November 17, 200519 yr Imagine a Miami with less Cubans. It might even be tolerable. :mischief Naw, then it'd be mostly black. And look how that's worked for Detroit and Atlanta :mischief :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :notworthy :notworthy
November 17, 200519 yr Imagine a Miami with less Cubans. It might even be tolerable. :mischief Naw, then it'd be mostly black. And look how that's worked for Detroit and Atlanta :mischief Haitians. :plain
November 17, 200519 yr those that want a world leader dead simply because they have done horrible things are no better than that person. I see the point you're trying to make, but it is absolutely flat out ridiculous. If I was alive back in the 30's and 40's, I would have wanted Hitler dead, so I guess that makes me just as bad as Hitler. Please . oh i forget, we live in a world of a hand for a hand. but then again few people actually do follow the two greatest commandments Jesus gave. Of course if you are not Christian then it really doesnt matter to you and you can live by an eye for an eye and what not or whatever your religious tenants are.
November 17, 200519 yr Yes, it's good that Castro may finally be close to kicking the bucket. However, people are forgetting about his son, who is like 40-50 or so. From what I've read, he's as bad or worse than his father, and I'm sure Castro will do everything in his power to make sure that the transition of leadership goes smoothly. I don't think there will be the opportunity that people are expecting to just head over to Cuba.
November 17, 200519 yr I love, LOVE how some people think a Republican administration will invade Cuba.
November 17, 200519 yr Yes, it's good that Castro may finally be close to kicking the bucket. However, people are forgetting about his son, who is like 40-50 or so. From what I've read, he's as bad or worse than his father, and I'm sure Castro will do everything in his power to make sure that the transition of leadership goes smoothly. I don't think there will be the opportunity that people are expecting to just head over to Cuba. No one in Cuba knows fidel's order for the regime to survive, you need a charismatic figure: that's why it has endured 46 years! Most experts believe Raul Castro (fidel's queer brother) will take the reigns...there's a lot of speculation about what might one knows for sure if the regime will die alongside Castro, but after years and years of being outside of their homeland, Cubans can only hope that this is what occurs. I love, LOVE how some people think a Republican administration will invade Cuba. I agree with you...there won't be an invasion. Yet, a Republican president won't eat sh*t...he will make sure that this window of opportunity isn't wasted. There's plenty of measures that can be taken in order to support the cuban people that don't necessarily involve an all out invasion with US troops. Ideally, I would like a Bay of Pigs II...I know I would go...hey, I can dream
November 17, 200519 yr Ideally, I would like a Bay of Pigs II...I know I would go...hey, I can dream Would that be accompanied by nearly deploying nukes again also?
November 17, 200519 yr Ideally, I would like a Bay of Pigs II...I know I would go...hey, I can dream Yeah, 'cuz that first one worked out great. :thumbup
November 17, 200519 yr, no second, the first invasion was screwed up by kennedy, NOT the cubans...with Bush in the white house, I assure you that we wouldn't be left on the beaches to die!
November 17, 200519 yr Why the frick do so many Cubans want to move back immediately? That'd be like someone offering you a steak dinner, and you throwing it away in order to have a can of Chef Boyardee that may or may not have botulism.
November 17, 200519 yr Why the frick do so many Cubans want to move back immediately? That'd be like someone offering you a steak dinner, and you throwing it away in order to have a can of Chef Boyardee that may or may not have botulism. im cuban and i dont get it myself. especially those that have spent so many years away from there. personally ill never go to live there myself. to me its insanity. cubans have this obsession, its all Cuba all the time. castro's mentioned on the news or they put the cuban flag on the news and youre being told to shut up.
November 17, 200519 yr Any of you heard of patriotism? I know if the US ever fell into a similar situation and I had a chance to come back after the fall of a dictatorship and assist in the rebuilding I would. It just depends on how much you love your home country.
November 17, 200519 yr Any of you heard of patriotism? I know if the US ever fell into a similar situation and I had a chance to come back after the fall of a dictatorship and assist in the rebuilding I would. It just depends on how much you love your home country. Money, I'm curious, were you born there? Most of the Cubans I know were not born there, their parents fled and they grew up me, they're Americans with a Cuban heritage. As for those that fled and want to go back, I really wonder why they left in the first place because as Fritz so comically said, it isn't like they're going to be going back to anything better than what they ran from...
November 17, 200519 yr Any of you heard of patriotism? I know if the US ever fell into a similar situation and I had a chance to come back after the fall of a dictatorship and assist in the rebuilding I would. It just depends on how much you love your home country. so then most are cuban citizens simply in exile?
November 18, 200519 yr with Bush in the white house, I assure you that we wouldn't be left on the beaches to die! I wouldn't count on that. Especially when he started a war under false pretenses that has resulted in over 2000 U.S. casualties.
November 18, 200519 yr Why the frick do so many Cubans want to move back immediately? That'd be like someone offering you a steak dinner, and you throwing it away in order to have a can of Chef Boyardee that may or may not have botulism. They won't leave. And if they do, they'll come right back.
