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....That we aren't going to have a real teal monster or bermuda triangle in the new park (at least from what I've seen on the renderings). I actually liked those features in DS a lot, it added character to the playing field. While the stadium itself looks great, especially those outfield seats (which is probably where the poor folks like me would end up sitting), I'm gonna miss the way that having the monster and triangle added to the game and to our home field advantage.


In an unrelated note, I just noticed the emphasis Samson put on Miami Marlins in the groundbreaking. We all know its coming, but its still weird to hear them call the team that officially.

I can't be disappointed. The Marlins are finally getting their own stadium.

it's about time, im excited.

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I can't be disappointed. The Marlins are finally getting their own stadium.



I do thinks its amazing. Especially after all this time and after thinking that the team I had grown up loving was going to be defunct. But still, I don't want to be looking at this stadium twenty years from now and thinking "man, I wish we had the Bermuda Triangle, etc."


I just HATE circular outfields without definition. They are boring, uninspiring, and unartistic. The only justification I could see for them not being there is that maybe the viewing angles would have been affected.

I remember someone saying that will be "special" and added in a later drawing. Maybe I am wrong. We will see I guess.

Personally I think all of these new ballparks with "quirky" outfields are stupid. For example, the wall at Citi Field has areas that jut out for no good reason. Old stadiums had these wierd configurations out of necessity. They were squeezed into small areas like Fenway or Wrigley. The outfield only has the triangle at Land Shark only because it is a football stadium and that is how the stadium is constructed. To add strange outfield angles just to seem more "retro" would be a mistake. The Marlins ballpark is meant to get away from the trend of "retro" stadiums. The goal seems to be to create something completely unique in stadium design. The renderings look awesome. I can't wait to see it come to life.


That said, if you look at the new rendering photo gallery on the Marlins site, the wall in center by the water feature does have a wave-like curve in it.

When watching the video, it seems as though they purposely tried avoiding the area where the triangle would be. Also, the only problem i have with the new stadium is how the cars will get in/out the parking garages.

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Personally I think all of these new ballparks with "quirky" outfields are stupid. For example, the wall at Citi Field has areas that jut out for no good reason. Old stadiums had these wierd configurations out of necessity. They were squeezed into small areas like Fenway or Wrigley. The outfield only has the triangle at Land Shark only because it is a football stadium and that is how the stadium is constructed. To add strange outfield angles just to seem more "retro" would be a mistake. The Marlins ballpark is meant to get away from the trend of "retro" stadiums. The goal seems to be to create something completely unique in stadium design. The renderings look awesome. I can't wait to see it come to life.


That said, if you look at the new rendering photo gallery on the Marlins site, the wall in center by the water feature does have a wave-like curve in it.



I never said put the curves in the walls because its retro. I said do it because it is cool. After a while the whole retro thing got old, but that doesn't mean that something enjoyable in ballpark design should discontinue just for being it was associated with the retro movement. Non-symmetrical walls are interesting to most people and they can be incorporated into stadium designs that are the height of modern design and not going for the retro feel at all.


The retro movement did bring back innovation in ballpark design though, where some of the more recent stadiums have gone wrong is that they've gone for the retro instead of the innovation, resulting in some of the newer ballparks like Citi Field and the Nationals Park being rather devoid of legitimate character and individuality.


All and all I do think that our park is amazing, the height of what a modern stadium can be. And the circular walls are about the only thing I find bland about it. But the thing is, having the teal monster and Bermuda triangle is something that has always been a part of this franchise. I'd like to see that one tradition continue.

I read on Wikipedia that the Bermuda Triangle will be in our New Stadium. OF course, Wikipedia isn't the best source, but at least there's hope.

They have said it to and now that i look at the lastest renderings more closely the triangle is to the right side of the fountain.

