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01/06/09 1:44 PM EST


Vote forthcoming on Marlins' new home

If approved, Florida could announce stadium deal on Jan. 22

By Joe Frisaro / MLB.com


This is part of an MLB.com/Marlins.com exclusive series with Marlins president David Samson, chronicling the progress and developments of the new retractable-roof stadium that is scheduled to open in 2012. As part of the series, which will run twice monthly, fans are encouraged to e-mail David at [email protected].

MIAMI -- For the holidays, Marlins officials worked diligently on the remaining documents that must be approved before their new ballpark becomes a reality.


"We have literally spent the last 10 days, every day, with the county and the city, dotting the I's and crossing the T's on hundreds of pages of documents in anticipation of a vote later in January," team president David Samson said.


The project is closer than ever to being finalized, and this month may finally put to rest the team's efforts for more than a decade to finally have its stadium deal done.


Five documents still must be agreed upon by commissioners from the city of Miami and Miami-Dade County. The vote is expected on Jan. 22. If all goes according to script, that could be the day the team's retractable-roof park will become official.


Shortly after that, the club likely will release renderings of what the park will look like.


The proposed 37,000-seat, retractable-roof stadium is scheduled to open in 2012 on the Orange Bowl grounds in the Little Havana section of Miami.


The target date to break ground is May, but there is a 30-day window that it can fall under -- between May 15-June 15.


The five documents that commissioners will address are: City/parking agreement; operating agreement; construction/administration agreement; non-relocation agreement; and the assurance agreement, where all parties are bound by all agreements.


The Marlins' negotiations are being led by Derek Jackson, the team's general counsel; Wayne Katz, a top-tier attorney from Proskauer Rose LLP; Joel Mael, the team's vice chairman; and Michel Bussiere, the club's executive vice president and chief financial officer.


"Knowing that the commissioners of the city and county are going to be looking at these documents and voting on the future of baseball in South Florida, we have paid very close attention to detail as we attempt to provide what we know will be a tremendous economic stimulus to South Florida," Samson said.


The holidays didn't slow down talks. In fact, they picked up.


In the past two weeks, meetings were held on Christmas Eve, although all sides took a break on Christmas. On New Year's Eve, negotiations lasted until 9:30 p.m. ET, and discussions on the phone took place on New Year's Day. The sides were back in meeting rooms on Friday, and the process has continued.


Samson joked: "It's just been constant -- to the point where security in the county building downtown was ready to give us employee badges."


The efforts, he said, are paying off.


"In the last 10 days, there has been more progress than at any time in a long while," Samson said. "The next two weeks are going to be spent speaking to every commissioner, and we're going to go through the entire set of documents with them so that they can be prepared to vote in the next couple weeks."


Time is essential to get the deal done in order to stay on the Marlins' construction schedule. Another matter that still must be resolved is finding a place for the team to play in 2011.


The club's lease with Dolphin Stadium expires after the 2010 season. Initially, the Marlins were hopeful to be in their own park in 2011. But that date was ruled out because of the delay caused by a lawsuit from South Florida auto dealer Norman Braman, who challenged some of the financing of the project.


Even though the lawsuit has been settled in the Marlins' favor, the months the trial took place caused a one-year setback.


The Marlins are hopeful that they can sign a one-year extension to remain at Dolphin Stadium in 2011.


The team did discuss that possibility a few months ago with Stephen Ross, the Dolphins' co-owner. But with the Dolphins reaching the NFL playoffs and the Marlins in negotiations with the city and county, those talks have been on the back burner.


"There has been nothing further on that," Samson said of the extension. "Stephen has been engaged with the Dolphins and the playoffs."


Samson expects to pick up conversations with Ross after the commissioners vote on the final documents.




17 days and counting...then its official

Good news that we will finally get this resolved. Does anyone know how we look with the commissioner votes? Do we have enough votes to pass this?

Good news that we will finally get this resolved. Does anyone know how we look with the commissioner votes? Do we have enough votes to pass this?


From what I've heard, yes. We will have the exact amount of votes needed.



where did you hear this?

and hopefully the end is the new beginning.

Good news that we will finally get this resolved. Does anyone know how we look with the commissioner votes? Do we have enough votes to pass this?


