changed this year? How is your still out of 1600?? Colleges don't look at the essay score. They only care about reading(once verbal) and math, which I got 1450 on. 60-40 Female to Male ratio. See you here next year! :thumbup "See you here next year!" is kinda cursing for my UF early decision to go horribly. I essentially know I'm goint to UF, but in the small possibly I don't get in, FSU is my definatly my next option. To be completely honest with you, UF is not that much better than FSU--depending on your major. Undergrad program at FSU is better. Grad school at UF is better. FSU has a better campus, more 'normal' people, and it's just a much nicer location. I don't mean to curse you, sorry. But first hand, I can tell you FSU is great. I actually had my mind set on FSU over UF a few months ago, but Florida seems to have a better enigeering program, and if I go there, I get to bring my car. Plus I know a lot more people going who are going to Florida.
October 6, 200519 yr To be completely honest with you, UF is not that much better than FSU--depending on your major. Undergrad program at FSU is better. Grad school at UF is better. FSU has a better campus, more 'normal' people, and it's just a much nicer location. I don't mean to curse you, sorry. But first hand, I can tell you FSU is great. I applaud anyone who goes to college and gets an education...but c'mon. UF is simply a better school in so, so many ways. UF doesn't have what cape is looking for, so yes, FSU does own UF in that category.
October 6, 200519 yr Undergrad program at FSU is better. Grad school at UF is better. FSU has a better campus, more 'normal' people, and it's just a much nicer location.
October 6, 200519 yr I'm not a genius, but I work hard. When I bite on to something, I don't let go until the obligation is fulfilled. If I go to FSU for Meteorology and enter my Sophomore Year in that Major, I will likely finish with it. If not then Chemistry or Communications.
October 6, 200519 yr To be completely honest with you, UF is not that much better than FSU--depending on your major. Undergrad program at FSU is better. Grad school at UF is better. FSU has a better campus, more 'normal' people, and it's just a much nicer location. I don't mean to curse you, sorry. But first hand, I can tell you FSU is great. I applaud anyone who goes to college and gets an education...but c'mon. UF is simply a better school in so, so many ways. UF doesn't have what cape is looking for, so yes, FSU does own UF in that category. Evidently not a better school in English. So, so yeah!!
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