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What Operating System does your computer use?


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If your using Windows ME YOU SHOULD upgrade to Windows XP, if your on 98SE you should wait till the new release of Windows... which right now is code-named: "Longhorn" (and no that aian't a joke).



They recently "accidently" leaked some info on "Longhorn" Alpha yesterday:



An internal alpha build of Microsoft's next version of Windows, code-named Longhorn, made its way onto the Internet early Tuesday.


The leaked build, which is numbered 3683, appears to be from late September and sports quite a few new feature concepts?although many are not yet functional.


News of a leaked Longhorn build cropped up late last month when screenshots posted to Windows enthusiast sites purported to showcase the next-generation operating system. But the select few with access to the code initially opted to keep it under wraps rather than risk incurring the wrath of Redmond.




Full Article about LongHorn

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If I were getting me a laptop today, this is the one I get.....




Of course I add a few things here and there....but the basic specs remain the same...


I would have to add a floppy drive..


add in XP Professional


Office XP Pro



Maybe a little software



Probably a color just for fun



and a 'Dude, Your Getting a Dell' tshirt.......



cant think of a better laptop with all things considered.....

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