From what I've heard, yes. We will have the exact amount of votes needed.



where did you hear this?


I have been following this topic very closely for many years.

We need 9 of the 13 commissioners ( a super majority) to vote for the stadium for it to pass. Five agreements need to be approved.


As it stands now:

8 commissioners are definitely for the stadium: Barbara Jordan (District 1), Dorrin Rolle (District 2), Audrey Edmonson (District 3), Bruno Bareiro (District 5), Rebeca Sosa (District 6), Dennis Moss (District 9), Jose "Pepe" Diaz (District 12), Natacha Seijas (District 13)

1 is probably for the stadium : Joe Martinez (District 11)

1 is probably against the stadium: Sally Heyman (District 4)

3 commissioners are definitely against the stadium:Carlos Gimenez (District 7), Katy Sorenson (District 8), Javier Souto (District 10)


So if Joe Martinez votes in favor we will have a stadium. Residents of District 11 should call his office and express how you think he should vote. Downtown Office Phone 305-375-5511 District Office Phone 305-552-1155




The commissioners have expressed their views about the stadium deal in the past. However, now that the tunnel deal has collapsed and the stadium deal is more or less standing on its own, it all may change.


The good news is that we have heard no bad news. Everything I have read is positive and everyone believes that we will finally get this done on Jan 22.

I still won't believe it till I see the first brick being placed.

Good news that we will finally get this resolved. Does anyone know how we look with the commissioner votes? Do we have enough votes to pass this?


From what I've heard, yes. We will have the exact amount of votes needed.



where did you hear this?


I have been following this topic very closely for many years.

We need 9 of the 13 commissioners ( a super majority) to vote for the stadium for it to pass. Five agreements need to be approved.


As it stands now:

8 commissioners are definitely for the stadium: Barbara Jordan (District 1), Dorrin Rolle (District 2), Audrey Edmonson (District 3), Bruno Bareiro (District 5), Rebeca Sosa (District 6), Dennis Moss (District 9), Jose "Pepe" Diaz (District 12), Natacha Seijas (District 13)

1 is probably for the stadium : Joe Martinez (District 11)

1 is probably against the stadium: Sally Heyman (District 4)

3 commissioners are definitely against the stadium:Carlos Gimenez (District 7), Katy Sorenson (District 8), Javier Souto (District 10)


So if Joe Martinez votes in favor we will have a stadium. Residents of District 11 should call his office and express how you think he should vote. Downtown Office Phone 305-375-5511 District Office Phone 305-552-1155




The commissioners have expressed their views about the stadium deal in the past. However, now that the tunnel deal has collapsed and the stadium deal is more or less standing on its own, it all may change.


The good news is that we have heard no bad news. Everything I have read is positive and everyone believes that we will finally get this done on Jan 22.








awesome! and i agree...i think everybody should give homeboy a call.

I spoke with Sally Heyman about 2 weeks ago for about 20 minutes. I did not back down and was vocal in my support for reasons far more important to S. Florida in the near future and distant future. The matter is far more important than the life expectancy of Loria. She has strong concerns about the lack of information being provided to her on specific questions of responsibility, overruns and committments. I would assume that these are the matters that kept everyone working on holiday eves etc.

Maybe she will waver, but she was evidently bothered by the issues.

It should be noted that I have known her many years, so it was not as if a stranger constituent backed her into a corner. The discussion was based on a long standing relationship and mutual respect so I know she was honest.

I spoke with Sally Heyman about 2 weeks ago for about 20 minutes. I did not back down and was vocal in my support for reasons far more important to S. Florida in the near future and distant future. The matter is far more important than the life expectancy of Loria. She has strong concerns about the lack of information being provided to her on specific questions of responsibility, overruns and committments. I would assume that these are the matters that kept everyone working on holiday eves etc.

Maybe she will waver, but she was evidently bothered by the issues.

It should be noted that I have known her many years, so it was not as if a stranger constituent backed her into a corner. The discussion was based on a long standing relationship and mutual respect so I know she was honest.


hopefully your chat influenced her a little bit. we need her vote.