November 18, 200519 yr Any of you heard of patriotism? I know if the US ever fell into a similar situation and I had a chance to come back after the fall of a dictatorship and assist in the rebuilding I would. It just depends on how much you love your home country. Money, I'm curious, were you born there? Most of the Cubans I know were not born there, their parents fled and they grew up me, they're Americans with a Cuban heritage. As for those that fled and want to go back, I really wonder why they left in the first place because as Fritz so comically said, it isn't like they're going to be going back to anything better than what they ran from... No, I was born here. I'm an American, with Cuban heritage.. But 90% of my mom's side of the family was born in Cuba, and I do some work with the opposition in the island on the side. Any of you heard of patriotism? I know if the US ever fell into a similar situation and I had a chance to come back after the fall of a dictatorship and assist in the rebuilding I would. It just depends on how much you love your home country. so then most are cuban citizens simply in exile? No, most are American citizens. The vast majority are very grateful and proud to be citizens of this country, but want to go back and/or see a new government put in place.
November 18, 200519 yr If he's affected the lives of people you love - those of you who are saying wishing death upon him is sick would be doing the same thing. Guarantee you if/when Bin Laden is caught/killed, there won't be a parade down fifth avenue, nor would Bloomberg be disgusting enough to say that the city has a plan in place for a celebration of the man's death.
November 18, 200519 yr If he's affected the lives of people you love - those of you who are saying wishing death upon him is sick would be doing the same thing. Guarantee you if/when Bin Laden is caught/killed, there won't be a parade down fifth avenue, nor would Bloomberg be disgusting enough to say that the city has a plan in place for a celebration of the man's death. Isn't it better to have everything organized rather than have ten of thousands on the streets of Miami?
November 18, 200519 yr Its not very Christ like for all of you who claim to be Christians to be wishing death upon him. Umm, you are so biased. I cant believe I actually even visit this site. :mad To set it clear, most Cubans dont want Castro dead, we just want him out of power and for him to let Cubans deciede their own destiny. He controls every aspect of Cubans lives and as long as he is in Cuba, Cubans will suffer. And, death isnt the only way for a free Cuba. If Fidel were to go on the Radio and tell the nation that he was going to step down. or if he were to hold elections for a new President, then that would do the job. To repeat: Cubans want Fidel out of power, not his head.
November 18, 200519 yr If he's affected the lives of people you love - those of you who are saying wishing death upon him is sick would be doing the same thing. Guarantee you if/when Bin Laden is caught/killed, there won't be a parade down fifth avenue, nor would Bloomberg be disgusting enough to say that the city has a plan in place for a celebration of the man's death. Isn't it better to have everything organized rather than have ten of thousands on the streets of Miami? You know darn well that wasn't my point.
November 18, 200519 yr Its not very Christ like for all of you who claim to be Christians to be wishing death upon him. Umm, you are so biased. I cant believe I actually even visit this site. :mad To set it clear, most Cubans dont want Castro dead, we just want him out of power and for him to let Cubans deciede their own destiny. He controls every aspect of Cubans lives and as long as he is in Cuba, Cubans will suffer. And, death isnt the only way for a free Cuba. If Fidel were to go on the Radio and tell the nation that he was going to step down. or if he were to hold elections for a new President, then that would do the job. To repeat: Cubans want Fidel out of power, not his head. Thats not the sound I've heard from this topic from those talking about dancing in the street upon his death.
November 18, 200519 yr When people like Castro and bin Laden die, I do a little dance. A dance of death! :-) Seriously, with blood enemies, yeah, you usually wish death on them, I don't know what else to wish on them. Considering, Castro urged the Soviets to initiate a nuclear exchange with us, I think all Americans should delight in his death. This nation isn't strong because we follow Christian ethics in policy making. Outscourcing, cheap migrant workers, and nuclear subs make our country t3h roxxors not turning the other cheek or helping the poor. To go on the whole Christian rant and then turn around and enjoy the economic comfort and security that immoral actions have provided you is pretty hypocritical.
November 18, 200519 yr When people like Castro and bin Laden die, I do a little dance. A dance of death! :-) Seriously, with blood enemies, yeah, you usually wish death on them, I don't know what else to wish on them. Considering, Castro urged the Soviets to initiate a nuclear exchange with us, I think all Americans should delight in his death. This nation isn't strong because we follow Christian ethics in policy making. Outscourcing, cheap migrant workers, and nuclear subs make our country t3h roxxors not turning the other cheek or helping the poor. To go on the whole Christian rant and then turn around and enjoy the economic comfort and security that immoral actions have provided you is pretty hypocritical. well looking at the exit polls of the 2004 election you would think that religion is the most important thing in this nation. I mean why else would we be getting our collective panties in a wad over gay marriage.
November 18, 200519 yr When people like Castro and bin Laden die, I do a little dance. A dance of death! :-) Seriously, with blood enemies, yeah, you usually wish death on them, I don't know what else to wish on them. Considering, Castro urged the Soviets to initiate a nuclear exchange with us, I think all Americans should delight in his death. This nation isn't strong because we follow Christian ethics in policy making. Outscourcing, cheap migrant workers, and nuclear subs make our country t3h roxxors not turning the other cheek or helping the poor. To go on the whole Christian rant and then turn around and enjoy the economic comfort and security that immoral actions have provided you is pretty hypocritical. well looking at the exit polls of the 2004 election you would think that religion is the most important thing in this nation. I mean why else would we be getting our collective panties in a wad over gay marriage. Religion IS important to Americans but they will put religion aside when it comes to security and making money. America hates faggots that is why they came out in force to stamp out gays getting married not because of religous conviction. I used the term "faggots" for effect, fyi. Gays are just ugly women to me.
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