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PALM COAST, Fla. - A 16-year-old student bit into a razor blade while eating a chicken sandwich he purchased at his high school, authorities said.


Craig Beat was not injured when he found the blade in his chicken patty Sept. 21, the Flagler County Sheriff's Office said.


Beat told school officials that he bought the sandwich at Flagler Palm Coast High School and sat down to eat it in the school's lunchroom, according to a sheriff's report.


Investigators did not know how the razor blade got into the sandwich.


A spokeswoman for the Atlanta-based company that prepares and distributes the sandwiches said an internal investigation concluded that the razor blade must have been inserted into the chicken patty after it left the plant were it was cooked and frozen.


No razors are used in the manufacturing process, and all food leaving the company's plants pass through metal detectors, said Gold Kist Inc. spokeswoman Karla Harvill.


Gold Kist products have since been removed from all cafeterias in the school district, officials said.



Makes you wonder if he put it in there himself.

Show me the money!

He put it there himself/10

We're in the money,

We're in the money;

We've got a lot of what it takes to get along!

We're in the money,

The sky is sunny;

Old Man Depression, you are through,

You done us wrong!


We never see a headline

'Bout breadline, today,

And when we see the landlord,

We can look that guy right in the eye .


We're in the money

Come on, my honey

Let's spend it, lend it,

Send it rolling around!


We're in the money,

We're in the money;

We've got a lot of what it takes to get along!

We're in the money,

The sky is sunny;

Old Man Depression, you are through,

You done us wrong!


We never see a headline

'Bout breadline, today,

And when we see the landlord,

We can look that guy right in the eye.

Look that guy right in the eye-

Look that guy right in the eye-


We're in the money

Come on, my honey

Let's spend it, lend it, send it-

Let's spend it, lend it, send it

Rolling, rolling-

Rolling around!


Additional Verse

Gone are my blues,

And gone are my tears;

I've got good news

To shout in your ears.

The silver dollar has returned to the fold,

With silver you can turn your dreams to gold.

He probably did it himself.

How do you bite into a sandwich that has a razor blade in it and not hurt yourself?


I mean, you'd at least chip a tooth or cut your cheek. Heck, I've bit into a piece of fish, expecting a bone and still hurt myself...the kid probably planted it.

it's high school....my friends pulled some pretty evil, criminal pranks on people back in the day, though nothing like this.


maybe some other kid put it in there.

it's high school....my friends pulled some pretty evil, criminal pranks on people back in the day, though nothing like this.


maybe some other kid put it in there when he wasn't looking.



Dood, it was a razor!


Anyone who puts a razor in a piece of food is beyond loser and falls more into psycho killer category. I've done some mean things (peeing IN someones SUV, putting a cow patty on the roof of someones truck, etc.) but COME ON!

kids these days.


haha, taking a piss in someone's car is a pretty good one. i'm guessing the dickfor left his windows down or doors unlocked?

Is it better than pissing in a bottle of beer, leaving it in the fridge, then challenging someone to chug the 'beer'?

I didn't do this, heard it from a friend...pretty low, but funny.

kids these days.


haha, taking a piss in someone's car is a pretty good one. i'm guessing the dickfor left his windows down or doors unlocked?



Windows down and a lot of drug paraphanalia on my friends porch for his parents to see when they got home. It was one of his sister's friends so I didn't care. Go out a step ladder and let it flow.

severed finger in chilli

Is it better than pissing in a bottle of beer, leaving it in the fridge, then challenging someone to chug the 'beer'?

I didn't do this, heard it from a friend...pretty low, but funny.




How about a kid who wanked it into a Dixie cup, put it in the freezer, and when people came over for a party took it out and put ice in it and gave it to a kid?


Not me. A friend.

What a way to reduce class size!

I know a kid who got a lizard and put in the teacher's snack when he wasent looking

it's high school....my friends pulled some pretty evil, criminal pranks on people back in the day, though nothing like this.


maybe some other kid put it in there when he wasn't looking.



Dood, it was a razor!


Anyone who puts a razor in a piece of food is beyond loser and falls more into psycho killer category. I've done some mean things (peeing IN someones SUV, putting a cow patty on the roof of someones truck, etc.) but COME ON!



You mean peeing into the gas tank? Cause that's fun! :mischief

Hey, if a woman can plant a severed finger in Wendy's chili, anything can happen.

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