January 7, 2009

Marlins Stadium Update No. 100,709


> Posted by Sarah Talalay at 10:17 PM

Near the end of a road in far western Hialeah with a lake as a backdrop, politicians, Major League Baseball and Marlins officials, and youth baseball players gathered Wednesday to celebrate the announcement of a new MLB-backed youth baseball academy.


Proclaiming it to be a ?great day? for his city and Miami-Dade County, Hialeah Mayor Julio Robaina and others gushed about the importance of the baseball academy that will be open to young men and women throughout South Florida to play baseball and softball. Construction of the academy, which is being modeled after MLB?s first academy in the country in Compton, Calif., is expected to begin in 2010 and take about two years to complete. Hialeah is providing the land and MLB is contributing about $3.2 million to the project.


The fact that the group, which included five county commissioners and a representative of Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos Alvarez, gathered at all is supposed to show how close officials believe they are to finalizing the long-awaited $515 million Marlins ballpark. The academy won?t happen, officials say, unless the ballpark is built on the site of the former Orange Bowl. The Hialeah academy was the result of the city's offer to provide the land for a ballpark during negotiations in 2006.


?Major League Baseball is committed to South Florida. This is an affirmation of our commitment to South Florida,? MLB President Bob DuPuy said.


But amid the glowing talk of giving youths an opportunity to play baseball and boost their self-esteem, there was clearly some concern that getting the final ballpark documents approved might not be as simple and rosy as Wednesday?s gathering.


?Commissioner Seijas, very good to see you,? Marlins President David Samson said addressing County Commissioner Natacha Seijas before the rest of the crowd. Seijas, after all, was the only one of the five commissioners present who, despite her profound love of baseball, hasn?t always supported the Marlins ballpark project.


Samson, however, remains as optimistic ? publicly ? as ever. The five ballpark agreements are nearing completion and although it hasn?t been officially scheduled, officials are hoping for a vote of the Miami city and county commissions on Jan. 22.


?We all came together now, because we feel as though we?re in a position very, very shortly, to deliver to 13 county commissioners and five city of Miami commissioners completed documents for their approval. There is no deal without their approval,? Samson said. ?They?re the only votes that matter. This is the vote to end all votes, this is it.?


Commission Chairman Dennis Moss said Jan. 22 is the target date, but he?s not sure that?s possible. He, Commissioners Pepe Diaz, Rebeca Sosa, and Bruno Barreiro, who were also in attendance, have routinely supported the project.


?I?m personally supportive of the stadium. Again, the devil is in the details,? Moss said. ?I?m supportive of it, I?m hoping we can work through with whatever issues we have, and get an agreement signed off on and move forward on keeping the Miami Marlins in South Florida.?


The stadium project will need approval of nine of the county?s 13 commissioners. And some members of the public have grown increasingly concerned about the large public investment in a stadium when the economy is struggling. Commissioners reminded that the public investment comes from tourist tax dollars that can only be used for projects such as sports venues and convention centers, rather than roads or schools or public safety. They also said the stadium will create jobs.


Seijas said she would reserve comment until she?s seen the final stadium documents.


Samson thanked everyone for the hard work on the Hialeah academy, but reminded the crowd where things stand.


?There?s a little work left to be done, but I?ve never felt more confident than I do today, Mr. Chairman, and I look forward to seeing everyone soon," Samson said.


As always, stay tuned?



Another anti-stadium rant.


i really hate this negative bulls***


is there anything positive ever published by this horrendous media down here towards the new stadium or marlins fans in general?

the media is about negative news, never positive news.




Another anti-stadium rant.


i really hate this negative bulls***


is there anything positive ever published by this horrendous media down here towards the new stadium or marlins fans in general?

the media is about negative news, never positive news.


What I got from this article is that the writer must have tweeked his/her writing skills from a message board. Using some truths as a prelude to passing off half truths and non truths as facts to support his/her opinion, hoping beyond belief that no one will bother to actually look up the facts. Classic message board journalism.


I believe the deal gets done. But be honest with yourselves. If this thing went to a public vote, do you really think it would pass??



Another anti-stadium rant.


i really hate this negative bulls***


is there anything positive ever published by this horrendous media down here towards the new stadium or marlins fans in general?

the media is about negative news, never positive news.