....That we aren't going to have a real teal monster or bermuda triangle in the new park (at least from what I've seen on the renderings). I actually liked those features in DS a lot, it added character to the playing field. While the stadium itself looks great, especially those outfield seats (which is probably where the poor folks like me would end up sitting), I'm gonna miss the way that having the monster and triangle added to the game and to our home field advantage.


In an unrelated note, I just noticed the emphasis Samson put on Miami Marlins in the groundbreaking. We all know its coming, but its still weird to hear them call the team that officially.




There are those people that think the park should include things like the (teal)green monster or presidents running a race on the field, because it has been done in other ballparks for other teams. The Marlins have an identity and history, and that should be recognized.


What I am disappointed in is the color of the inside the stadium. It seems rather dark and out-of-character for the hot humid Miami climate and team with the Teal colors. The seats should be the color that are in the April renderings. I hope they do not change their uniform to that color. Most people that were in the stands on Saturday were dressed in some shade of the Marlins teal. In reality, I really dont care. All that matters is that there will be a baseball stadium with MLB baseball inside it, and hopefully for more than 30 years.

As you can see, the Triangle is there, just not quite as pronounced or in the same exact spot. The Teal Monster, I'm not lamenting so much because a tall wall like that takes away from good seats in LF, especially w/ the Marlins side now being 3B.

I'm more disappointed by the blue seats. I really hope that it's just part of the renderings and won't actually be put in. I mean really....Blue? Make 'em teal


Actually, I just took another look and the blue is pretty nice. I guess it was just the near-fatal heat stroke I was about to have when the renderings were released that made me look at it in a negative light.

Does anyone know when they are actually going to start anything?

Does anyone know when they are actually going to start anything?



gosh, they had a timeline of how things would look starting from the day of Groundbreaking to Opening Day 2012, but I can't seem to find it. The Marlins official ballpark website seems to be defunct. Maybe check the Herald?

I saw/heard something from Samson someplace(sorry I can't find a link) that the first concrete for the foundation gets poured August 1st..or maybe he said the first week of August. Either way, it looks like we have another week to 10 days of grading/site work and then things will pick up!

Why are they waiting till then?

Why are they waiting till then?



I'm no construction expert, but probably because they still have to finish the prep work before they can start the foundation. If you look at the webcam, they are still digging up ground and I'm guessing laying down pipes or wires, or anything else they have to bury.

Ya, i know, im just so anxious, its going to be so exciting to look at the web cam every day and see it go up in front of our eyes. i cant f***ing wait till 2012, to bad ill be a senior in high school then and will only be here for 2 months of the new stadium. Doesnt really matter though because its way to far away from my house now anyway.

Why are they waiting till then?



I'm no construction expert, but probably because they still have to finish the prep work before they can start the foundation. If you look at the webcam, they are still digging up ground and I'm guessing laying down pipes or wires, or anything else they have to bury.


I think they said we would be able to see the foundation for the roof by the fall.


My guess is that they are removing old rusty sewage pipes and old electrical wiring that has been in the ground since the 30's and adding new stuff.

It doesnt even look like there were people there when i last checked

It seems like they usually work from 7am until about 3:30pm every weekday...that has been the pattern I've noticed from watching the webcam.

Man, I sure do hope we have a solid contender by 2012. I mean like a REALLY solid team, no big holes that need to be plugged up or anything.

Why are they waiting till then?



There is grading to be done, holes to be dug for the foundations for supporting the roof and etc..., and frames to be made for those foundations along with rebarb(sp) to be welded and put in place for those also. You don't just start pouring concrete. The roof alone is going to weigh about the same as the Eiffel Tower (one of those New Stadium Facts that was revealed during a home game). That kind of thing along with columns for the stadium itself need to be deep and wide to give proper support.

It seems like they usually work from 7am until about 3:30pm every weekday...that has been the pattern I've noticed from watching the webcam.



I would think that is probably about right. Seems to be about the norm for "contruction hours." I would think this is a union job and you have to work within the union rules. But I don't know how unions work in Florida. So mainly a guess on my part.

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