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  1. Deleted. Too mean.
  2. Bryan posted a post in a topic in Sports
    I find it comical that yankees fans are even trying to defend this And in the first play, the runner was not out by 10 feet. It wa actually a pretty bang bang play and he was already running at full speed. The catcher was blocking the plate so there is nothing else he could have done. As Jobba chamberlain even said when you try and not play full speed is when you get hurt. Sucks that the yankees catcher got hurt but that is part of that position, there was no intent there whereas on Duncans play there was full intent. What Yankees fan is defending what Duncan did? I called it a bitch move, lunacy, ridiculous and moronic. He was out by a lot. It's Spring Training, you don't play like that in exhibition games. It's to get work in, not to try and contest a play in which you're clearly out and run the risk of seriously injuring someone. The only point I'm trying to make is both players were wrong. And that these types of pissing contests in Spring Training are absolutely stupid, assanine displays of lunacy. They're pointless and have no place in Spring Training. This isn't the regular season, or I'd agree with everyone in this thread.
  3. Bryan posted a post in a topic in Sports
    I'm pretty sure the first bitch move was Elliot Johnson charging in with the intent to blow up the catcher when out by 10 feet in a meaningless Spring Training game. A bitch play in which Francisco Cervelli broke his wrist and quite possibly ruined his entire season. Please. If your name was Elliot Johnson and you were doing everything in your power to make the team, you'd have slammed into the catcher too. Not if I was out by ten feet in Spring Training. I don't think playing dirty and reaming a catcher when out by ten feet makes you any more likely to make the big club, or any more liked within the clubhouse (at least a veteran one), for that matter. wow what a bitch. If you want to start trouble so badly, stop hiding behind the games so called "hard play rules" and actually challenge a Ray to a fight face to face one on one. He better watch it, no doubt this kid will find himself under a pile of rays and in the hospital just like the catcher. So, Shelley Duncan is the villain for "hard play rules", going in spikes up and not harming anyone? But, Elliot Johnson is a hero to claim "hard play rules" and send someone to the hospital? And start ALL OF THIS in the first place? They're both moronic. Let's face it, the only reason this is an issue is because the Yankees player did something dumb, so their MUST be a thread about it with everyone screaming about the "damn, dirty, scumbag yankees!". Where was the false outrage with the Devil Rays when they've been playing dirty with the Red Sox, Blue Jays and Orioles FOR YEARS? Save it.
  4. Bryan posted a post in a topic in Sports
    I'm pretty sure the first bitch move was Elliot Johnson charging in with the intent to blow up the catcher when out by 10 feet in a meaningless Spring Training game. A bitch play in which Francisco Cervelli broke his wrist and quite possibly ruined his entire season. Duncan followed it up with an equally, possibly even greater, bitch move going in spikes up. Both plays were rivals in lunacy and ridiculousness. It's spring training fellas, let's calm the hell down. P.S. - Nice job finding the ONE picture in which Gomes looks like he did serious damage to Duncan, Orlando Rays. You've always been a spin master. :lol
  5. Bryan posted a post in a topic in Sports
    Pinch me, this must be a dream. Isn't it supposed to Mets/Jets or Yankees/Giants? I thought that was some kind of law. It's generally true. Not always though. It stems back to the Giants playing in Yankees Stadium. This team has been magic. I love that they love the underdog position and revel in it so much.
  6. Bryan posted a post in a topic in Sports
    congrats to Eli maybe the New Yorkers will get off his back for a few days but atleast get another game in Lambeau! It's really the media. I'd say the majority of real Giants fans like Eli Manning.
  7. Bryan posted a post in a topic in Off-Topic
    Is this a Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang reference?
  8. A woman stabbed her husband with a kitchen knife following an argument that began when she accused him of opening a Christmas present early, authorities said Friday. Misty Johnson, 34, was arrested and charged with aggravated assault and battery, a felony, and misdemeanor domestic battery. Her husband, Shawn Fay Johnson, 34, was treated at a hospital for a wound to the chest, police said. Misty Johnson made an initial court appearance Thursday in which she requested a court-appointed attorney, authorities said. She was released after posting bail, which was set at $7,500. There was no telephone listing for her in Rock Springs. Authorities said Shawn Johnson called 911 just before 1 a.m. Wednesday to report that his wife had stabbed him. He told police that his wife started arguing with him over his opening a Christmas present, according to court records. As the argument escalated, Misty Johnson accused her husband of having an affair, authorities said. Police found a marriage license in the couple's apartment stating they were married in late September. Police Detective David Thompson said he didn't know what the present was, or if it was intended for the husband. http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D8...;show_article=1 fa la la la la la laaaaa laaaaa la For serious, did you have to sing the fa la la la's outloud to get the right amount or did you just guess?
