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Okay in your honest opinion which team has the best fans?


The way you should judge this question is....


Which team has the most consecutive sellouts?


Which fans packed the stadium regardless of how bad their team is?


Which team had the highest average Capacity Percentage? Meaning of the capacity the stadium held which team had the highest "Cap %"?


Which team has the most outlandishly dressed fans?


If every team played in a dome- -Which teams fans would be the loudest?


Which team has the most people walking out of the game sh*tfaced? (which means they had a very good time)




- The Team with the most consecutive sellouts is the PACKERS with 22 years straight and running of sellouts.


- 22 years ago the PACKERS sucked. And the fans still filled Lambeau Field.


-The Packers "Cap %" last year was 101.8%. That means the Packers ticket office started selling standing room only tickets.


- Moust outlandishly dressed team, is easily, by far, after a long delberation, it is....




- Wisconsin is the Beer Capital of the world. With more breweries there per capita then Germany times 2. Nuff said. Green Bay is in the top 20 in the NATION on Fall Sundays in Drunk Driving arrests.




Best Fans- - - Packers Fans easily. Not just because I'm a Packers fan. But look at the numbers I provided you with. Go to Street and Smiths.com to get some of those numbers or go buy a Street & Smiths Magazine at your newstand(s) now. Also special thanks to ESPN.com and NFL.com


Even though Packer fans are the best, Raider fans are the most obnoxious.

i dont even want to touch this, i could be biased

I think all the beer up in the state of Cheese has started to affect your thinking.


Who is the one of the only states with three football teams?


Who has the only team with a perfect season?


Who is the home of the Super Bowl Champs?


Who is being rumored for future expansion?


Who is going to have the 2006 and 2007 Super Bowls?



Answer to all is Florida, now go hide in your Frozen Tundra cheesehead. :lol

i will say this, its not the Jets fans. they're just damn annoying. what person in their right mind buys a ticket to go to the home stadium of the team they hate when they're not even playing the them, and actually go wearing all Jets gear? Bills fans i would say are towards the top, you have to be if you actually take your shirt off and paint yourself in freezing temperature.

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CapeFish you've never been to Lambeau Field then.


It is truly awe inspiring. Even Don Shula when he went there for the Packer/Fin game last season on Monday night said this...


"When I walked into Lambeau, my knees turned to oatmeal. And I fell. I was just in awe. The Packers have not only the best stadium in all of sports, but the best fans in all of sports to go with it."


That was quoted from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel the day after the game.


Randy Moss and Chris Hovan 2 big time Packer Haters...


"As much as I hate them man, their fans are great. Their stadium is equally great. You haven't experienced the NFL, your not an NFL fan, until you've been to Lambeau and heard the crowd roar."

- Randy Moss, WR, Minnesota Vikings- - 3 years ago in ESPN the magazine commenting on the game where Antonio Freeman made the improbable back to stomach catch to win in overtime.


"If I could play for any other team, it would be the Packers. The Fans, The Stadium. The History. The chance to play with Brett. They are truly the ultimate experience in sports."

- Chris Hovan, DT, Minnesota Vikings- - After last years come from behind Packer victory spearheaded by Brett Favre. Source: Sports Illustrated.com


Even Dave Wannstedt got in on the act....


"Man as much as I'd love to beat these guys here at Lambeau. Going into the game your confident, you know? Like we can Win this week at Lambeau. But when you get there, your jaw just drops. The Fans their are louder then fans are in most dome stadiums. The structure of the Stadium is incredible. Its truly what the NFL is all about."


Quoted Packer Plus after the Monday Night football game last year at Lambeau.


John Gruden, former Packers Offensive Coordinator and current Tampa Bay Bucs coach on being asked who has the best fans of the Raiders or Buccaneers...


"As great of fans as Raider fans and Buccaneer fans are, nothing and nobody comes close to Green Bay Fans. When I was the O-Cord in Green Bay even though they weren't the team they became 2 years after I left that won the Super Bowl. The Fans were incredible. They never gave up. Even when I return to coach there or watch them on TV, they could be getting blown out 30-0 at Lambeau in the 3rd Quarter and there still wouldn't be an empty seat in the house. Not a single seat. And that still goes for today."