What I got from this article is that the writer must have tweeked his/her writing skills from a message board. Using some truths as a prelude to passing off half truths and non truths as facts to support his/her opinion, hoping beyond belief that no one will bother to actually look up the facts. Classic message board journalism.


I believe the deal gets done. But be honest with yourselves. If this thing went to a public vote, do you really think it would pass??


Of course it wouldn't. Not becuase people don't want the stadium, but becuase of that little three letter word called "Tax". That is all they will see, even though it won't come from Miami Dade property taxes, or sales tax. The voters would cry "Schools, Police, Fire" even though the Hotel Bed Tax can only be used for Tourist and Convention Development (stadiums).

Good news that we will finally get this resolved. Does anyone know how we look with the commissioner votes? Do we have enough votes to pass this?


From what I've heard, yes. We will have the exact amount of votes needed.



where did you hear this?


I have been following this topic very closely for many years.

We need 9 of the 13 commissioners ( a super majority) to vote for the stadium for it to pass. Five agreements need to be approved.


As it stands now:

8 commissioners are definitely for the stadium: Barbara Jordan (District 1), Dorrin Rolle (District 2), Audrey Edmonson (District 3), Bruno Bareiro (District 5), Rebeca Sosa (District 6), Dennis Moss (District 9), Jose "Pepe" Diaz (District 12), Natacha Seijas (District 13)

1 is probably for the stadium : Joe Martinez (District 11)

1 is probably against the stadium: Sally Heyman (District 4)

3 commissioners are definitely against the stadium:Carlos Gimenez (District 7), Katy Sorenson (District 8), Javier Souto (District 10)


So if Joe Martinez votes in favor we will have a stadium. Residents of District 11 should call his office and express how you think he should vote. Downtown Office Phone 305-375-5511 District Office Phone 305-552-1155




The commissioners have expressed their views about the stadium deal in the past. However, now that the tunnel deal has collapsed and the stadium deal is more or less standing on its own, it all may change.


The good news is that we have heard no bad news. Everything I have read is positive and everyone believes that we will finally get this done on Jan 22.



I work for Joe and he will vote for the stadium

The fact that Joe Martinez is voting in favor of the stadium is the best news I've heard in months!

By the way guys, I havent had access to a computer and word around Joe's office is iffy now. I'll try my best to get more info.

By the way guys, I havent had access to a computer and word around Joe's office is iffy now. I'll try my best to get more info.

I think he realizes that his vote is crucial. He may be "milking" this for all he can.


Do you know what exactly are his concerns about the deal?


I remember Joe Martinez had a problem with the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) rules. He disliked the concept that the tax money collected within a specific CRA boundaries would have to be spent in that area. This meant that that tax money from all the CRAs that were created for the Mega Deal would not go to the county general fund and in this manner it would mean less money would be available for his district. He got really nasty at a commission meeting when his concerns were not addressed and hinted that the baseball stadium did not have the needed votes if he didn't go along.


I know everyone involved in the negotiations must know this and by now this problem should have been discussed and resolved. That's why I ask if there are any other details that are bothering Joe?


If Joe goes against the stadium, then we need Sally Heyman (District 4) to vote for the project, and this is less likely. The rest of the votes, both for and against, are set in stone. We need either Joe or Sally to vote for the stadium....if not it won't pass.

From MiamiTodayNews.com



Some Miami-Dade commissioners dissatisfied, 'disappointed' with meetings on Marlins Stadium agreements



By Risa Polansky

A vote on pending Marlins ballpark agreements expected this month could be pushed to February.

Though no documents have been released, Miami-Dade administrators have begun meeting with commissioners individually on the pacts.

Some have left their powwows dissatisfied.

"Where's the paperwork?" Commissioner Sally Heyman asked. She's for months pressed a litany of questions, including what type of surety the contracts will provide and who's to pony up infrastructure funding.

She met last week with County Manager George Burgess and also received a memo stating that her questions can't be answered until the agreements are final.

The construction administration, management, non-relocation and assurance agreements were expected last summer.

"I want to work with facts," Ms. Heyman said. "Instead, I got a placating memo."

