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To the victims and familys of victims of the tragedy of September 11th, 2001, you are not forgotten. The fiends who perpetrated this cowardly attack on the US never took into account the spirit of the American people. To he heroes of the NYPD and the FDNY, putting everyone else's lives before your own is the true badge of courage, and your sacrifice will not be in vain. I can do nothing except thank you all, and give my prayers to the familys of those lost. America will triumph, it is in our heritage, and you are all prime examples of that.


A passage that reminds me of America after 9/11

"Continue to love eachother with true brotherly love. Dont forget to be kind to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without even realizing it."-Hebrews 13-1,2


A passage that embodies the American spirit

"The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? Whn evil men come to destroy me, they will stumble and fall! Yes, though a mighty army marches against me, my heart shall know no fear! I am confident that God will save me."

-Psalms 27-1,2,3


I pray that you are in a better place.


As I close this out, I am reminded of the Alan Jackson song "Where were you?". I was waiting for my best friend Kim to pick me up for school, and turned on the TV. I normally watch ESPN in the morning but for whatever reason I turned it on CNN(possibly hitting the wrong button). This was just minutes after the first tower had been hit, and as I continued watching the second tower was struck. I will never forget that moment.

Everyone's getting kind of sentimental over 9/11 all of a sudden. That day sucked. The direction it has led our country sucks.


I just don't understand being all "remorseful" about 9/11.


Great David Cross bit: "Do you think the people who worked at the New York, New York Casino in Las Vegas, felt it, just a little more than the average non-New Yorker American? Americans have this great way of co-opting other people's pain and making it their own. Like shedding a tear and waving a flag and... *sobs* "This is... This is the greatest country in the world..." MEANS anything at all."

Buckeye we don't allow that kind of sentiment in this free society. Please take your callousness elsewhere.

Everyone's getting kind of sentimental over 9/11 all of a sudden. That day sucked. The direction it has led our country sucks.


I just don't understand being all "remorseful" about 9/11.


Great David Cross bit: "Do you think the people who worked at the New York, New York Casino in Las Vegas, felt it, just a little more than the average non-New Yorker American? Americans have this great way of co-opting other people's pain and making it their own. Like shedding a tear and waving a flag and... *sobs* "This is... This is the greatest country in the world..." MEANS anything at all."



Forgive us for caring for those who died and their families. You heartless fool.

Everyone's getting kind of sentimental over 9/11 all of a sudden. That day sucked. The direction it has led our country sucks.


I just don't understand being all "remorseful" about 9/11.


Great David Cross bit: "Do you think the people who worked at the New York, New York Casino in Las Vegas, felt it, just a little more than the average non-New Yorker American? Americans have this great way of co-opting other people's pain and making it their own. Like shedding a tear and waving a flag and... *sobs* "This is... This is the greatest country in the world..." MEANS anything at all."


Again with the symbolism...You have a real issue with the flag and its implications, don't you?


And by the way, it's not co-opting other people's pain and making it their own. It's called empathy, and it is a reasonable emotion for people who feel bad about what happened.

Buckeye is a knowledgeable and wise sports fans, but I have learned to ignore his political commentary, which is nothing but an attempt to stir the pot.

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I wasn't meaning to tick you off by bringing up 9/11 buckeye.

Four years after 9/11, we still have a lot to do in order to ensure the safety of this country. I would have hoped that the long-forgotten perpetrator of these acts, Osama Bin Laden, would be dead or in custody by now. Unfortunately that hasn't happened.


Our country needs to focus on acting against terrorists, instead of increasing our bureaucracies while pretending that we are protecting the country. Specifically I'm talking about the Department of Homeland Security, which doesn't serve a purpose in the fight against terror. Those jobs are best left to the FBI, CIA, NSA, and other intelligence agencies.


As the gap grows between 9/11 and the present, more and more people begin to forget the despicable acts that were taken against our country. It was an act of war against America, but after the Afghanistan War, we haven't done much to directly effect terrorist operations worldwide on a large scale. The invasion of Iraq hurt our relations with foreign allies, who we need to be able to get cooperation from so that they can crack down on their own domestic terror networks. As the London train bombings proved, not all terrorists come from the poverty of the Middle East.

I wasn't meaning to tick you off by bringing up 9/11 buckeye.



You didn't tick me off. It's cool. I just don't agree with the sentiment.


Of course the knee jerk reaction is going to be to namecall and to say "HOW CAN YOU BE SO CALLOUS!?" 3 words: four years ago. Grow up and get over it. More Americans die of things that are just as bad as 9/11 every year and I don't see you bowing down and "celebrating their memory." Don't act like it doesn't make me have a gut reaction of being angry or that I don't have feelings about it. Did it suck? Yes. Would I rather it not happened? f***ing A, right.


And then you have Lefty who I'm guessing is making the claim that I "hate America" or "have a problem with the flag," when that couldn't be further from the truth. I just don't care about it. At all. Another issue, I know, but burn it, salute it, whatever.


