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The other side of the Iraq Conflict

Gator Guy

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On 1 December 2005, it put the total number of civilian dead at between 25,685 and 29,201 and the number of police dead at 1,640.




'Public estimates'


On 12 December, US President George W Bush said about 30,000 Iraqis had been killed since the war began.


His spokesman later said the figure was not an official one and was based on "public estimates cited by media reports" - a method similar to that used by Iraq Body Count.


Nevertheless, Iraq Body Count's methods and its ability to compile accurate statistics have been questioned by critics, with some arguing that it has greatly underestimated the number of casualties.


One study, published by the Lancet medical journal in October 2004, suggested that poor planning, air strikes by coalition forces and a "climate of violence" had led to more than 100,000 extra deaths in Iraq.


The US and UK governments have both said the chaotic situation in Iraq makes it impossible to gather such information accurately.



Waiting for Bush to apologize to these people's families? I wouldn't hold your breath.

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Whether or not you think collateral damage is a necessity of war, people have to realize that this is why anti-war people demand so much before generally being ok with an invasion. The consequences of war are rougher than the rah rah war is like a video game crowd thinks.



You're unpatriotic and your words undermine your country. You are aiding the enemy. :plain :plain :plain :plain (something Rush Limbaugh would say to this statement)

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Would it have been better to leave Saddam in power to continue to kill his own people? Do some math and subtract the number of civilian and police deaths from the number of people that Saddam brutally murdered. You can also add all of the American soldiers killed in battle along with the Iraqi terrorist/insurgents/army that have been killed in action and you still won't come close to the number of people that Saddam killed. You can politicize this all you want, but leaving a brutal dictator in power was not the answer. Yes, I know there are other brutal dictators around the world, but you have to start somewhere and this one thumbed his nose at the UN and the entire world.


As far as the Limbaugh quote, I guarantee that you have not listened to him for more than five minutes at a time. Maybe not even five minutes total. Please listen to his show for a while and you will see that's not his message. If you prefer not to listen that is fine also, but please don't quote him out of context. It's ok to disagree politically. We are each entitled to our own opinions and those opinions don't make us patriotic or unpatriotic. Respecting each other and always wanting the best for your country is patriotic. At least in my opinion.

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Would it have been better to leave Saddam in power to continue to kill his own people? Do some math and subtract the number of civilian and police deaths from the number of people that Saddam brutally murdered. You can also add all of the American soldiers killed in battle along with the Iraqi terrorist/insurgents/army that have been killed in action and you still won't come close to the number of people that Saddam killed. You can politicize this all you want, but leaving a brutal dictator in power was not the answer. Yes, I know there are other brutal dictators around the world, but you have to start somewhere and this one thumbed his nose at the UN and the entire world.


As far as the Limbaugh quote, I guarantee that you have not listened to him for more than five minutes at a time. Maybe not even five minutes total. Please listen to his show for a while and you will see that's not his message. If you prefer not to listen that is fine also, but please don't quote him out of context. It's ok to disagree politically. We are each entitled to our own opinions and those opinions don't make us patriotic or unpatriotic. Respecting each other and always wanting the best for your country is patriotic. At least in my opinion.



I'm waiting for us to become the freedom crew and save all nations with 'unjust, murderous' dictators.


I won't hold my breath that this happens.

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