American players not in WBC
No one really cares about the WBC. It's completely meaningless in the U.S. That is something I will never understand. Why do Americans hate international competition?
Schoolgirl knuckleballer headed to Japan pro league
Yeah, I saw this article this morning too, awesome Pending some kind of success (Sidearm knuckler, wtf) I wouldn't be surprised to see her become a HUGE name and play in the WBC and all that jazz... she was drafted in a new independent league that's trying to get attention. Let's not go overboard. lol Either way, it would be pretty awesome if she was pitching in the WBC!!!! My God!!! Why would you say that? Some of us and a lot of people in the world actually care about the WBC and see it as a true World Championship. Why would you want it ruined with a "Danica Patrick" type stunt?
MSNBC reporting Palin's daughter is 5 months pregnant
I would be interested to know if the father's parents were willing to consent to marriage, otherwise it could explain why they are not yet married. If this is true, I don't see how religious hardlines will vote for McCain. It also speaks volumes on the way McCain makes decisions. This demonstrates a complete failure to understand evangelicals. Not all, just the extreme ones who preach moral values to the world, and bash everybody until the shiite hits home. Then they ask for compassion and understanding. And this was the bunch that Palin was suppose to appeal to. You still demonstrate a complete failure to understand. The age of consent in AK is 16 She is keeping the baby She is getting married Not a single person on this board has any idea if the father's parents were willing to consent to a marriage, if not then they had to wait to marry until he was 18. Biblical law on premartial sex indicates that it needs to result in marriage anyhow and these two are not violating this in the least. I happen to be pretty impressed with Palin, but I think her presence on the national stage is 4-8 years too early, though I think Obama's is at least that too early as well. I am also not worried about her ability to "face" anyone, she is pretty tough. Look man, you can spin it all you want. Fact is that age of consent has nothing to do with the issue. When you run on a values platform and openly try to court the values crowd you can't have these skeletons in your closet. It also hints that in order to further her political carreer, she ignored what her own children were doing. Another no-no to the family values platform that is supposed to put family above all. Also, can you tell me what impresses you about her? The fact that she can fish and hunt? That she was the mayor of a city with a population of 9,000? How is she tough? Do you actually think she can handle Vladimir Putin and the Mullahs in Iran? Because I hope you realize that with McCains age and bill of health, it is very likely that she will en up finishing his term.
MSNBC reporting Palin's daughter is 5 months pregnant
I would be interested to know if the father's parents were willing to consent to marriage, otherwise it could explain why they are not yet married. If this is true, I don't see how religious hardlines will vote for McCain. It also speaks volumes on the way McCain makes decisions. This demonstrates a complete failure to understand evangelicals. Not all, just the extreme ones who preach moral values to the world, and bash everybody until the shiite hits home. Then they ask for compassion and understanding. And this was the bunch that Palin was suppose to appeal to. Sorry that your Palin ship is sinking down. I'm glad it is. I don't want this person being a heartbeat away from the most powerful office in the world ,being in charge of facing Putin, Chavez, Bin Laden, Kim-Jung, etc. At least if Obama does something stupid, Biden is there to stop him. And I'm not so sure about McCain's mental stability either. It pains me to say these things because I'm a lifelong Republican. But right now the party is down the drain and needs a complete re-boot.
MSNBC reporting Palin's daughter is 5 months pregnant
Bristol Palin pregnant -- right now Posted: Monday, September 01, 2008 11:58 AM by Mark Murray Filed Under: 2008, Palin From NBC's Mark Murray Reuters: "The 17-year-old daughter of Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is pregnant, Palin said Monday in an announcement intended to knock down rumors by liberal bloggers that Palin faked her own pregnancy to cover up for her child. Bristol Palin, one of Alaska Gov. Palin's five children with her husband, Todd, is about five months pregnant and is going to keep the child and marry the father, the Palins said in a statement released by the campaign of Republican presidential candidate John McCain. Bristol Palin made the decision on her own to keep the baby, McCain aides said. 'We have been blessed with five wonderful children who we love with all our heart and mean everything to us,' the Palins' statement said. 'Our beautiful daughter Bristol came to us with news that as parents we knew would make her grow up faster than we had ever planned. As Bristol faces the responsibilities of adulthood, she knows she has our unconditional Taken from MSNBC.com If this is true, I don't see how religious hardlines will vote for McCain. It also speaks volumes on the way McCain makes decisions.