Also, the DAVID CROSS bit about coopting pain is about how empathy can be made into a selfish thing that allows you to feel better about yourself or to join the crowd. Empathy is great. I dig it. But four years later? Come on. People who have no connection to New York at all using that as an excuse to talk about something or say they STILL have some kind of sentiment four years later? Let's not get crazy.


I got a great 9/11 story. Totally true.


I'm heading back to Dayton from Columbus the week of September 11th. Setpember 11th was early to midweek (it was a Monday-Tuesday or Wednesday, if I remember correctly). I go back to Dayton Thursday and I'm pulling my usual speeding routine.


I get pulled over.


I would later get 3 speeding tickets in the same trap. It sucks because they lower the limit for no reason and it's natural to keep following the same speed. So, I'd bee watching all the coverage and listening to all the 9/11 stuff on the radio. Fascinating stuff.


The cop comes up to the car and asks to see my license and registration which I promptly give. He then asks me if I knew why he pulled me over. My response was that I was speeding. He asked why I was speeding. I told him, verbatim, "I'm just really upset about 9/11..." He kind of stood there a second. He folded up my wallet and handed me it and my registration and told me to kindly go about my way.


Best excuse ever. I don't really know if I subconsciously did it or what. And now, no doubt, comes the accusations that I'm a jerk. Guilty as charged.


I don't generally try and stir the pot. I just think that we have freedoms out the ass and we should be able to use those to our fullest extent. I don't see why people care about this or that and yet get mad about something else so equally arbitrary. I do the same thing. The heart of everything is, "Why do we value what we value?"

I wasn't meaning to tick you off by bringing up 9/11 buckeye.



You didn't tick me off. It's cool. I just don't agree with the sentiment.


Of course the knee jerk reaction is going to be to namecall and to say "HOW CAN YOU BE SO CALLOUS!?" 3 words: four years ago. Grow up and get over it. More Americans die of things that are just as bad as 9/11 every year and I don't see you bowing down and "celebrating their memory." Don't act like it doesn't make me have a gut reaction of being angry or that I don't have feelings about it. Did it suck? Yes. Would I rather it not happened? f***ing A, right.


And then you have Lefty who I'm guessing is making the claim that I "hate America" or "have a problem with the flag," when that couldn't be further from the truth. I just don't care about it. At all. Another issue, I know, but burn it, salute it, whatever.


Also, the DAVID CROSS bit about coopting pain is about how empathy can be made into a selfish thing that allows you to feel better about yourself or to join the crowd. Empathy is great. I dig it. But four years later? Come on. People who have no connection to New York at all using that as an excuse to talk about something or say they STILL have some kind of sentiment four years later? Let's not get crazy.


I got a great 9/11 story. Totally true.


I'm heading back to Dayton from Columbus the week of September 11th. Setpember 11th was early to midweek (it was a Monday-Tuesday or Wednesday, if I remember correctly). I go back to Dayton Thursday and I'm pulling my usual speeding routine.


I get pulled over.


I would later get 3 speeding tickets in the same trap. It sucks because they lower the limit for no reason and it's natural to keep following the same speed. So, I'd bee watching all the coverage and listening to all the 9/11 stuff on the radio. Fascinating stuff.


The cop comes up to the car and asks to see my license and registration which I promptly give. He then asks me if I knew why he pulled me over. My response was that I was speeding. He asked why I was speeding. I told him, verbatim, "I'm just really upset about 9/11..." He kind of stood there a second. He folded up my wallet and handed me it and my registration and told me to kindly go about my way.


Best excuse ever. I don't really know if I subconsciously did it or what. And now, no doubt, comes the accusations that I'm a jerk. Guilty as charged.


I don't generally try and stir the pot. I just think that we have freedoms out the ass and we should be able to use those to our fullest extent. I don't see why people care about this or that and yet get mad about something else so equally arbitrary. I do the same thing. The heart of everything is, "Why do we value what we value?"


You look for a deeper meaning in everything, while pretending that such a belief is the opposite of how you feel. Why can't things just unfold the way that they are? They have been for thousands of years before you, and they will continue to do so until the sun explodes. Your narrow view of the world (or simply of ideals) doesn't allow you to fully enjoy life.


The world isn't perfect, so why does our emotional attachment to it have to be any different?

Buckeye, :thumbup .


(not the one with the narrow view if you ask me)

Is there anything that can't be turned into an argument somehow? Seriously.

Is there anything that can't be turned into an argument somehow? Seriously.



If everyone thinks the same thoughts or there is no discussion then why have a messageboard at all? Seriously.

I agree with Buckeye to a point, but disagree with the way he communicates it. No need to be inflamatory to get your point accross.


With that said, 9/11 reminds me that another attack (possibly bigger) is inevitable on US soil.


With the poor display of our government during the Katrina debacle; it seems like everyone is doing their own thing and our government is not working towards a common goal. I fear that we will be caught with our pants down again. God help us

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