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Television Question


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I'm looking to upgrade my televisions. Definitely want to get HDTV and am looking for some suggestions (knowing that I will need to upgrade my direcTv receivers, etc...)


I'm in the market for two televisions. The first will be the main television in the living room. I'm looking for 40-50" and this will be used primarily for television, sports, and dvds.


The second would be for a game room and i'm looking at around the 25-35" range. This will be used for video games, DVDs & sports primarily.


I would want both to have a capacity to be hooked up to a surround sound system.


On the larger TV one of the couches in the living room would sit at an angle, while the other is directly at it.


With this, my main question pertain to the technologies that are out there. Which would be able to show color at an angle for the main TV? Which one would be best for video games and is image burning still a problem with rear projection based televisions?


Do some technologies pixilate more than the other?


Is before the SB the best time to buy (promotions?!?!)


I'm starting to do my legwork here and it's becoming where a TV can be a pretty large purchase and I know there are some savvy people here.



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A Plasma TV will give you the best picture from an extreme angle like the one you're talking about. However, word is Plasmas have an estimated lifespan of 5 years; part of the reason why they are being phased out and replaced with lighter, more durable Flat-panel LCDs, which sell for about the same price.

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Next HDTV we get will likely be an LCD (for the large one) and Tubes (for the rest), however we are not diving into another one until it brings the ATSC tuner built-in. We have DISH 811 HDTV boxes on 2 TVs, but the local channels are also in HD/Digital and the other 2 TV's with normal DISH boxes need the built-in tuner to get them.


I like Philips, but our neighbor bought a beautiful Sony Wega HDTV at Best Buy. I set it up with the DISH Box, DVD, and VCR (all non-HD) and a set of rabbit ears hooked up to the Antenna Tuner (HD/Digital/ATSC) and it works like a charm.

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The Best HDTVs in the 40-50" range would be:




Sony A10 LCD

Sony Bravia (if you're rich) LCD

Mitsubishi DLP



The best HDTVs in the 25-35" range would be:



Sharp Aquos LCD

Panasonic CRT



Avoid Phillips like the plague though. They're terrible POSs. I've also heard that Samsung isn't that great.

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