Arkansas DNC Chairman Killed by Gunman
Ark. Dems' party chairman killed in shooting Suspect also shot and killed during chase; motive for attack unknown The Associated Press updated 6:30 p.m. ET, Wed., Aug. 13, 2008 LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - A man barged into the Arkansas Democratic headquarters and opened fire Wednesday, fatally shooting the state party chairman before speeding off in his pickup. Police later shot and killed the suspect after a 30-mile chase. Police said they don't know the motive for the 51-year-old suspect, whose name has not been released. They said Chairman Bill Gwatney, 48, died four hours later at University Hospital in Little Rock after the midday shooting near the state Capitol. Witnesses said the gunman entered the party offices shortly before noon and said he wanted to see Gwatney about volunteering. Party officials said the man forced his way into Gwatney's office and fired three shots, then fled in a blue truck. "He said he was interested in volunteering, but that was obviously a lie," said 17-year-old party volunteer Sam Higginbotham. He said the man then pushed past employees to reach the chairman's office, where he fired three times. Gwatney, a former state senator and a Hillary Rodham Clinton superdelegate to the Democratic National Convention this month in Denver, had served 10 years as a state senator. Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, issued a statement calling the 49-year-old Gwatney "not only a strong chairman of Arkansas' Democratic Party, but he is also a cherished friend and confidante." After the midday shooting, the suspect was chased into Grant County, south of the capital, and apprehended after being shot. Police fired at the man but it wasn't known whether he also suffered self-inflicted injuries. Moments before the Democratic headquarters shooting, a man with a gun threatened the building manager of the Arkansas State Baptist Convention headquarters seven blocks east. It wasn't known if the incidents were related. Dan Jordan, the denomination's business manager, said the building manager asked the man what was wrong and that he said "I lost my job." Capitol lockdown The state Capitol was locked down for about an hour until police got word the shooter had been captured, said Arkansas State Capitol police Sgt. Charlie Brice. Karen Ray, executive director of the Republican Party of Arkansas, sent her workers home early "out of an abundance of caution." "Our hearts go out to everyone at the Democratic headquarters. What a tragedy," Ray said. "This is just a very upsetting, troubling and scary thing for our staff as well." An impromptu vigil at University Hospital drew Gov. Mike Beebe and a number of state legislators who had worked with Gwatney. House Majority Leader Steve Harrelson was at the state Capitol for a news conference on crime and that he didn't know of anyone who would want to harm Gwatney. "You never think of something like this happening here in Arkansas," Harrelson said. Sarah Lee, a sales clerk at a flower shop across street from the party headquarters, said that around noon Gwatney's secretary ran into the shop and asked someone to call 911. Lee said the secretary told her the man had come into the party's office and asked to speak with Gwatney. When the secretary said she wouldn't allow him to meet with Gwatney, the man went into his office and shot him, Lee said. FBI spokesman Steve Frazier said his agency was assisting in the investigation but could not offer any details. Last November, a distraught man wearing what appeared to be a bomb walked into a Clinton campaign office in New Hampshire and demanded to speak to the candidate about access to mental health care. A hostage drama dragged on for nearly six hours until he peacefully surrendered. The confrontation brought Clinton's campaign to a standstill just five weeks before the New Hampshire primary. Security for her was increased as a precaution. She said she did not know the suspect. Link I really find this to be disturbing, especially since just a couple of weeks ago another gunman killed several members of a church in TN because he perceived them to be 'liberal'. One caller on a radio show today, who claimed to be a psychologist with 33 years of experience, said that after listening to conservative talk radio for some time, he thought that they were laying the foundations for violence against people who describe themselves as liberal. I think that guy is right. Right now I live in Texas and the hatred that you can hear every single day in right wing radio is just unbelievable. I considered myself a Republican during the time I lived in West Palm, but after moving here I reached the conclusion that I have nothing in common with these so called conservatives. By listening to the callers it seems to me that most people who listen to these "talkshow hosts" are very hateful , frustrated and not very smart individuals.
El Nuevo Orange Bowl - Adding Soccer Stadium?
Brigada 2506 I vote for this one. :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy
Iowa TV Ad: "Chuck Norris Approved"
Per Fox News Ric Flair, the Nature Boy himself is also endorsing him.
Official Wrestling Discussion
Personally I stop watching WWE a while back. I'm now watching AAA on Galavision.
Rumor: Fidel is Dead
It's Thursday meaning the weekly "Fidel is a goner" rumor should occur today or tomorrow. *Calls Ninoska with a "my friend's friend in Cuba says...." story* :mischief Waiting for Cape to post a link to Perez Hilton's site.....
Rumor: Fidel is Dead
When was the last verifiable Fidel sighting? July 26 2006. (Last year's Revolution Day speech). A few days later he handed power over to Raul.
Rumor: Fidel is Dead
I think we have been punked. Hepefully next time it's the real thing. I do feel bad for all those cops that got called in on their day off for nothing.
Rumor: Fidel is Dead
could it be the day that we finally open the 18 yr old bottle of HavanaClub we have at our house!? :pray :cheers :drunks I have one too. Anejo Reserva. I have it ready to open any time now.
Dictator or President?
Implying that GWB is a 'dictator' is incredibly disrespectful to people actually living in a dictatorship (I have relatives or soon to be relatives who have family in North Korea). What garbage. I'm sorry but does that really matter? Most people are decent enough that they don't need to know someone personally to know hardship. Waiting for JimmieJack to write about how Kim Jung and Fidel Castro are People's Presidents and GWB is a Dictator.....
If you knew today was your last day to live...
Two chicks at the same time.
Dan Maroone
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