- John Gruden in an ESPN.com interview 3 days after winning the Super Bowl.


There. Some testimonials you can't beat. :mischief

Honestly I think the Bears.

Honestly I think the Bears.

during last years Monday night game against Chicago, there were these dumbass fans sitting in my section talking s*** and disrepcting Csonk during his # retirement ceremony. dumbass disrespectful pricks :angry

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Okay Im curious.


Admin and the Moderators I have a question....


Can we make "Bears", "Chicago", "Soldier Field", "Butkus", "Halas", & "Poppa Bear" banned phrases?


Thanks :mischief :D


Lets ask the Thumbs guy what he thinks of the Bears....



Bears :thumbdown :thumbdown


Now lets see what the Thumbs guy thinks of the Packers....


Packers :thumbup :thumbup

Cleveland or Oakland


ill say Oakland

  • Author

Minus you think what they did during Csonks ceremony was bad?


Come to Lambeau every year to see what these losers pull out next...


The Middle Finger, Private Parts, Obscenitities towards the Packers, starting fights with Packers fans.


They really are the worst fans in football.


And when the Bears suck, they don't even fill 90% of the stadium. Its pathetic. The Bears truly are the scum of the league in every way imaginable.

we beat the s*** out of them that night, damn it was a good day. aced my two finals and watched the Bears fans have to shut the f*** up after we kicked their pathetic asses in the rain.

Minus you think what they did during Csonks ceremony was bad?


Come to Lambeau every year to see what these losers pull out next...


The Middle Finger, Private Parts, Obscenitities towards the Packers, starting fights with Packers fans.


They really are the worst fans in football.


And when the Bears suck, they don't even fill 90% of the stadium. Its pathetic. The Bears truly are the scum of the league in every way imaginable.

that was me who complained about the Bears. i got to say the Jets fans are the worst, being a Dolphins fan i have to. God i cant stand the sight of green and white. :chair

Minus you think what they did during Csonks ceremony was bad?


Come to Lambeau every year to see what these losers pull out next...


The Middle Finger, Private Parts, Obscenitities towards the Packers, starting fights with Packers fans.


They really are the worst fans in football.


And when the Bears suck, they don't even fill 90% of the stadium. Its pathetic. The Bears truly are the scum of the league in every way imaginable.

All I know people in Chicago are in love with Bears just like Cubs but is really toss up between Bear and Packers.

Packers #1.



Cowboys #2.



Then the rest fall into line.




Miami fans suck.



Tampa Bay fans are pretty good.

Cleveland, Oakland, and Green Bay all popped into my mind.


But you just can't go against the Pack, although the Raiders aren't far behind at all.

Cleveland, Oakland, and Green Bay all popped into my mind.


But you just can't go against the Pack, although the Raiders aren't far behind at all.

Baltimore fans are pretty straight also. from the Colts to the Ravens.

Cleveland, well what can be said about the Dawg pound?

other teams with great fans....












and i am sure i missed a couple.

Dolphin fans for the most part, just arent real. you want real Dolphin fans? go to the cheap seats, those are real fans. go to section 431 (my former section :D ) and the ones around them, those are true fans.

Packers #1.



Cowboys #2.



Then the rest fall into line.




Miami fans suck.



Tampa Bay fans are pretty good.




Miami Dolphins are like top five in attendance over last 15 years...

  • Author

Man who was it that said Fin fans suck?


When I went to the Vikings/Fins game last year with my Brother and Dad (both huge Viking fans) I saw that the Fin fans were very good fans and held their own.


But nothing comes close to Lambeau.


I'm telling you guys, I don't get awestruck. Junior Seau is basically a distant relative of mine. Doc Rivers is a person I have been around with for weeks and weeks when he visits his families cabin (which isnt a nice cabin so you know) which is right next to my cabin. I'm not starstruck.


