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  1. I knew this screen name would come in handy one day :shifty
  2. There's crazy spirit at school!!!!!!!!!!!! Everybody wears their Marlins shirts, even people that don't even like baseball, and everybody brings marlins towels and those newspaper signs that say GO MARLINS. Students talk about it every period and so do teachers. It's crazy and I love it. :thumbup All the kids from New York (Yankee fans obviously) are always trying to talk shyt but when the Marlins win, they either shut up or say "it was lucky". The funny thing is that half the Yankee fans don't know one thing about baseball. Like this one girl today, was like "Well they only lost by one point"...I was like "there's no points in baseball. RUNS, honey, RUNS". The best thing is that when the Yankee fans try to start stuff, all of us marlins fans don't back off. I LOVE IT!!!!!! that's another really big reason i want the fish to win. If my schools crazy like this already , imagine when we're champs and i really REALLY want to shut the yankee fans up
  3. Like most of you said, even down 2-1...it is no time to give up However, it's most definitely not going to be as easy as some of you make it sound. If you think that yes the marlins will come back "because they did it with the cubs'' then you're thinking unrealisticly because this is not the cubs and not inexperienced, choking prior and wood. Somebody mentioned Game 6 of the Cubs game when we were down big and came back and won. But is it me or do the Marlins ALWAYS need a damn "opening" or luck to come back? you all know for damn sure if it wasn't for steve bartman and alex gonzalez not being able to make that ending DP, we wouldn't even be here. i know i might be sounding like i have no more faith in the fish or something but thats not it AT ALL. i just want to think realisticly and of course i think we have a shot, a good shot but we have to work at it and not say "oh well we done it before so we can do it again" because if we play like we did game 3, we might as well cancel flights to NY cuz theyres not gonna be game 6 n 7. i dont know whats up with the marlins. we are playing opposite of usual - not executing, not clutch hitting, not being able TO LAY A SAC BUNT, wasting opportunities and good pitching, bullpen falling apart i believe we can pull it together and win this...the yankees are NOT unbeatable. we have to be our usual self, play our hearts out, and set the tone early. NO TIME TO GIVE UP
  4. i am, most obviously, a girl too and i LOOOOOOOVE sports. i don't really play them but that's all I pretty much watch :thumbup but dont be mistaken and think i like sports because of cute players or anything because thats not it AT ALL..that's just a plus side i don't really look like the sporty type and when guys find out, they're really surprised. just goes to show you, don't judge a book by its cover :shifty
  5. MCabrerasFutureWife posted a post in a topic in Miami Marlins
    hey, MCabrerasFutureWife, I don't know if you know this or not, but ... Miguel is married. lol. yeah i know. i happened to find that out AFTER I made the user name. but hey what the hell it was jsut for fun anyway. plus, there's always divorce :whistle
  6. MCabrerasFutureWife posted a post in a topic in Miami Marlins
    hey i wasn't watching the game at home last night so i wasn't aware of the chat but i'll definitely be there tonight so please someone invite me =D xolarubiaox
  7. Whoops, lemme correct myself Not PPO...PPS...don't know what i was thinking there lol
  8. i dont know if anybody else saw but after the yanks-bosox game, it was 7 news and they were showing marlins fans lined up at PPO and they weren't able to get tickets and they were all yelling and this guy said he will never go to PPO again because something like, they took most of the tickets and sold them online. did anybody hear about this and anybody have any info?? i just want to know what happened :confused
  9. I seriously would not be surprised if you hear about him being in some Chicago hospital in critical condition or something like that in the next few days. Maybe even worse. :hanged That's just so sad. First of all, why go after him????? ITS OVER WITH! It's not gonna bring back the foul ball he caught. It's not gonna bring back Game 6 or anything. Nothing will change it so what does harrassing him help? Like someone said in this thread, the Cubs really don't deserve to go to the world series and if they do (God Forbid) I hope they get SWEPT :killthemall WE BELIEVE!!!!
  10. thats true....UM fans were upset but they wouldn't literally kill the guy :confused
  11. MCabrerasFutureWife posted a post in a topic in Miami Marlins
    plus, its way too hot for black. i say go with the white pinstripes one too.
  12. MCabrerasFutureWife posted a post in a topic in Miami Marlins
    :thumbup i totally agree. who would have ever even dared to imagine this in april or may??????? not me thats for sure. but they came together as a team, assured everyone mikey was staying, added instead of sold players to complete the puzzle, fought, came back everynight with determination and passion you can't beat. the beginning of the season, pro player looked as empty as cubs fans' heads and now its pretty much impossible to even get a ticket and making records for biggest crowd for NLDS and NLCS. I'm so proud of them and even if this joyride does not last (which it will!!! :cool ) it has been fun thusfar and like sun-sentinel said, we should applaud our marlins whether the season ends today or game 7 of the world series. They brought a fresh feeling to South Florida, a playoff feeling, one we all haven't seen for some years now (exception of Canes of course). So make sure you cheer on your marlins no matter what
  13. Wassup fellow marlins fans. I've been looking at posts here for a while and decided to get on with the action too :thumbup but yes, im definitely in line....i kno we can do this, we need to take it one game at a time, remember we are the comeback kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!