What does Atlanta thnk of the NL East?
Frankly the Phillies scare me a lot more the Braves. This WILL be the year the Braves streak ends. Who know what the Mets and Expos will do, but I would really be happy if they could finish ahead of the Braves and stick them into the cellar.
Foolish Panthers
The Patriots don't stand a chance. The Panthers won in the 989 sports challenge NFL gameday thingy which has been 8 for 8 in regards to Super Bowl winners. That and I hate the Patriots.
Salary Dump Leaves Marlins With Big Holes
The media likes any kind of news that sells. As long as this team is competitive next tear, around .500 or better. I'll be happy. The real wild card in this situation is AJ Burnett. Will he be able to make a comeback. I think he can, after all, Kerry Wood had the same type of injury and look where he is now.
The infamous "Bartman Ball" is sold at auction...
The ball sold for more than the Bill Buckner ball. The guy who won Bartman's ball was a frien of Harry Caray. He said they would destroy the ball in a ceremony in February. Looks like a piece of Marlins history is going to be destroyed.
President Bush
The govefnment should have really kept those $300 and $600 checks. And the checks for much more that all those rich friends of Dubya got. :banghead
Global Warming
Scientists are jumping to conclusions way too fast. read this if you read any of this post at all: http://www.enn.com/news/enn-stories/2001/1...ozone_45313.asp In 2001, the ozone hole was smaller! If man is progressively releasing MORE AND MORE ozone depleting gas, then how did the hole decrease? The ONLY possibility is that what man releases has NOTHING do do with the ozone, and volcanic activity and methane released from the earth and ocean are whats truly responsible for ozone depletion (1 methane gas molecule is 40 times more damaging than 1 molecule of CO2, and the ocean releases tons of it every year.) Don't buy into that global warming propaganda. But if you want a good piece of propaganda: Conspiracy theory: DuPont, the company with a monopoly on R12 and now R134a car cooling refrigerant influences pro-global warming findings, because it forces millions and millions of cars to retrofit or come with new refrigerants sold by no other than DuPont. DuPont made billions since R134a was made the refrigerant every car must have. I can believe this.
What are Pudge chances to get a Gold Glove today?
Lee and Castillo won. Lee didn't surprise me, but I thought there was another 2B better than Castillo. Must have been all those nice plays he made in the playoffs.
Stadim news.
Well, what do you know. Well step 1 of 100 is now complete. Next step is meeting that March 15 deadline I guess.
Marlins only win twice
This Yanks fan is either a kid or an illiterate moron. Let's hope it is not the latter.
Don't mind me, but I think we should relax until there is a vote by the comission. As far as having a small capacity, I think that would be a good thing. Even with the championship, I severely doubt the Marlins will average 30,000 next year. Partly due to the current stadium and partly because South Florida is so bush league. Face it, there are not a whole lot of die hard Marlin fans down here. People only seem to want to come to games when there is a lot on the line(i.e. an important game). If you look at the Dolphins, they have a huge advantage in that they only need to sell 8 games a year. But even they can't seem to sell out a playoff game, at least in time to make the blackout deadline. People down here just plain suck. And you could look at the Panthers and say that their new stadium has done very little for them in terms of making money, but their avarage attendance seems to be close to what it was back at the Miami Arena. Face it, people down here are fickle, and don't know what they want. Me, I want a new stadium for the Marlins so that Wayne stops ripping them off and so the Dolphins don't have to play on that god awful dirt, its ugly. ANd I don't know why, but Joe Robbie(why is it still named for a bankrupt company?) looks great for football, but ugly for baseball. I actually kind of like the baseball dimensions with the bermuda triangle and all, but those orange seats are ugly, and that tarp in centerfield? So here's to a yes vote by the commissioners next week, so we can discuss more important stuff.
ESPN's "expert" predictions
Looks like we showed them. Bobby Valentine did pick the Marlins in 6 right before the World Series started. :marlins
Selig, the bum
Bud, you are a schmuk. Go fix baseball's econommic problems or step down as commish. Quit worrying about celebrations.
Fan X disappears...
Oddly enough, I've never seen WGN here in South Florida.
Still want to dump Gonzalez?
In any event, we really can't blame Gonzalez for any loss in this World Series, and he's saved us in one of them. Tough to criticize that.
Who do you hope is NOT playing for us next year?
Urbina would be valuable if we can sign him, but the money probably won't be there. In any event, I'm more worried about Saturday than anything else.
Sandrock LQ
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