But I'll you all this, when you walk into Lambeau, whether your a Bears fan or Viking fan or whatever fan you are. When you walk into Lambeau you will believe in ghosts, the stories of the Ghosts of Curly Lambeau, Vince Lombardi, Don Hutson and Ray Nithscke.


When a field goal is hopelessly hooked but some how goes in. The ghost of Lombardi had a hand in it. Or how about an improbably TD catch, like Antonio Freemans TD against the Vikes on MNF 3 years ago? That you can chalk up to the ghost of Lambeau and Hutson. When an opposing runner is galloping down the field for a sure TD, and somehow trips. Thats Nithscke layin' him out for the good ol' Green n' Gold!


As Don Shula said it best...."you become weak in the knees." I also would add not only do you get weak in the knees, you get a little dizzy, you feel insignifgant. You feel proud or awestruck most times both, when you go into the new Lambeau Field Atrium and see 3 Lombardi Trophies along with 9 other NFL World Title Trophies, 3 replicas of Brett Favres MVP trohpies, one replica of Hornungs MVP trophy, 2 replicas of Starrs MVP trohpies, 2 replicas of Starrs Super Bowl MVP trophies, 1 replica of Desmond Howards Super Bowl MVP Trophy, 3 Conference Title Trophies, and countless division championship trophies proudly standing in a trophy case with not a speck of dust near them. Its enough to make you faint.


You get a sense of the tradition.


When the Packers score a TD they play "Bang on the Drums all Day" (the TD music recorded EXCLUSIVELY for the Packers which is now used by teams like Denver, St. Louis and San Fran also)


But there is nothing like the roar of the fans. The sight of the fans. You start to get goosebumps when the PA Anouncer starts to yell over the music of "Ironman" - - "from Southern Mississippi, in his 12th season, NUMMMMMMBBBBBBERRRRRR 44444444444444444444 BRETTTTTTT FAVVVVRRRRRREEEEEE!"- is usually the clincher for me. Ozzy Osbournes "Ironman" playing when Favre is introduced. The tailgating before the game.


Truly nothing like the Lambeau Experience. :thumbup

Just because the Marlins aren't drawing doesn't mean Dolphins fans aren't loyal.During training camp the Dolphins on weekend have 4,000-5,000 fans per practice.

Like I said is between Bears or Packers and you can make a good argument for either side.

dolphin fans, the real ones, take their s*** seriously. we go to all the fanfests and draft parties, and real hard core fans go to practices and camps(i dont want to go all the way to Davie so i havent gone to one yet.) our stadium shakes quite a bit to, thanks in part to section 431 and the ones next to us. :D

  • Author

The Packers draw easily 6000-8000 around the chain link fence around Clark Hinkle field daily! Weekdays and weekends!


In fact I will be going to Green Bay Saturday to partake in the opening day of Training Camp Festivities.


The tradition of football players riding kids bikes to practices and meetings for autographs is something I have done for the past 8 years.


Gilbert Brown is one of the nicest guys you'd ever meet. He looks for me when I'm there to ride my bike.


I have had the likes of the following grace my bike seat....


Gilbert Brown

Donald Driver (when he wasnt a star)

Ahman Green (again when he wasnt a star)

Craig Newsome

Mike McKenzie

Hardy Nickerson

Antonio Freeman

Doug Pederson

Vonnie Holliday

Kabeer Gbaja-Biamila

Nate Wayne

Cletidus Hunt

Wayne Simmons (may god rest his soul)


And every single one of them have autographed my bike seat! :D

Minus Bears fans are pathetic. Packers fans don't do what the Bears fans do. They don't leave games early, or act like jackasses during the game.


Packers fans are better just out of common curteousy!

dolphin fans, the real ones, take their s*** seriously. we go to all the fanfests and draft parties, and real hard core fans go to practices and camps(i dont want to go all the way to Davie so i havent gone to one yet.) our stadium shakes quite a bit to, thanks in part to section 431 and the ones next to us. :D

I'm a die hard fan and I'm one of those who attend training camp but usually on sundays.This year I might be attending alot more than just sundays.Now that I'm not doing anything in the morning.This year fan fest drew like 20,000 fans just to go see Dolphins practice at the pro.

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