  9. Bryan posted a post in a topic in Off-Topic
    Roger Ebert's Top Ten 1. Juno 2. No Country for Old Men 3. Before the Devil Knows You're Dead 4. Atonement 5. The Kite Runner 6. Away From Her 7. Across the Universe 8. La Vie En Rose 9. The Great Debaters 10. Into the Wild I will never understand the love for La Vie En Rose. Most everyone I speak with loved it, but it just didn't happen for me. On Topic: I'll be seeing Juno on Thursday. Will report back.
  10. Bryan posted a post in a topic in Off-Topic
    I was being sarcastic in my post, FWIW. Oh...hah. I've never quite grasped the MB.com humor train. Ebert's review quality has decreased a great deal since his health issues began and his love for any happy-quirky film has become nauseating.
  11. Bryan posted a post in a topic in Off-Topic
    It's #1 on Ebert's top ten list. Ebert has no idea what he is talking about. I know. :confused Old, white male critics are loving this movie. I find that a little creepy. On the contrary, Ebert has seen more movies than any of us will ever see in our lifetimes... by a ratio of about 8:1 in most cases. Still, Ebert's love for every movie he sees since his bout with cancer is getting frustrating. Any decent film seems to earn unjust praise.
  12. The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford Positives + By far the most captivating performance of the year, Casey Affleck offers up a simply jaw-dropping portrayal of the coward Robert Ford. Affleck's morally ambiguous creation combines with Brad Pitt's enigmatic performance to create a true cataclysm of acting brilliance. Affleck manages to, almost impossibly, create the sensation of disgust and sympathy at the same instance during the film's climax. + Pitt excels in a mysterious, genuinely frightening role as the charismatic outlaw Jesse James. During a train robbery sequence, we get all the proof we ever need as to why James became as huge a national icon as he was. + This film is BEAUTIFUL. Roger Deakins does a fantastic job with the cinematography, showing a great deal of affection for the material, seducing the viewer into the awe-inspiring world of the film. Terry Malick would be proud. + This film is completely driven by dialogue and 10-second hold shots on character faces, yet it maintains an unshakable grasp on the viewer. After the film's credits began to roll, I sat there for a good five minutes, continuing to soak in the experience. + The title obviously gave away the climax, but my heart had never pounded harder all year then when Bob Ford finally decided to pull the trigger. The intensity built up over the course of the film is immeasurable. + Impressive supporting performances from all the other members of the James gang as well as Mary-Louise Parker as Jesse's wife. Negatives - While not a problem for myself, the more...modern filmgoer may find the film's extremely long run-time to be a concern. You do need to commit yourself for a 3-hour tour de force. - Moves at a slow pace. Blood, guts and explosions won't be found here. If you hate movies driven by dialogue, look away. Final Grade and Ranking A/A+ = A masterpiece. 'Jesse James' is a cinematic wonder to behold. It's not for everyone, but fans of film as true art will likely fall in love. Movies as great as this come around only once every few years. #1 for the year 2007
  13. Bryan posted a post in a topic in Off-Topic
    Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street Positives + Highly entertaining throughout. The story is truly captivating. + Johnny Depp's performance as Sweeney Todd should and will garner him a nomination. Great vocals from Mr. Depp throughout as well. He helmed a truly memorable character to perfection. Fantastic performance. + Helena Bonham Carter is spectacular. I've heard criticism of her performance, and while I have not seen the play, I couldn't imagine anyone else in her role. She is perfect for the female lead in dark, gritty type movies like this one. + Great music. The songs are all electric. + This material is incredibly dark, but through the use of fantastical elements (stylized blood) and offbeat humor it keeps you grounded in the film's world rather than reality. Truly, the material could have been made into a horror film if we were meant to look at it completely seriously. + Major props to Burton for the ending moments of the film. I was praying that it would end on the shot that it did, rather than ending it with a summation for the remaining characters. Negatives - Sweeney Todd's growth as a character is stunted by the script. One more scene depicting Sweeney's previous self in his happy, loving days would have sufficed. It would have built him up as even more incredibly tragic. - The first 10 minutes or so missed the mark. The movie's desire to set-you-up with the story really doesn't allow you to be swept up into it immediately. It does, however, do a good job of setting the mood. - Some obvious plotholes which I will not delve into here. This is almost a nitpick as the film is meant to have an almost fantastical element, regardless I did notice them right away and they were quite glaring. Final Grade and Ranking B+/A- = This is a highly entertaining film that you should see, even if you can't normally tolerate musicals. #2 for the year 2007
  14. Bryan posted a post in a topic in Off-Topic
    Maybe it's me, but the size of that rat isn't all that shocking. I swear I've seen some just slightly smaller scampering around the AMC on Broadway in NYC. What's odd is it says its 5 times the size, the picture must not be very good.
  15. Bryan posted a post in a topic in Sports
    At least he isn't saying he didn't and making a big show of it like Clemens did. Andy is at least saving face. I almost thinks it's worse that Pettitte isn't acknowledging that what he did was wrong. Great that he stepped up and admitted it, horrible that he's pussyfooting his way around it, which sets a terrible example for kids.