Commissioner Natacha Seijas in a memo to Mr. Burgess said she left her Dec. 29 meeting with Marlins President David Samson "completely disappointed."

She came armed with concerns regarding hiring local labor to build the project, including labor peace provisions for concession workers and securing green certification for the stadium.

"I was completely disappointed by the responses provided by Samson on all three issues," she wrote.

Katy Sorenson, who opposes using public funds for the $515 million stadium, especially in tight economic times, met with the manager Tuesday.

"Nothing he has said is going to change my vote ? I'm still a no," she said.

Barbara Jordan, on the other hand, called her meeting last week "basically a thorough briefing verbally."

She had concerns regarding fire rescue and small business involvement and said "each of my issues were responded to."

The administration may not release the documents until later this month and a vote could come in February, Victoria Mallette, county communications director, said Tuesday. Mr. Burgess was unavailable.

Ms. Mallette confirmed the plan is to allow commissioners two weeks to review the agreements before a vote.

Some commissioners are pushing for it. Some as of Tuesday were unaware a vote could be moved to February.

Ms. Heyman Tuesday sent a memo to Chairman Dennis Moss and the commission asking to postpone a vote until there's time to review the documents.

"Proceeding with stadium vote(s), on something of such magnitude, obligation and consequences without factual documents would be irresponsible," she wrote.

Ms. Seijas last week sent a memo to Mr. Burgess saying, "It would be unfair to expect any member of the board to be prepared to vote on this tremendous public investment without time to prepare."

Mr. Moss promises "there will be enough time made available for an adequate review? commissioners need to have a couple of weeks to really kind of hone in on this issue."

Commissioners Javier Souto, Rebeca Sosa, Joe Martinez and Jos? "Pepe" Diaz have yet to meet with the administration, commissioners and staffers said.

Carlos Gimenez said he doesn't want to discuss the stadium with administrators unless he's reviewed the contracts. "Until I have documents, I don't really want to meet."

Calls to commissioners Bruno Barreiro, Audrey Edmonson and Dorrin Rolle were not returned Tuesday

Heyman's comments were almost word for word what she discussed with me when I brought up the matter with her when I saw her at the gym. She wants specifics and she is not getting them to her satisfaction.


As far as Seijas is concerned, why is Samson allowed to meet with any one who is still unsure-we all know that his social skills will not be effective with anyone dissenting or asking probing questions. IMO, there must be someone better for this lobbying effort.

Heyman's comments were almost word for word what she discussed with me when I brought up the matter with her when I saw her at the gym. She wants specifics and she is not getting them to her satisfaction.


As far as Seijas is concerned, why is Samson allowed to meet with any one who is still unsure-we all know that his social skills will not be effective with anyone dissenting or asking probing questions. IMO, there must be someone better for this lobbying effort.



I completely agree. Sampson needs to be in the background and not the forefront. He should know his limitations, and he is a public relations nightmare. He comes across as arrogant, sacastic, and insincere, and I am a Marlins fan. It has been said before that had Sampson not been involved, the Marlins would have had a stadium years ago. I keep saying that Sampson needs to hire a good P.R. guy to work with and speak in beahalf of the Marlins, he shouldn't be doing it. They should have Claude Delhomme or one of the other guys handle the negotiations. I give credit to Dupuy for all he and MLB has done to help the Marlins.


The article from Miamitodaynews is garbage. They are a very biased newspaper and take shots against the Marlins at any opportunity. They only interviewed the comisioners that are against the project and they are trying to make things look bleak. The reality is we have 8 very probable votes and one probable vote. We should get the 9 votes needed, but it will probably be delayed until Feb. instead of Jan. I wish they would give realistic timelines instead of saying the votes are coming in 2 weeks and then it turns out the comissioners don't even have the official documents to review. It feels as if the real fans are on a yo-yo.

The thing is both sides are acting stupid. I agree that Samson is PR nightmare. I don't know why he is such a good businessman because if he tried to sell me anything I feel like I'd stomp his midget ass. And these commissioners need to get it together. The Marlins, though, particularly Samson, should sit down with all the commissioners individually with a team of experts. That's all he has to do to convince people. He needs to be more proactive I think. Either way, I think the stadium is eventually going to built.

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