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Make your choice, if it's your own nomination or not. Vote for what you think is the BEST one.


The Top 2 will move on. If there are more than 2 tied, then more will move on and a supplemental elimination round will be used to knock the list to 2.


This will be open for 72 hours.

gotta be reelin in respect, i like that one a lot.

Expect the Unexpected :thumbup

Goodbye Fish at Play. :waving

Goodbye Fish at Play. :waving

:rolleyes: You know you love it.

Goodbye Fish at Play. :waving

:rolleyes: You know you love it.


I gave it another vote. It should come down to Reeling in Respect and Fish at Play in the end. Expect the unexpected is one of the most overused taglines around.

fish at play should be our slogan, just like hollyberry said.

fish at play should be our slogan, just like hollyberry said.


Fish gets my vote, but we might need to put up flyers for the final round....

Expect the Unexpected

Reeling in Respect..the best one there

I would vote for Fish At Play if it didn't say "CAUTION" at the beginning. So I voted "Expect The Unexpected" because I can't stand the other one.

Expect the unexpected is to generic as pbcmarlinsfan said. Fish at play is just stupid, so I voted for reeling in respect

reeling in respect!

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