What will happen to our world series titles
I think he's talking about if they move out of Florida to another state, will they still keep their World Series titles?
Marlins Playoff Outlook
Cabrera, Willis and Beckett alone should guarantee us a playoff spot. Everyone else is just a bonus. That's what we had last year and look what happened. :confused
For those who diss our attendance
Yeah, I remember the days when we drew as low as 4,000 people...and that is just the paid attendance so even less people came. When you go from that to what we have now, it's an improvement.
For those who diss our attendance
The attendance is going up SLOWLY every year. But if we average 30,000+ per game and go like 77-85, I won't be happy one bit. As long as we continue to field a winning team year in and year out (not very likely with our financial problems), that's all that matters.
For those who diss our attendance
Okay. Okay. I'm sorry for bringing out yet ANOTHER attendance thread. I just happened to look through our past games over the internet out of curiousity and when I looked at the box scores of our inaugural 1993 season, I saw that the attendance was in the 40,000s for a lot of the games. So I wanted to point it out to those who don't know and think we always only averaged 20,000 or worse per game when that's not the case. And what I meant by bringing out a winning team is that if we CONTINUE to bring out a winning team (meaning that we already had one), the people will come. And even though more people doesn't necessarily mean more wins, it just looks better.
For those who diss our attendance
If you look at the box scores from our inaugural season in 1993, you can see that we had like 35,000-45,000 people a game. Granted, it was our inaugural season so the fever of South Florida's first ever MLB team was there. But we were capable of putting those many people in the seats for every game. We even had similar results in 1994, though not as many people. This goes to show you that, if we get a new stadium, the people will eventually come. Especially if we bring out a winning team onto the field.
Imagine of the Marlins were playing now
Then all four of South Florida's pro sports teams would be playing at the SAME TIME in some way or form. And I love them all: Florida Marlins-MLB playoffs Miami Dolphins-NFL regular season Miami Heat-NBA preseason Florida Panthers-NHL regular season And if you count college, then University of Miami football is playing at this time, too. A South Florida sports fan's dream. I never really noticed that until now, probably cuz hockey's back. Just a thought.
How many of you are watching the 2003 videos?
Like tapes (if you taped the games) or internet highlights of the 2003 postseason when WE were the team of destiny? I swear, I get a little teary-eyed when I watch highlights of those games. :crying
Top 5 Loses of the past that should have been wins
Exactly. And if we'd played the way we are capable of playing the entire season, we'd be running away with the Wild Card right now and possibly leading the NL East. That's what hurts the most is that we wasted such a talented team, similar to the 2002 Miami Dolphins that had the NFL-leading rusher Ricky Williams and a #3 defense and were 2 wins away from homefield advantage and missed the playoffs. :tissue
Marlins not getting tomorrow's game on ESPN?
I saw the bottomline on Sportscenter and it said that the Braves-Phillies game will be on ESPN, not the Marlins-Astros. I thought that I read somewhere that the Marlins-Astros game with Burnett vs. Clemens was gonna be on ESPN. :mad Oh well. I guess we can't have 3 Wednesday Night Baseball games in a row on ESPN.
If only Pierre was his regular .300 self, this lineup would be more potent. That would allow us to have Hermida lower in the lineup and give us a spark down there. :confused Hopefully tonight's lineup can build on what they did in this game. :pray
This looks like a good lineup and all, but moving Pierre down to the 7th spot in the lineup takes away his basestealing because if he steals 2nd base, they'll walk Easley to get to the pitcher. :banghead But then again, Pierre has been struggling so maybe he won't even get on base to have an opportunity to steal.
This is it right here in this week
At the very least we should split with Houston and Washington and then take 2 out of 3 from the Phillies. We should go at least 6-5 on this road trip. 930402[/snapback] If we go 6-5 in this roadtrip, you can pretty much kiss our postseason hopes goodbye.
No Sweep.
Yes we've gained ground, but it's disappointing overall. Underachieving teams (like the Marlins) take 2 out of 3 AT BEST. If we played as good as we're capable of playing, we should have more than 2 sweeps all year. :banghead Just look at the number of sweeps the 1997 and 2003 team had and the number of sweeps the first place teams this year have and you'll see the difference. And to break it down a little further: No sweeps means no long winning streaks. :confused
Marlins vs Cardinals---7:05et---at the PRO
Now that's how you score runs. Why can't we do that? :confused
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